Monday, September 27, 2021

Doug Vogt and the Shifting of Earth

Q.  Hi Lynn,

I have recently come across Doug Vogt on You tube. He has just so many videos and is about evidence based Earth changes. Fascinating and I wonder what your take is on the planet coming to a top every 12068 yrs and changing direction? Here is a link where he is talking about myths and legends all talking about this 

A.  When I tune into Doug and his hypothesis, I do resonate that major changes occur with the earth every 12000 +/- years.  I see that this explains how we phase into different "ages" and the earth's energy changes.  As we approach the Age of Aquarius, we are upon a shift right now.

What I've seen that truly resonates with me is a model shared by ewaranon (download while you can:  Our earth is much larger than we think.  That is why some people resonate with it being flat, because the surface area is SO grandiose that the curvature is not what we think (in it minimal in regards to rise over run).  It is also why some see it as a sphere and see other spheres in the sky (sun, moon, etc).   It is both huge enough to have properties of being mostly flat, but yet also be an ENORMOUS sphere.

As the energy center, axis mundi, of the earth shifts and the toroidal field changes, a new "age" and areas of the earth is created.  When the field fully moves, part of the icy  earth melts, uncovering new lands, and other areas freeze and "ice age" over.  As what we call the "poles" melt, other areas will be colder.  Earth and climate change is real, but not in the sense it is portrayed.  This change is a natural evolution that cannot be stopped regardless of how many agencies or tax dollars are spent.

This is a complex topic, but I will pause for now.  I've just touched the surface.  

Love and light, Lynn 

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Cyber said...

I'm confused here. I thought the precession of the equinox changes one sign every 2160 years. What is this 12,000 years cycle?

Robert Schoen said...

Never heard of Doug Void before, but I'm a big fan of Ewaranon's research & his "History of the Flat Earth", to which he recently added two new hour long segments showing how mountains like Devil's Tower that look like cut tree stumps, literally where gigantic crystalline trees that were mined and how the footprints of many of their massive roots taken now form our rivers. He also shows how many mountain ranges like the Grand Canyon are the remnants of giant excavation quarries and once you see this it all makes sense. The most amazing revelation is that the moon itself may just be a holographic reflection of the entire earth in which our known continents are just half or a third of the whole surface. (remember how Lynn said those on the moon jealously protect us from being there? Maybe "they" are the reflection of our fellow earthlings living on the unknown continents.)

Maybe instead of being flat, the Earth is toroidal shaped, reflecting our energy pattern,and as Lynn says is so much larger it appears flat. Maybe the giant Icewall we call Antarctica that encircles the "Known Earth" is like a baby's crib to keep us humans in so we don't screw up the other continents of the full Earth. Maybe many of the "visitors" we think are from outer space live on these continents. If we truly are under a firmament, I wonder if Lynn can look into how past and present off-planet visitors get in to quarry our resources and if we can travel out from this bubble we live under?

Truth & light said...
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Unknown said...

Hi thanks for the reading! On a side note: the fully vaccinated entourage of Brazilian president Bolsonaro contracted Covid during their recent trip to NY while the unjabbed President (who recovered from a mild Covid earlier this year) tested negativelly...
He obviously side kicked the immunization campaign asking: "what´s its use if ppl get sick anyway!?"

Robert Schoen said...

Coincidentally I just saw this article showing a video of a moon-like sphere in the sky above Antarctica, one that's definitely different from the craters we see on the moon:
Could this be another distorted reflected image or holograph of the Whole Earth taken from another perspective the edge of our known world and reinforces the notion we live under a firmament?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: There is a much larger 12000 cycle we go through...

@Robert: Ewaranon is on Telegram now (well the work is).

@Unknown: Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

@Robert: Thanks for sharing this!