Friday, May 22, 2020

Lemurian Crystals

Q.  Hi Lynn!  I was wondering if you could look into crystals that are Lemurian and crystals that have record keepers in them. Were these crystals programmed by an ancient civilization? If so, what was programmed into these crystals and how do we "retrieve" the information? Also, how were these crystals programmed?

A.  When I focus on this topic and these crystals, I see a clear crystal quartz appear.  It is relatively large, about the size of a basketball, and it has several points on it.  I would call this a crystal cluster.  I get that there are several of these crystals that were placed in strategic areas which aligned with ley lines, and "connected" to the earth.  

It appears that either "healers/light workers" and "seers" would go to these crystals.  It looks as though they would put their hands on them, and take a meditative state.  They would ground themselves with the earth/ley lines though the use of these crystals.  In the process of the connection, information they had in their consciousness, subconsciousness and collective would transfer through and to the crystals.  It is the residual energy from this process that would "program" the crystals.

It appears that much of what was programmed was tailored toward the higher vibrational elements such as healing, telepathy and telekinesis.  The people using these crystals look to be of a very high vibration.  I would say 4D and 5D which elected to incarnate in the 3D to help elevate the people.  The people of Lemuria were on a pathway to elevated consciousness, and these light workers and seers were here to aid in that growth.

To "retrieve" this information, one would have to locate the crystal or crystals, and work with them SLOWLY.  The information is powerful, and our 3D bodies would need to take on their energies gradually.  You would only be able to handle or touch the crystals for short periods of time and then work your way up.  I would say no more than one minute in the beginning.  As you begin to work with the crystals, and become more at one with them, the energy and residual memories connected to them will slowly come alive within your consciousness.  It is as if the knowledge is already in the collective, but it will take something to trigger it's awakening, and the energy of those crystals will do just that.

These crystals are VERY POWERFUL and very much a key to our physical and spiritual development and understanding of higher realities.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Myway said...

You said the Tuaio Stone was very powerful and unique. Do you think the Tuaio Stone is still in use?

RL said...

I have a big crystal cluster I got when I was a child. I couldn’t post a picture in here, so I sent it to your email. Thank you for doing this post! :)

Sam said...

Is there any relation to orgone. How does the vibration work? Is it generated by the mind or the body?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Myway: Yes, I see them working in a similar way. I'm not sure I still see them in use as it takes a very special being to activate them, but yes they are around.

@RL: That was AMAZING! Thanks for sharing!

@Sam: Orgone is a bit different. Ogone energy is a unique life force energy that has been simulated via orgone devices such as orgonite. It does work on vibration, but doesn't hold a "memory" like I see these crystals holding.

Thanks for the comments!