A. As I focus on this hotel, it does have a very ominous vibe. From the people that visited, to the people that owned it, there was a lot of low vibe activity there. I also see that this was a place for cover-ups and plotting, and things were all about appearance.
Even though the hotel is closed, I see and image of it in its' glory. The building looked magnificent, with an astounding view. The hotel itself looks polished, and things were always in their place. I then hear "it was all about appearances" and realize that below the surface, there was a lot of powerful people that gathered there, to plan and plot out their actions.
The owners of the hotel liked having influential people in their establishment, and also would fund their agendas. One such "agreement" was done with Hitler. The owners didn't care if he was "good" or "bad", they just wanted the influence and power that he possessed.
Going back to the owner's and the hotel, I see that they focused on their business, investments and how they appeared to people on the outside. They lacked empathy, even with their own family. It is rumored that a little girl still roams the hotel, and I get this is true. This is their daughter that died of an illness, and rather than honor her, they hid her death as a secret so the hotel didn't have bad publicity or create any fears. Other people that died there were also hidden from the public, and as a result their emotional connection "kept" them there. It was as if the owners would have sought out help some of these deaths could have either been avoided, or they would have happened differently (with some emotion of respect), but that wasn't the case.
This hotel does feel very low vibe. The energy is bad, and my big take away is these souls that feel "stuck" there need to move on. Rather than make tours and "visit" these souls, my wish would be to help guide them onward.
And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light, Lynn
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Hi! Great reading, WOW! This confirms what this US Soldier and POW saw on April 30 1945: He (who was not imprisioned) while crossing a lane in southern Germany had to wait a 3 vehicle motorcade pass by. In one of the cars he saw Hitler, undoubtedly! At this time the Fuehrer should be hiding in Berlin, according to history books
It would have been interesting to interview some of the employees, but it's too late for that now.
@Raymond interview, testimony, starts at approx 6:00 from start
Thanks for the comments!
@Watch: Thanks for helping Raymond out. I think this will also be interesting for other people. :-)
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