Welcome to a special planetary installment in this series. We decided to look more closely at the planets in our solar system -- from a purely psychic standpoint, not an astrological one. We all know that Gaia is a giant spirit, so... let's find out what the spirits of the other planets are like.
Lynn: Feels aggressive. If you were there you would feel anxious. High energy. I also get the color blue, and take it to mean it is somehow tied to the throat chakra.

Lynn: I feel like all the colors I saw were due to a vibration that the planet was giving off. I feel like in the beginning, ALL the planets were one mass, and over the years, they have been split off with collisions. The older planets were split first, and the "newer" planets were more recent (in terms of millions of years). When a collision occurs, the heat from the explosion makes the planet mass more gel-like, and that combined with the intense rotations makes it appear more circular until the mass finally cools and solidifies.
Lynn: Very feminine. I see orange, and... now that I think on it, that doesn't surprise me since orange is the color of the sacral chakra (reproductive area for women). Venus has a calm vibe, very similar to earth. Feels like a home to 3d or 5d beings should they want to hang out there.
Da-da: Venus and Earth used to be closer, right?
Lynn: Yes, they were all closer. As time goes on, they all tend to space out more. Even our moon used to closer. In general, it is as if space is growing.
Lynn: 4d is here (well, there). It is just a matter of making the ascension merge. We are living in a time of timeline shifts, time slips, Mandela Effects, etc. It is a crazy energy time as the 4d makes it's full split.
Lynn: Very masculine. I get red (not, really), which for men would tie to reproduction and survival. Extremely primal. Energy feels very direct, like jabs rather than being fluid. Feels like the counterpart to Venus (almost like a yin yang type of connection).
Da-da: Hence the book.
Lynn: Right. Mars could also house 3d to 5d beings.
Da-da: Btw… is Mars… dying? It was wounded in the distant past.
Lynn: No, not dying, but the energy there doesn't feel good. It’s just very blah.

Da-da: Did Jupiter come here from some place else? Did the sun capture it once upon a time?
Lynn: Jupiter does feel like one of the "one offs" that didn't come from an explosion. Aside from earth, tons of ET activity happen on Jupiter and our moon. Maybe even more than on earth. Jupiter is like a home away from home for ETs, literally.

Da-da: Is Saturn... jealous of Jupiter?
Lynn: Saturn feels like it has a real ego battle going on. Ego can get in the way of developing your gifts.

Da-da: Did we pick up Uranus from the Sister Sun’s system?
Lynn: Yes, I see that... it feels alone out there, like it doesn't fit in with the others.

Da-da: Wow. Not what I was expecting at all.
Da-da: A kid. Hm. I wonder how that energy manifests in conjunctions. Guess we’ll see! (I’m also guessing some astrologers are gonna chime in here shortly.)
Da-da: So… when the planets “line up,” or get a little closer in their orbits, they must “feel” each other across the distance. Do they then release some kind of spiritual energy?
Lynn: Absolutely. Proximity or conjunction makes things very intense.
Da-da: Btw, I know we've talked about this before but I can’t remember… what did the asteroid belt use to be? Was that a planet that was destroyed?
Lynn: The asteroid belt was a collision of another planet into Earth that created our moon. There was a collision in the Pacific Ocean (which is why there is so much water/space there). The large mass became the moon, and the debris got stuck and became the asteroid belt.
Da-da: What will happen with each planet after The SHIFT?
Lynn: They'll exist, but some may stay on a different density.
Lynn: HUGE HUGE portal. A living portal, part of the portal system. That is why we see so many ETs there.
Da-da: Do any nearby stars feel like they’re going to nova soon? like the red giant Betelgeuse?
Lynn: I can't see one. Not in our lifetime anyway.
And that’s it. Join us next time for Friday Mysteries #8.
Ancient cultures had a very clear link to the stars and planets. Astrology was considered a respected science up until the times of the Renaissance, only to be relegated as a Superstition in the Age of Enlightenment & rational scientific thinking. It's an incredible synchronicity that just yesterday I was looking into Laura Eisenhower and her take on astrology and how she talks about how patterns of the planets are linked to our DNA and our whole deeper soul connection to higher consciousness. She also says that the science of astrology has been corrupted in modern times so as to prevent that deeper connection.
Lynn, thanks for the interesting reading but could you please complete the colors of the rest of the planets. So Mercury is blue (throat chakra), Venus is orange (sacral chakra), Mars is red (root chakra). What about Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune? Which chakras do they correspond to. Ignore Pluto as it is technically not a planet.
Lynn, I have heard that Saturn is a "prison planet"? Can you give feedback on that? I saw it on a YT channel but can't find it.
A piece I forgot to add:
Da-da: "You said that you saw the early solar system as one mass. What was it BEFORE it was one mass? Where did the mass come from?"
Lynn: "I see this mass, smaller than a grain of sand, and there was some kind of implosion and caused things to break out from there. It wasn't intentional, it just was. And, I feel like the "sand" was a piece of SOURCE or came from SOURCE."
@Alex ~ I don't care what astronomers say, Pluto is still a planet.
Wow, nice work! Thanks. I still would like to see Mars in person.
Wonderfull reading Lynn, thanks! Jim Stone is stating that a certain country from the Middle East (also probably involved in the remote manipulation of another plane accident, you reported), has remotely disabled the Ucranian plane´s transponder and shut down the positioning lights in order to mak it look like a Cruise missile. Could you possibly comment on this?
I've been waiting for an astrology-savvy person to chime in.
There are many similarities from this post to Western/Vedic astrological lore, and also surprises.
Mercury: Associated with Gemini and Virgo. Sharp mind, quick wits. Anxious, desires perfection or at least order.
Venus: Taurus and Libra. Arts and beauty. Presents itself gracefully. Feminine.
Mars: Aries and Scorpio. Aggressive, impulsive. Commonly held as the masculine to Venus's feminine. Planetary aspect interpretations usually put Venus-Mars on a pedestal as a romantic binder.
Jupiter: Sagittarius. Expansive, explorative, jolly optimistic. I don't usually encounter interpretations of it as wise, but isn't positivity in the face of life's troubles a form of wisdom?
Saturn: Capricorn. The taskmaster. Rigid and serious. Long-term planning and action. I thought it was always about security (earth element)? Has it been about ego? Maybe manifests through the desire for social climbing, rising to the top of any career ladder?
Uranus: Aquarius. Definitely different! Forward-thinking and visionary. Aloof in some respect, yet is a proponent of social change for his human family. Lynn's interpretation sounds sad and lonely.
Neptune: Pisces. Dreamy, creative. Sometimes on Earth, sometimes out there. Addictions and escapism, too. But aren't there always two sides to a coin? Positive interpretations of Neptune involve soothing the harshness of the 3D and making the world a kinder place.
Pluto: Scorpio. Transformative. Vengeful. Dark and brooding, controlling. Death and rebirth. Pluto gets a lot of bad rap. I'm surprised (even floored) it's thought of as a child. Lynn's insight to it sounds much more like Aries.
Now I wonder: Has Western astrology been incorrect? Why doesn't Lynn's insights match with certain things considered as truth?
As a side thought, Kalamota Kook is a commenter whose writing I enjoy. Sometimes she writes in astrological lingo.
@Robert: Thanks so much for the comments! Good point, and yes they are suppressing it just as they do with most other things.
Alex: Jupiter looks blue to me, but I don't sense chakra energy. Saturn and Neptune: I see yellows and oranges, and feels to have some emotional charges associated. Uranus: I see any color tied to it. It feels like it is energetically "not alive."
@Karoline: I have heard that too, but don't really connect to it. I do get that if a being were there, depending on their density, they could feel energetically trapped. The higher the vibe, the higher to trap. But, low vibe feelings would feel the effects.
@Watch: I would need to think on this, but feels like they know where the plane it, why it went down, and are hiding it to prevent a big story from being released. It has the vibe of a coverup.
@Ice: Thanks for sharing! I was curious about an astrology take on this. I believe in astrology, but haven't really studied it, so I appreciate the perspective!
Thanks again for all the great comments. Hugs!
Thanks Lynn!
This fantastic teenager discovered a planet that orbits 2 suns! Did our solar system also have 2 suns? When did one got lost? I know it´s pretty late to pose this question, but I just wanted to add it before I forget about it
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jan/10/wolf-cukier-nasa-teen-intern-discovers-planet Thanks!
The Phillipines are witnessing intense ash spewing volcanism again. Do you see an uptake in global volcanism during the first 6 months of 2020? Could it possibly trigger a cold summer on the northern hemisphere (due to increased air pollution and consequent sun dimming)?https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/12/philippines-volcano-taal-spews-ash I knew this question is even later than the foreposted. Thanks
Hi all! I remember telling people to mark this time in their diaries, ages ago, so when I saw this posted I felt a duty to stop and comment. Unfortunately, The Saturn Pluto Jupiter Nodes Eclipse Astrocalypse is all exactly square my natal Moon, which is in the Moony 4th House, and is also my ruler (Cancer rising). I was hit by a couple of very urgent, nasty issues to deal with which are all-consuming for the foreseeable, but synchronicity led me back to this post and I even got a mention (thank you Ice!) so I have to stop and write my thoughts. There are a lot of them, but I hope there are some vitamins in here somewhere.
That scene at the end of The Shawshank Redemption, when Tim Robbins drags himself through the sewer pipe to freedom? That is a perfect modern representation of all the underworld mythologies which Pluto symbolises. It’s certainly how I feel this week. I hope everyone is dealing with their own happenings with fortitude and courage. Keep going, there’s a sunny beach at the end of it!
One thing Astrology is really useful for is flagging up energetic weather patterns so you can prepare, or deal with difficult times using the right type of response. As they say, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.
My first thought reading Lynn’s post, was that there’s a stark difference between the visible bodies that the ancients studied, the understandings of which are deeply embedded over thousands of years of observation, and the newer ‘telescope’ planets, whose cycles have had less observation time. So it’s no surprise that some of Lynn’s findings throw up some unexpected results, but they do fit into the scope of the core Astro literature. Far flung planets still had their effects back through history, but their discoveries marked a moment of that energy coming up into human awareness.
If anyone wants to learn the basics of Astrology, I recommend Steven Forrest’s books. The Inner Sky is a good grounding and simplifies things down to archetypes in an easy usable way. He’s wise and funny and a fabulous writer.
Here is an article by Steve Forrest which is a very deep dive (beginners, don’t start here!) about how astrology has represented our experience of life on Earth, from early ages of simple, local lives with limited acquaintances (a handful of planets), to the confusing mass global interconnectivity, dizzying life choices, space travel, and overwhelming social media soup of now (thousands of orbiting objects, new ones discovered constantly).
I will continue in another post…
This is Kalamota Kook, not Ginger Pigeon, why has it changed that? Something else to add to the to-do's. Anyway...
Ice gives a good nutshell for each planet astrologically. So I only want to add some thoughts about some of the surprises.
Regarding Jupiter and wisdom, the Sadge energy is about expansion, but that’s also in terms of knowledge and understanding. It’s far flung travel, it’s philosophy and discovery, and higher levels of education and judgement. It has a keenness for justice, learning and broad-mindedness which I think encompass wisdom pretty well.
I think Saturn can be wise, but it leans more towards tightly structured dogmas and is authoritarian in nature which is where its disagreements with Jupiter come in.
Uranus is certainly a cold energy despite being associated with brotherhood. It brings light bulb moments and topples what isn’t secure, but its results can be shocking in their lack of empathy or concern. See what often happens after revolutions. I didn’t think of it as old energy though! Interesting! (I have to add Exclamation marks! Because Uranus! If I was writing in Spanish I could use twice as many!!)
Lynn’s Neptune was amazing to me. It’s worth repeating that it’s a newer planet, only just making one cycle since its discovery. Despite a reputation for compassion and idealistic beautifulness, there are some very nasty traps lurking within. So much of what appears compassionate actually makes things worse, and is about the do-gooder getting a dopamine hit of self-love, not noticing that they are creating some counterproductive consequences.
Spirituality is euphoric, but when you ignore reality on the ground the results aren’t pretty. It’s very Narcissistic energy. Think of Mother Theresa, who has been made a saint (or nearly, I think?) She barred her patients from taking painkillers, because their suffering made them like Jesus. (Jeeez…) Or SJWs whose obsessive focus on equality, multiculturalism, anti-racism, sexism, every-kind-of-ismism, is actually stirring up division and resentment, and who never seem to see their pet subjects as actual equal people. Or the compassion about the migrants crossing the Med, which is making the problem worse, encouraging a mass migration which is completely unrealistic, and dissolving what had been safe cohesive societies across Europe, not to mention destroying the very welfare systems which are supposed to be about collective compassion. The Migrant crisis is Neptune in Pisces in all its uncomfortable glory.
The Pluto As A Child reading is the biggest surprise, but then wasn’t that photo of it a few years ago? (A bloody love heart???) Pluto has been in our awareness less than a century, so it’s got plenty to reveal about itself yet. Even the child issue makes some sense to me, from what I have observed about pathological /shadow people (very Pluto). People with psychopathic traits (and Narcissists too) have very primitive undeveloped consciences, lack insight, with very black and white thinking. They use whatever manipulations they can employ to get what they want and can’t foresee the consequences of their actions. It’s like they are stuck at a very early stage of development. Not that I want diss kids per se, but they usually move on as they grow up. Paths don’t. So that would fit, we just don’t want to think of children that way. Children have a knack of pointing out uncomfortable or hidden truths which is definitely Plutoland. Maybe as time goes on we will stop seeing Pluto transits as terrifying and it can come of age.
Lastly I have a couple of musical interludes as we wait for the Phoenix to stop preening her feathers and get on with it.
I have already shared this one, it’s my go-to soundtrack for watching eclipses (try it, it’s magic!) I know Robert Schoen liked it. So if anyone hasn’t heard this, save it for Summer Solstice. It’s the next big eclipse date and it should be a doozy. Song To The Moon.
And as for the Saturn Pluto conjunction, well this seems like the perfect theme tune. I even get a mention (Kook, not Pigeon)!
Off topic, but if any of you out there are Sparks fans, 2020 is going to be a bumper year with a film musical and OST (Leos Carax, Adam Driver, Marion Cotillard), new studio album and tour, and documentary (by Edgar Wright). I only hope I have that much life going on when I'm in my seventies!
Thank you Lynn for posting this, I hope you find nuggets of interest here, much love to all. Thank you for diverting me from my issues for a while, now I have to go and crawl through that sewer...
Kalamota Kook, I mentioned you to summon you and it worked! So happy for your TL;DR. Thank you for your insights!
So, every sign has an unevolved and an evolved version, depending on an individual's maturity.
The Neptune interpretation freaks me out a bit, as my natal Moon (core self, who we already are) is in Pisces, and I can recall countless incidents of compassion (maybe uninformed, maybe too idealistic) ending up worse than if it hadn't intercepted at all. Doormat, abuse, lack of healthy boundaries are some red flags. I know things are all neutral, and our interpretation sorts them to good and bad, but I mean, maybe I want to see what the mature manifestation of this is?
In the 4D, would interpretations change, I wonder? Maybe humans have influence on the planets too, and when we're wiser, their energy rises hand-in-hand?
Lastly, what about the Moon? How does it feel like? What about through its phases?
Wow! I loved this and all the information!! Thank you Ginger for taking time to share all this with us. It is helpful, and I like how you explain things. I especially love your quote "there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing" - what a great way to look at things, and so true. Hugs!
Kook again ( I've no idea what name Blogger's got me down as this time).
Hi Lynn! Thanks for your response. I know I dumped a load in the comments, but I'm glad you found it worthwhile.
Ice, you're right about levels of maturity. It's a bad habit to view planets as 'good' or 'bad which A LOT of astrologers do. Likewise 'challenging' aspects can make you strong whereas as the 'easy' aspects can lead to complacency. It's very interesting to look back at your life and see how your responses change to the same transits on each go-road, as you learn and grow and act from a higher place (although some people never learn!) Saturn transits are the classic for this, working like seven-year cog gears.
Regarding how to 'do' Neptune for the best without falling into the traps, I think it's important to remember that we are our whole chart simultaneously. It's very easy to focus in on one element and wonder what to do about it, but that's where your other planets and aspects come in, to balance out and give feedback so you see the bigger picture in a more nuanced way. Let your Neptunian ideals be tempered by the realism of Saturn, for instance.
Good question about the 4D 'version' of all this. I've no idea! Although it has been said that when we've learned all the karmic lessons and integrated all the parts of our chart in a balanced way, this is the Individuation that Jung spoke of, or Enlightenment. Then the transits don't affect us as much, or rather grace us instead of testing us. We can rise above it all.
My head isn't in the right state to be thinking about the Moon. Everything Moon related is being hammered in my life right now, I've evidently still got some work to do.
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