A. I get that Harry has been waking up to what is going on around him. He has tolerated things that bothered him, but with having his own son, he wanted and needed to break away from the monarchy and their rituals/expectations.
I see the final draw being when they wanted to initiate his son into something dark, and both him and Meghan revolted. It was as if they realized they needed to break away for their own moral, ethical and spiritual reasons. He was able to tolerate certain behaviors for himself, but could and would not do that to his son.
I also see that Harry has been seeking some truth's for a while now, and even subtly (and not so subtly) revealing things. I flash back to the pic of him with Melania, and he was revealing then a message about some darker acts. He was becoming more and more brazen with his "messages" until he finally couldn't take it anymore. Yes, he does know about his mom, and that is a huge driving force in his recent behaviors. He is also frustrated that he brother is playing the game, but William is more passive and scared than Harry.
I get the queen was very disappointed by his behaviors, and he has been given warnings about his actions. He feels sort of like the rebel that went along for a little while, but could no longer do it. He had learned and seen all he needed to see to feel confident this was the right choice for him and Meghan. Even though the queen was disappointed, she couldn't have such a "wild card" be a part of her "circle" and allowed him to step away.
I also get that for his safety and the safety of his family, he needs to keep quiet about anything he knows or stumbled upon. I look for him to somehow leak some information as he is a rebel at heart, but he will do it when he is far away from Buckingham.
And that is all I have for now, but would love to read your thoughts. Love and light, Lynn
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Very interesting new take that Harry is leaving the Royals to protect his son, which would be more believable if he weren't married to a self-centered phony that reminds me of Yoko Ono. Maybe he chose her because she was the exact opposite of royalty, and Serialbrain2 said that it was Michelle Obama who set them up, which suggests they're being a couple had some social/political purpose. Many who follow Q are saying that Meghan was linked to Jeffrey Epstein and was a "yacht girl," that is a pseudo celebrity that would get paid for party weekends with the wealthy Arabs and others.
I tend to think their departure from the Royal Family follows that of Andrew, For the same Epstein related reasons.
Curious if Harry's primary goals and intentions are the same of his spouse who appears to be on a different path.
And what of baby Archie, is he real or not? Why was there so many inconsistencies and secrecy surrounding his birth? Why are they hiding him? The child that was brought out before the public didn't even look real, and the parents behavior was odd. Anyone that was paying attention could see it was a birth by surrogacy and something was very off.
Couples that work together accomplish the most. It might become obvious at some point that initially as a couple they had the same goals, but individually their intentions for separating from the RF are very different.
This is actors' play. They are stealing away pulic attention from prince Andrew and his pedophilia case
@Robert: I do see Harry as more sincere than Meghan, and his reasons may not align with hers. He does feel as though he cares for his son. I can't get a totally clear vibe on her (very mixed feelings come through).
@Serene: I do still think a surrogate was involved, but the DNA is Harry and Meghan's. They needed to "deliver" on a specific day or astrology sign. Harry wants away from all this, and Meghan has a strange vibe. Robert above may be on to something...
@justneflix: That is quite plausible, and most likely probable..
Thanks so much for all the comments!
In previous readings, you mentioned that -
1) “Prince George… he’s never going to be king”
- https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2019/09/life-detective-14.html
and now that Archie is living in Canada, who do you see to be the next king after Prince William? Or will be the end of monarchy in Britain?
2) “I do see Meghan and Harry lasting a while (but not forever). She really does love being a part of the royalty.” (as a comment)
- https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2018/05/a-royal-wedding.html
Does their moving to Canada eventually lead to their separation, like too much royal pressure?
I’m surprised that Harry and Meghan are allowed to leave especially that Meghan was chosen for her royal line in her DNA.
- https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2017/10/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle.html
3) “She (Kate Middleton) has energy much like Princess Diana. I do not see any Reptilian or shapeshifting connection to her.”
- https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2018/05/a-royal-wedding.html
“(In Kate's case it looks to have been done while she was asleep due to her non-compliance.)”
- https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2019/12/band-aid-mystery.html
“The blood contract seals this genetically. Once they have your blood, they have everything in this life, and possibly in the next. It is a karmatic contract as well.”
- https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2020/01/selling-your-soul.html?m=1
Since Kate’s blood was taken without her consent, does it mean she will not have karmatic contract with the low vibe?
4) “Some strange thing will happen and there will be a very abbreviated term for William as King, but when they all cross over in spirit, Diana is going to take them to 4d."
- https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2019/09/life-detective-14.html
Do you see Lady Diana taking Kate too to 4D?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the many questions �� I love Lady Diana and her children.
@Hope: I see it being one of William's children. I don't think it will die, but it will definitely evolve and feels to be less evil..
I see eventually it will lead to their separation, but not for a while. It was a tough call to allow them to leave, but Harry is becoming too brazen, and the queen doesn't want him to be a part of it.
Kate will have to deal with some of this. She has to worry more about the cloning threat. And I do see Lady Diana taking Kate as well.
Thanks for the questions, these were great!
What are they so afraid of regarding TRUMPet? Why won't they move to America while he is still POTUS? Let's make a deal Harry, help expose the British Monarchy.
Maybe they know/believe that we will "shift" before DJT's 5 years are completed.
Amen, Ryno. I hear you!
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