Q. (Patreon/SubscribeStar:) I would like to request a blog reading on the fascinating subject of Mt. Shasta. Based on past readings, I suspect this is a subject you will be able to (and feel comfortable) delving into... Mount Shasta is a potentially-active volcano in the Cascade Range of Northern California, and one of the world’s preeminent sacred mountains. Artifacts uncovered show 11,000 years of human habitation and associated myths and legends date back 10,000 to the locally indigenous Karuk tribe. The mountain often described as a “spiritual vortex” is a popular retreat for the new-age crowd prominent in NorCal, but is an indisputable historical hot-spot for mysterious happenings such as disappearances and supernatural encounters. I hope you can help, thanks in advance!
A. (Link to Previous Reading) https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-mt-31680160

Does Shambhala, Asgard, El Dorado, Avalon, Elysium, Hades
Link to Lynn's Video Discussion of Reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYDLNaWS1VE&feature=emb_logo
A. (Link to Previous Reading) https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2019/01/existence-of-mystery-lands-shambhala.html#more
Q. The flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh is very detailed. Will you look into it?
A. (Link to Previous Reading): https://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/search?q=Gilgamesh
And that is all I have for the quick rewind of some previous posts. Hope you enjoyed! Love and light, Lynn
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I remember the Mount Shasta post and think it is very interesting. Are you able to see what happened to the missing people such as Michael Falvo or Rossmary Koonz? Or why the Tall whites appeared to those people? ( As described in the video in your previous reading); Thanks!!
Can you see where Hades exists, is it on Earth but just in another dimension? When they try to contact us are they thinking we are God's bc we are higher just as when we try to contact our spirit guides that are in higher vibrations?
Hi Lynn, thanks for this reading! This is way off topic I admit, but I just saw this note on ZeroHedge about induced GPS jams by the military and FBI seizing night vision devices both on the East coast! Do you have the bigger picture what it might be related to? Thanks! (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/whats-going-military-jams-gps-across-east-coast-fbi-seizes-night-vision-devices )
Hi Lynn
I'm not sure whether this should be in another reading. Since animals are of lower spiritual vibration than humans, do animals reside in Hades? Or are there humans who have lower spiritual vibration than 3D which the average human is at presently?
@Amanda: Thanks for the comments. I'd really need to revisit this in my mind to connect to the people. Most times tall whites appear because there is a genetic link and they are drawn to them, or they feel the person can understand/relay a message.
I see Hades as a low vibe density. We don't appear as gods, but as a 3D (hybrid physical and spiritual) being. They like to be heard, and their goal is to have a voice. The goal is to get to this density.
@Watch: I feel it has to do with what is happening in Virginia... Watch for a false flag...
@Alex: I see the lower density for all beings. We ultimately move up, and increase in vibration, so animals may have been there and "graduated" to 3D. We usually doesn't backslide.
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