Friday, September 20, 2019

Patreon/SubscribeStar: Pleiadian and Atlantean Settlements of South America

Q. I read your article on mystery lands (posted on another site...). I was hoping to have you focus on South America. Apparently, there is not only a pyramid (which you mentioned in your blog post regarding El Dorado), the pyramid itself has chimerical aspects to it.

There is at least one Pleiadian and one Atlantean settlement above ground in South America. There are below-ground Atlantean settlements as well, under the Mato Grosso plateau. The Mato Grosso plateau is also talked of in this article.

There is an Atlantean settlement named “El Gran Paititi”/ “El Gran Paytiti" in which men are separated from the women (to control population??). A famous person even disappeared looking for it named Colonel Percy Fawcett.

Can you comment on any of the above? Thanks.

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