Monday, September 23, 2019

Meditation Guide

Hi everyone!  I was asked to come up with a meditation guide.  Many of us want to meditate, but have trouble getting in the right headspace.  I wanted to share some tips and offer some guidance. 

Meditation is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your inner self and also connect with Source.  You can get clarity, grounding, healing and insight when you practice this regularly.  So many times people think they have to sit a certain way, face a certain direction or meditate for a certain length of time to make it "count," but that isn't true.  The goal is to just do it.  As you advance (should you want to), you can always get more technical and disciplined, but doing something is always better than nothing.. 

The following outlines some helpful hints I've discovered along the way:

Ready to Meditate

  • Set your protection.  Of all the steps, this may be the most important.  Be very concise and state either verbally or mentally what you want to happen, and what your "rules" are.  You may call on your guides and angels, and advise that you only was pure, high vibrational information.  Command all negative energy to leave, and request that you only be surrounded by positive energy.  
  • Set your intent.  Be clear about what you want.  Do you want to purge energies, find an answer, connect with something?  Mentally or verbally state what you want.
  • Get comfortable.  Nothing breaks a meditation like a back or leg cramp, so get comfortable in a chair, floor, etc.  You can lay or sit, whatever you like.
      • TIP:  
        • Try going outside to enhance grounding.
        • Being barefoot is always nice.
        • Face the sunshine to soak in the energy.
  • Relax, clear your mind, and focus on centering and balancing all your chakras.  I start with the root and visualize the color red, and work my way up ending with white light at my crown.  I stay relaxed and allow my intent to work.  Realize what you see or experience may seem to have nothing to do with the intent you placed (like getting an answer), but just trust in the Universe to give you what you need even if it hits you the next day.
  • When your meditation is done (either because it is timed or you "feel" done) slowly come back.  Visualize your chakras closing and say a little "thank you" for the messages and guidance.  
Having Trouble Relaxing Your Mind?
  • You still want to set your protection, and intent (what you hope to happen).  But there are some other variations of a traditional meditation you can try:
    • Walking meditation:  Go outside, preferable in nature, and walk.  Focus on the sounds, air, smells.  Allow yourself to be at one with yourself. 
    • Turn off the radio in the car:  First and most importantly, be safe with this!!  When you are on a drive that is very familiar to you (like the one you take everyday), turn off the radio and allow your thoughts to flow.  
    • Shower:  Stand in the shower with your back against the water.  Focus on the water hitting your back.  This can be a subtle enough distraction to allow your mind to relax and do some internal reflection.
    • Guided meditation:  There are lots of free guided meditations online.  Sample one, and if it doesn't work, try another one.  
    • Do tasks/chores in silence:  When you are doing tasks like housework or yard work, do it in silence.  Allow your mind to float and ponder different topics.

I hope this helps to offer some ideas to promote a better meditation.  Have fun tuning into your higher self!  Love and light, Lynn

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TheOnlyOne said...

Thank you. I've been meditating for years and it does help. Something that has helped me is focusing on my heartbeat

Hope said...

Thanks for the meditation guide. Actually, I was referring to you having a guided meditation channel that I can subscribe/buy to use it during my meditation. But I know you are already busy with your book publication - looking forward to it! :)

Someone who has done many years of meditation told me that it is unnecessary to connect with our guardian angles if we can connect to our Higher Self. What do you think?

Is our Higher Self a reflection of us? Does our Higher Self look like us? Or has its own identity/name etc? The more I read about Higher Self, the more confused I become.

I guess my Guardian Angels and Higher Self are desperate with me still struggling to connect with them! Hahaha!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the comments!

@Hope: I feel like just meditating in general is a really great thing. You can connect to guides, or your higher self. There is no rules, and honestly, the easiest connect is the one you should make and start with. Both your higher self and your guides have your greater good in mind, so the connection made is the one that needs to be made. Just go with it. :-)