Hi all, and welcome to a DOUBLE INSTALLMENT of Life Detective… basically #14 in the series (as Life Detective and Life Detective NEXT). In this more streamlined and albeit maddening version (you’ll see why in a moment), Lynn will look at the lives of various people who need no introduction. As usual, Lynn’s words appear “in quotes,” and Da-da's questions/comments appear [in brackets]. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Here we go:

[Da-da: Um… did the ‘ircons' route you and I?]
Lynn: “Sorry. I think they did."
[Da-da: I see. Something will have to be done about that. Anyway, next up: Elizabeth I’s mortal enemy…]

[Da-da: Jeez. He’s still Mr. Laughs.]
3. Edward Teach (aka, Blackbeard the Pirate): “I get that he incarnated after this lifetime into... some kind of English poet at a university… around 1800s. Oxford? He was some kind of literary genius. He went from badass pirate to intriguing poet. Who is he now? I see him having to live out this barbaric part of himself but then moving on to a very intellectual path. He’s moving more into scientific roles in the future, something even more intellectual.”
[Da-da: Which poet was he, can you tell? Lord Byron? Keats? Shelley?]
Lynn: "I couldn't tell and it's driving me crazy. I can't seem to get a name. Just the visual of a lot of red-and-black plaid.”
[Da-da: Hm. Sounds Scottish. So... this 'ircon tunnel-of-light' thing opens up a huge can of worms. Was Edward Teach/Blackbeard then INTENTIONALLY sent by the ircons *into the literary world* to force things a certain way/disrupt things??]
Lynn: “Yes, I think it was ircon driven, and then guide-assisted to get a fuller lesson of learning; our guides still help us and want us to evolve, despite the circumstances. Just because an ircon sends you here doesn't mean your guides want you to stay here. Our guides will still help regardless of the density you end up in.”
[Da-da: That pisses me off. This is an unbelievably stupid system. How old is it?]
Lynn: "Since the cat and dog ET war, and the reptilians were left here to "guard” us…"
[Da-da: Well, say goodbye to that system.]
4. Hunter S. Thompson: “He looks like he’s going to come back a very hard-core military man, dedicated to serving his country. 100% committed, totally decorated. But the experiences he’ll have will take a mental toll. He’ll snap and be discharged for mental instability and spend his later adulthood dealing with the things he saw while serving in the military. He’s all about courage and bravery in this next lifetime."

8. Jeffrey Epstein [future camp counselor?]: “Ew! Even creepier. He’s coming back to 3d, but not soon. I see him and he looks like a little girl in an orphanage in his next life, somewhere in China or SE Asia. He’s desperate for love in a sterile, overpopulated orphanage, emotionally neglected. Karma city. His life is totally devoid of all personal connections. A very sad life.”
[Da-da: Let’s hope he learns some lessons.]
9. Jared Kushner: “He’s very 3d, too. I hear something about him coming back as a 'snobby prince.' He’ll incarnate into wealth (again), into a life only about money and deals. A very superficial materialistic 3d life around 2100. Ick."
10. Marie Curie: "I get that even after she passed away, she always had some kind of religious affiliation to her. In her next life, she comes back as a Greek Orthodox nun in Central Europe. She has this very giving, nurturing feeling of wanting to serve SOURCE, very selfless. She feels *very* high vibe. She’ll be 4d next.”
And that’s it. Join us next time for one thing or another. In the meantime, things are gonna change.
How long are we gonna get mind wiped? Is there a way around that if you wanted to incarnate again? How to resist this light tunnel?
Next time please do one on Donald J. Trump. Please.
We already did one on Trump and a lot of people. Search Lynn's site.
Thank you Da-da. Don't know why that didn't occur to me.
Lynn, will that wiping cycle ever be destroyed? I know you've mentioned the universe is practically nor good or bad, is just is, or the source. So how is it possible that they let these @rchon beings take over the soul incarnation? If one decides not to go thru the light? Can it still go straight to the source? Or does the soul just lingers on without guidance?
Thanks for all the readings.
Thanks Lynn and Dada for this popular series. Hope we can make this a weekly series.
I thought everybody has to go through the light tunnel to reach the spiritual planes after we pass away to plan for our next life? If we decide not to go through the tunnel, aren't we the same as the ghosts stuck on earth?
psst - onrgaia, go to Life Detective #1, Aug 2016, Subject B. ;)
Daisy, who is subject a? Link for answers in that life detective isn't working for me.
@mycale: As we start to ascend, and the collective vibration increases it will be much harder. In fact, as we start to incarnate in the 4D, they will have less control and ability. I do see incarnation being possible without the tunnel (eventually), but not quite yet. I did see that certain enlightened people figured out that if they approached the tunnel and held a certain vibration (like a hum), they could bypass the "wiping" and come to earth with their enlightened self (but I don't quite understand how this worked).
@Karoline: It is true it isn't good or bad, and I feel like they can only control this "wiping" b/c it isn't forced (but rather coerced). You still have a choice in the matter. You can linger and still have guidance, and Source is always welcoming!
@Alex: I see it like a being that is guiding and protecting. It doesn't feel negative to linger, and you can still ascend in an energetic form.
@daisy: It looks like that is when we were being playful and encrypting the answers.. Please feel free to share on here as I couldn't seem to get it to work either. :-)
Thanks for the comments everyone! I really enjoy doing these.
As much as I like your readings, I'm having a very hard time finding your idea of the light tunnel credible. If they are aiming at creating as much suffering as possible on Earth, why would they do the opposite on the other side of the tunnel? If they really controlled reincarnation, why would they allow starseeds to be born on Earth?
How does the reincarnation process work on other planets, without the light tunnel?
How can people remember past lives through past life regression, if their minds are wiped? Many reports of "the other side" describe schools and libraries, and lessons being learned. Why would the archons be concerned with the cultivation of learning and insight with the visitors to the light tunnel?
Re the 'Tr'one, the amount of letters fit and the earlier lives sounded appropriate. The first puzzle A, begins HILL... And the date, Aug 2016 was also a clue.
plain alphabet : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
cipher alphabet: phqgiumeaylnofdxjkrcvstzwb
Match from down to up - p=a, h=b, g=c...
Straight out of your blog (but I figured it out myself). It's fun to go back and see some of the others again, thank you Lynn.
Make sure the cipher alphabet lines up better than this did to the plain one.
Who was the subject from a? The female? Thx!
@The enlightened one
>If they are aiming at creating as much suffering as possible on Earth, why would they do the opposite on the other side of the tunnel?
>Why would the @rchons be concerned with the cultivation of learning and insight with the visitors to the light tunnel?
Like making you forget your past lives? As mentioned again before in Lynn's readings the purpose is to prevent ascension or enlightenment. When you've forgotten everything, you'd spend your time relearning things, instead of retaining the knowledge you have and fixing what was wrong from before. So you're more or less stuck in a loop. That's why the image of a wheel is presented as reincarnation and that one is supposed to break free from it.
>If they really controlled reincarnation, why would they allow starseeds to be born on Earth?
Pretty sure Lynn and Dada mentioned somewhere they're 'losing control' already. That's why these people are able to be born here on Earth.
>How can people remember past lives through past life regression, if their minds are wiped?
It would be a big mistake to assume that memories can be completely erased or lost.
There are truths encrypted in fiction, just as the PTW encrypt theirs. If you've read a few Japanese stories here and there, they have this underlying belief that memories are never truly lost, just forgotten, and I believe this comes from their understanding on Buddhism and reincarnation itself.
>your idea
Well, it's not exactly just her idea. It's been presented in various beliefs that recognizes reincarnation. Again, there's a reason why Buddhism considers reincarnation as a trap.
@Amanda N - See my comment above with the beginning of her name and then add ....ARY. Also, I see I should have typed q=c instead of g.
Thank you for your answer, but I simply don't buy into it.
There are a few things that line up with this theory but too many things simply doesn't make sense.
Why bother to have us reincarnate at the same time they're trying to "cull our herd?"
What is the point of karma on a loosh farm that the bad guys control? Just seems it seasons the bad guys to come back and be even more bad. So what if you make them a girl they will probably be the meanest girl on the school yard. Neglect and cruelty just breed more of it not less. I really wish everyone could just start over somewhere else not messed up like this place good or bad.
I really do appreciate all the comments! Thanks everyone!
@SB: I agree with you. Once we ascend to 4D, we will be in a much better place. Until then, we have to learn and grow in this 3D experience...
Lynn, I really hope you see my message and are able to reply ...
So, if we resist going through the tunnel will that mean we won't get the warm fuzzy feeling and feel confident that everything is going to be okay? And we won't see our loved ones who have passed?
@Anna: I don't see it that way. If we resist going through the tunnel, we still have the ability to say in spirit and guide/protect our loved ones. I do get you can feel very complete holding off.
Thank you very much Lynn :-)
Wasn’t there a reading u did that QE2 would return as an African child?
Please watch Wes Penre's youtube channel.. get out on death, look for a hole in the grid above, and just think yourself out! do NOT talk to anyone or be lured by feelings of love etc. Just get out if you want out of this 3D prison.. you also have to let go of all fears, have no attachments here, etc. Just have to think "I want to go out into the real universe" and get out through the hole...
..also want to note that it is a possibility we re-live the same lives over and over with slight changes based on decisions we make
Thanks again for the comments!
@Hulsie: Thanks for sharing. I also agree with your second comment. We do repeat versions of this life in different roles until we master a lesson and ascend to the next level.
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