Q. There seems to be a war against Christianity and a rise of Islamic Fundamentalism.
Two thousand years ago, Paganism and Judaism were dominant.
Is it possible that as our values change, and people become more educated, and critical; that current religions will decline in the future and another belief system will replace them?
I was just wondering, because 2000 years ago in ancient Rome; they had hundreds of religions and cults to worship, not just the state sanctioned gods of ancient Rome. And Quakers were relatively common several hundred years ago but they are a rare breed today. So it is logical that today's religions may cease to exist or morph into something new as well.
A. We are constantly changing and shifting. I do see very controlling religions emerging because under that reign people are easier to control. As the religion gets accepted within society, then people begin to be punished based on religious based laws. For example, if you have a religion that requires women to be covered by a burqa, and she removes the burqa, she could be sexually assaulted. Even if you don't personally believe in the religion, you have to fear those around you that do and it can be easier to go along that try to resist it.
The goal is, and always has been to keep people suppressed and easy to control. Fear is the easiest way to control and manipulate people. The migrant crisis in Europe is already shifting the culture. This shift of people (instigated by the PTW / Powers That Were), was designed to start to attack Europe and it's descendants. There are two dissimilar cultures and belief systems colliding, and the governments are standing down and allowing it to play out as these migrants refuse to assimilate. A (more) free thinking group of people is being broken down by a very aggressive collection of people.
Please hold onto your beliefs, and do what you can to preserve your way of thinking. Send some love to Europe- these people need it!
Q. How is 'thought' transmitted? Is it faster than the speed of light?
A. I see thought as an energetic pulse. I would say it is faster than the speed of light, as I see it happen almost instantly. The interesting thing is that even though the thought "pulse" happens instantly, it may take a moment for your body to interpret the received message (either through an intuitive nudge, vision or even clairaudiently).

'Good night Jesus, say hello to God and my Mother for me'....lol
Are these just amusing antics from me or does Jesus, God and perhaps my Guides actually hear me?
A. With or without a candle, Source, angles and guides always hear you. They are always around, and when you call upon them or talk to them, they know what you say. They like to help and be of service, so your wishes are important to them. You can speak to yourself, or out loud (but out loud creates a stronger intent).
Q. If people on Earth are the only ones that live in a 3D world, and time does not exist in other worlds........ what creates the difference? Is it a hidden veil, like an invisible fog that exists around the Earth or our Galaxy? Or is it a state of Mind that we are not aware of, like psychic abilities? We often hear about raising our vibration through meditation, but how does that occur?
A. There are other worlds that experience time on a linear scale because they too live in the same density as earth (just under different circumstances and "rules"). Earth does have a veil that keeps us here (possibly the firmament as described in the bible- which is a topic I've talked about in past readings???).
Meditation does help to raise your vibration because you are more connected to source. Heavy or negative emotions keep your low, but meditating and being in tune with your subconscious and higher self helps you to rid yourself of those negative emotions (similar to unloading a heavy weight), which helps you to elevate yourself. When you meditate focus on grounding to the earth (she welcomes everything you purge) and reaching to Source. That intent and motion will help you to increase in vibration.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ml0YhaIiWDI
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Really interesting and strangely related posts. In term of our 3D earth, maybe it is the limitations of our intellegence and perceptions that keep us from seeing the more complex and subtle whole picture that's already in place. Our culture is predicated on keeping us stupid on all levels, trying to turn our attention to things that don't matter, make us angry and literally shrink our brain cells.
The schism between cultures going on in Europe mirrors the civil war of ideas going on here in the US as far as how people see things completely differently and some violently oppose even hearing or even considing the position of the other side. It's called "divide and conquer" and both the mass population relocation agenda and a form of mind control achieved by multiple components including bombarding aural frequencies, peer pressure, and media manipulation to stirr anger is being used to divide people to prevent them from working collectively against a common enemy and have them advocate for things completely against their own self interest. Put orgone on cell phone towers!
Here is a very interesting video that speaks to how advanced sound technology, like the ancient horns that took down the walls of Jericho, is possibly being used today to control the thoughts of people. Everyday you hear of violent attacks on others like rage is being encouraged. There were riots in Paris and Lyon when France won the world cup.
at the 34 minute mark, there's a remarkable demonstration where a black plate is attached atop a speaker and salt is poured atop and as different hz frequencies are played, you see the sound's geometric energy patterns formed in the salt particles.
Sound is the next big technology if it's not already.
Can you see if the PTW will be succesfull with their immigration plan here in Europe? If most countries become islamist in the future?
It sounds from the wording like the PTW are on track on getting their way again.
In the first reading about the emergence of controlling religions, you gave the example of Islam (not wearing the burqua) but are there any Bible-based religions that become extreme enough to create a totalitarian society similar to what is depicted in the movie and now, Hulu tv series, The Handmaid's Tale?
The premise of The Handmaid's Tale (no spoiler here, you would know the following info from the movie trailer) is that in a future dystopian America, Industry and "sin" have degraded the Environment causing the majority of women to become infertile. The leaders of an extreme, suppressive Bible-based religion takes power over America, renaming the country Gilead, and then separating society into oppressed classes that have no rights and must serve the religion's Elite to "atone" for their past societal sins. And they know which Americans led "sinful" lives because, prior to the coup, they had been covertly gathering information about every citizen in America (Facebook, social media "opinions", anyone?).
Interestingly, the "sins" are those which the Media have aggressively inserted into American society as late -
Adultery, Homosexuality and Gender fluidity. Many of the Handmaids come from these groups and are now forced to have babies for the Elite pious, but infertile women. Also interesting is that the Bible-based religion had also infi!tr@ted the U.S. gov and mi!itary prior to the coup. Extreme, Bible-authorized violence and murder are impmemented to control our society.
Since seeing the original movie in 1989 I have wondered if The Handmaid's Tale was predictive programming of a terrifying future in America.
If possible Lynn, can you expound on this and share if you see a specific Bible-based religion taking over America, which religion seems to be spearheading this Takeover and the potential timeline for American society.
As a European (from the UK) I can't see the advance of a 'rape culture'at all and wonder if this is the press in the USA exagerating for their own fear agenda. How rape is reported has changed a lot over the years and also women are encouraged to report it more than they were, so it;s very hard to be accurate on this front. However, I just don't recognise what you're talking about. Also, for as many immmigrants that refuse to assimilate, many more do (for example, our NHS has a huge number of immigrants working for it that embrace 'Western' values completely). I'm not saying there aren't problems, but just not to the extent you say. For some evidence on the 'Swedish Rape Culture' see: https://www.government.se/articles/2017/02/facts-about-migration-and-crime-in-sweden/ . I love your blog - just puzzled as I'm normally quite in tune with undercurrents and don't recognise this one you're referring to.
Perhaps because of practicing Buddhism, I always look to see the effects of an ideology/philosophy/religion/ethos/current faddish thinking on the actions of their practitioners. If their actions include communication wherein all ideas are respected and discussed (we may disagree with someone's stance on immigration, but we desire the exchange of ideas and differing viewpoints and look for common ground); include respect for people's ideals and personhood (thereby not forcing anyone to do anything against their own conscious/consciousness); and include allowing people as much freedom as possible short of abridging the freedom of another (if you don't want to produce a wedding cake for a gay couple because of your own religious beliefs but will sell them any cake in your store), then I would think that thought system open and benign.
Putin made an extremely apt remark in a speech. We don't need to diminish the rights of the majority to uplift a minority or "protect" the rights of a minority. We, first, respect the rights of all and uplift those who need to be. Unfortunately, the current Deep State thinking promulgated on MSM proffers a strawman narrative...a false narrative that one group or thought must be diminished in order to "balance" an underrepresented group or thought. No,no....we simply need the freedom allowing each person to pursue their own beliefs and ideals while showing respect for those who believe differently to them. The "marketplace" or common areas and themes of politics/social change should ideally strike a happy medium (where those in government would act from a neutral viewpoint cognizant of physical impositions like taxes and running deficits). Does legislation arise from a need or simply as imposition of one ideology over another?
We all know people who practice religions like Christianity or Islam who do so moderately; they don't impose their beliefs on others nor live their lives demanding others conform to their beliefs. A Christian or Islamic can always tell you that you'll suffer in "hell" for not believing as they do, but as long as they cannot enforce their belief as your belief, I'm cool. For these reasons, we see how far the U.S. has strayed from a more neutral stance involving the protection of many, myriad groups of citizens and immigrants to one, unfortunately, wherein political ideology and stances are constantly used as weapons and to create the greatest division between people. I have a real problem with people who want to abridge my freedom and belief system because of their ideological viewpoint: e.g., legislating vaccinations. If people truly understood how little legislation we need to live together peaceably and fruitfully (and healthfully), they would be shocked.
I'm very curioius Claire Hall. So...the following link would be false? I'm confused. Have crime statistics gone up or down in London? We cannot argue feelings; we can argue statistics. https://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/07/16/most-brits-say-police-have-lost-control-blame-political-correctness/
I'll keep saying hello to Jesus and maybe one day ALEXA or SIRI will be advanced enough to return their messages...:)
Will we ever be able to detect the firmament with future technology or is it something that is more Spiritual or something that can't be measured in our 3D world?
BTW, there are plenty of 'no-go' zones in Europe.
Much of it is documented here: https://voiceofeurope.com/
Thanks for your blog Lynn !
I admit it. I have been very disappointed in Trump thinking that he was simply the "other side" of the Deep State...but I love the events currently unfolding today initiated by him in Russia. Did we really change a timeline? You guys who always saw Trump as fighting the Deep State, evidently, have been entirely correct...if, indeed, he doesn't walk back his remarks at the press conference with Putin. Hope this change is real! I'm flabbergasted!!! Have you seen the people in Washington who are in literal shock?
Just curious what are the other worlds that you mentioned that experience time like us ? Sounds interesting .
Awesome post! Thanks for the inspiration!!
Buddist Lady - the link you posted is from a right wing paper notorious for spreading hate, fear and racism in the UK. Of course most of those readers will say there is too much political correctness. Yet the UK has one of the most integrated societies on the world, and the highest number of inter-racial and religious marriages. Unfortunately you can always argue statistics as they can also be manipulated - but my personal experience is that Britain is as safe as its ever been, but fear and anger have come to the surface much more as part of an emotional and political cleansing, just as they have in the USA (I hope it's part of a cleansing, anyway). Public services have been cut to the core though, so the police just don't have the resources to deal with a lot of crime - it's not political correctness, just lack of resources. Also if you cut back public servcies you pay a much higher price eventually as lack of education, healthcare and just care generally makes children suffer as they grow up, then become unable to function to their optimal level as adults. The Netherlands and Findland understand this and invest a lot in their societies, so have far fewer problems like this.
Raymond - again - you've posted a link to a very right wing web-site! It's full of alarmist Islamaphobic fear generating posts - and having a look at the UK ones, doesn't in any way reflect anything like a balanced view, or what is really going on.
To my USA friends - some of these links you're looking at are the equivalent of Fox news v the World Socialist Web - you'll get a very very different angle - take your pick, but don't assume either one is correct or doesn't have a very clear agenda to peddle. When I'm looking for info on anything I usually try to find several different sources and then sense how I feel about any consensus from them all - even then, it's hard to find any truth as in the end it's really about personal experience and how we individually tune into mass consciousness.
Good luck, Claire...to the UK and you. You're going to need a great deal of luck in the coming years. I absolutely guarantee you this fact. Think, for a moment, why you might need the magic of "luck" while looking at all possibiliities in life. I "know" this as I "know" the sky is blue. Capice?
I posted the article from Breitbart because I read the info first there after reading your inquiry above. I have read the identical statistical information in approximately 8-9 other news sources...including extremely liberal. I read articles covering the entire spectrum of political thought. Btw, I disagree with Trump on many issues. Notably...I want the U.S. War Machine out of Syria and Yemen. NOW. Yes, let's give peace a chance like Trump and Putin did yesterday. Frankly, my dear, I consider Fox and Breitbart MSM. Hold your friends close; hold your enemies closer.
Claire Hall, many friends of mine in Germany tell me there are indeed assimilation troubles particularly in the area of religion and language. It is has changed the atmosphere of the country and most citizens initially were glad to assist...but their country has been overrun and they do not understand why they have been forced to accept thousands and thousands of people. Hundreds of thousands upon hundreds of thousands. The American media is not showing what is really going on in Germany.
Their overall experience is there are many young males rather than families. They refuse to acknowledge German culture and absolutely refuse to learn the language. They do not behave as gracious guests, but rather aggressive individuals. And German women are looked at with contempt as they are not muslim and do not observe wearing Hijab. Yes there is assault and German women avoid walking alone anywhere.
American newspapers are virtually silent on this issue, but German newspapers have a lot to say on this subject.
Everyone please send Healing and Light all around the world. Every corner and pocket of the planet. Visual it happening and it will be. (Ask your Guides and Angels to protect you as you do this.) XOXO
All acnowledged - I didn't say there were no problems - just that some of the sources quoted have a very right wing agenda and that any good news is also ignored. Just as all we seem to hear in Europe re the USA is about gun crime. This also is not balanced... I know there are difficult things going on and factions intent on destruction (in all parts of society, not just Muslims) - but there are also good things going on that never get reported either.
@Claire Hall
Even the UK establishment has confessed that over a span of decades, it is likely that more that 100,000 children, almost all White girls, were molested by Pakistani sex grooming gangs operating in multiple British cities.
The city of Rotherham, where 1400 girls were victimized, is the best known, but that's just one city among many. These Muslim gangs operate throughout Britain and regard White girls as "easy meat". Just the sort of attitude one would expect from invaders, not peaceful immigrants. The authorities covered up the attacks and told victims and their families who complained to shut up under threat of racism charges.
Yes, you read that right: more that 100,000 children victimized by rape gangs!
The problems with importing these people are NOT just superficial. And then we haven't even touched on the the issue of cultural destruction caused by the influx of this army of incompatibles.
Yes, Europe has a serious problem, and it won't be fixed easily if at all. These societies are now permanently changed, and not for the better.
On a separate topic...
Please everyone send healing light and love to Lynn, who could use some right now. She's under the weather.
Wish Lynn fast recovery! Sending good vibes! BTW, Liberal News Reporter Glenn Greenwald: “The CIA Backed Hillary Clinton And Has Been Engaged In Open Warfare With The New President.” (http://dcwhispers.com/liberal-news-reporter-glenn-greenwald-the-cia-backed-hillary-clinton-and-has-been-engaged-in-open-warfare-with-the-new-president/)
Sending love and light to you, Lynn! Thank you for helping all of us raise our consciousness with the truth no matter how controversial the topic.
Interesting discussion everyone.
@Claire - I finally visited the UK last year for the first time in my life. Although I can't give a firsthand account of how the culture has changed over the years (other than what I read or hear about), I can say that our trip was punctuated by two violent terrorist attacks. A week before we arrived in Westminster Abbey, a jihadi in a vehicle ran over some pedestrians on the bridge and fatally stabbed a police officer. While in the UK we visited Manchester to attend a conference. A week after our return home there was another Islamist terrorist attack - a bombing at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. Because these two events coincided with our trip, I will never forget them although these terrible events seem to happen all the time now. Perhaps this was simply business as usual in the UK? The new normal in a global world? Or maybe you think I'm Islamophobic for even mentioning that these events involve Muslims? Here in Canada, journalists and citizens are no longer allowed to openly criticize Islam because our current government passed a law banning our free speech by reclassifying it as hate speech but it only applies to the Islamic religion. We're still allowed to disparage Christians and Catholics though and any other religious denomination. Perhaps these occurrences are all completely unrelated and have nothing to do with the PTW and their globalist plans to gain control of world populations by destabilizing once free societies in the west. Yes, I agree with you that there is still good news stories to report on and that most people are decent and peace-loving regardless of their faith, but a society that buries its head in the sand does so at its own peril.
Lynn...very sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Of course, girl, we've got your back......healing thoughts/hopes/prayers heading your way!!!!
Breaking news...breaking news from the Ether World. Light bulb moment. Trump spoke as he did yesterday because Putin gave him very detailed information concerning our intelligence agencies...many of whom are commandeered by unbelievably corrupt Gobalist factions. Trump thought he knew, from his own limited resources and people, with whom he was dealing. He was shocked and staggered to understand the depth and breadth of the corruption within our intelligence community and country...only another foreign country's intelligence apparatus could/would reveal the relative extent of corruption. I don't think they even know the depth. Maybe just a guess. I dunno.
Sending you healing light and love every hour of my waking hours.
Many of the networks Putin revealed to Trump involve people Trump knows very well and who have been friendly and respectful toward him in public...in correct "public behavior" sphere. He realized the utter ruthlessness...the level at which they play...which even he does not. Putin did not offer conjecture or opinion. He showed Trump proof. Actual, incontroverible proof. This was why Putin was the one who requested that the meeting between them be private except for interpreters. This is also why Trump kept looking almost shyly at Putin when they first met, for Trump did not request a private meeting. This is also why Putin did not look up nor allow his demeanor through his face nor eyes to reveal anything to anyone in the room or on TV. He is a thug. He's the best. He's been thoroughly trained and knows exactly how to handle himself. He practices Eastern arts/thinking. He is also aware of the level at which The Really Big Ones play. Remember the Dutch banker whom the "Illuminati" allowed to leave and who revealed he couldn't continue because they expected him to indulge in child sacrifice? That level.
In terms of Trump and Putin: the fact that Putin was going to give Trump deep info (that he apparently wasn't getting here; all he has to do it read Lynn's and the CAT's sites) is one major reason why the PTW were trying so hard to put the kibosh on the trip. The fact that some people are calling the Helsinki peace summit "treason" is completely ridiculous. Peace as treason. If anyone talks down a peace summit in front of you, ask them -- publicly -- why they don't want peace. We have been conditioned to conflict for far too long.
Sending healing energy to you. You are loved on this blog and universally. Speedy recovery. Love & light
Dear Lynn,
Prayers and thoughts and lots of energy for your speedy recovery. You give so much to so many,
Love and Light
Hi everyone! Thanks for the kind words and healing!! xoxo-
Yes, please do send healing love to all areas of the world, and even though there are a lot of new sources out there, I can't help but feel there is a real crisis in Europe and it is intentionally being ignored. There is a big agenda out there, and it needs to be addressed and exposed.
I have relatives in the UK and I've visited England two years ago and mine and their account is different from what you're saying. Luckily enough I wasn't around any terrorist attacks during my trip, but I was shocked to see how many non native English people were walking around London streets. It almost didn't feel like England to me and I had relatives tell me it has changed so much they don't recognize it themselves. There's was this lost energy about London, it was sad. Don't take me wrong, there's nothing wrong with other cultures, but there's a time when you have to in some ways assimilate by still maintaining some your traditions as well. It's hard but possible. I'm speaking from first hand experience as a immigrant to the US. Yes, the media is extremely corrupt, the right channels may be exaggerating about the numbers while the left DOES NOT cover this issue at all. Lynn, you ask to pray for Europe which I do (and I'm sure many many more people do) and even as a woman of faith I sometimes ask myself, will our prayers work? Will things change?
at Denise @ spot on with your comments. never ever see the bbc as a paragon, they are as corrupt beyond words.
Hi Lynn, get well soon.
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