I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Q. Some have suggested that the pyramids were a source of power that used water as a pump that radiated through a crystal at the top. Was the pump noisy.....could it have been heard outside the pyramid? How did it use oscillating water to create energy? A. I do see the pyramids did sit on an underground water source or river. The pyramids also had a large crystal quartz capstone at the top point. They did serve as a powerhouse, and it looks like they would build up electricity using a mechanism and the running water, and the current would then flow to the inner chamber of the pyramid via some kind of primitive wire or tubing. This wiring feels like it was insulted in the channel by using a pink colored store to line the channel. Within the center of the pyramid was a metallic looking apparatus and hear it was a capacitor and worked like a battery. When the "battery" was full it would expel and electric charge upward through another pink stoned lined channel and out the top (it was how the battery discharged). When this happened, it would look like a lightening bolt was shooting out the top of the pyramid and into the sky. The pyramids did make noise, similar to a low hum when the current was flowing. If you touched a pyramid and were grounded, you could even feel a little static shock (even thought the majority of the energy was held within the channels that carried the wiring). Q. Ancient Egyptians used Hieroglyphics and many people that have seen aliens and alien aircraft have reported that they have seen writing on the sides of the aircraft that resembled hieroglyphics. Because aliens have been associated with ancient Egypt and the Pyramids, is it possible that Hieroglyphics evolved from alien writing? Or did hieroglyphics naturally evolve from using pictographs to represent ideas and objects? A. I get hieroglyphics evolved in Egypt because they were an advanced society and wanted a way to keep records and advance knowledge to future generations. It looks as though Egyptians came up with their own way of documenting through pictures. And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Link to PsychicFocus reading of YouTube: to be posted To further support the blog or my YouTube channel, please visit me on Patreon.
Former NSA director: THE DNC FILES COULD NOT HAVE BEEN HACKED OVER THE INTERNET! The download rate of 49 megs per second has totally screwed the Russian narrative, because it means the DNC had a great computer, and Seth Rich had a great flash drive. It means nothing else, no hack did that.
Thanks Lynn for your read on the pyamids as power generators, confirming the best research of many who have studied Cheop's internal chanels and tried to retroengineer how they worked. The amazing thing is some pyramids like the Mayan ones in Mexico are still emitting energy beams from their cap. Awhile back I was a video taken by tourists standing in front of one of these pyramids and a clear beam came out of the top was recorded by accident, Here is another video with some images taken by others of pyramid beams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GMK3NK3qSQ
Opposing the view that Europe has a problem... another great assessment about: DJT Is Reversing The "World Order". (send good vibes to the WH because deep state is in panic (Btw I'm not a Trump fan!) https://youtu.be/fZCQm3o1lNE
Can it be reproduced today? Are the archaeologists that study Egypt aware of the Pyramid's true function, but won't inform the general public?
I wonder if aliens on other planets communicate with writing, pictures, telepathy or some other manner we have never conceived of. Do little aliens go to alien elementary school and are compelled to draw the same letters over and over and over in a line until they get it right, like I had to do?
@Watchand...viewed the video. Monday night I sent congratulations to Pres. Trump on his very successful summit with Pres. Putin. I also sent emails to my two Senators and one Congresswoman urging them to work toward sending Mueller with his investigative team to Russia to interview the indicted 12 Russians. As we all realize, an indictment does not provide a shred of evidence, and of course, as Mueller realizes, these 12 Russians would never stand trial in the U.S. Therefore, Mueller can accuse and accuse with no evidence nor need to provide any to the American people...for whom he works. Of course, reciprocation would involve Russian intelligence interviewing criminals like Bill Browder (who, as your video indicated, loathes Putin because Browder, as a raider of Russian assets during Yeltsin's incompentence, was thrown out of Russia by Putin) here in the U.S.
The question moving forward is how carefully Trump will do so with the newly acquired level of intelligence (which, I believe through intuition, he did acquire during the summit) on the extent of corruption in both U.S. and British intelligence. British intelligence is absolutely filthy. The video is correct: the last president to attempt standing up to the military-industrial complex (now the fully entrenched Gobalist Deep State War Mongering Arms Dealers/Oil Rapers/Assets [I include the peoples of the world and their energy/work/lives which have been pillaged] Plunders) was assassinated in Dallas.
Where do we stand in terms of Ascension and the waking up of people? We're in one hell of a donnybrook, folks!!! Along with the intuition I received the other night was also the fact...the fact...that this Ascension will harvest huge numbers of souls to 5D. The Luficer Group (remember...they are 6D stepped down to 3D to play "the part" of evil for this Ascension period) will achieve their 95% (for themselves only), and many souls are awakening (in far greater numbers than expected). This Ascension will be extremely successful, and the repercussions felt throughout this Universe will be enormous. Earth is that important. Why do you think that other beings from other Universes are viewing this Event?
Bingo! What did I just write before going to ZeroHedge and finding https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-19/fbi-chief-threatens-quit-if-trump-invites-russian-agents-us?
Pyramid is fascinating topic. Lot of research been done on the pymraid by Joe Parr, Edward Nightingale & many other. Even Nikola Tesla studied the great pyramid. Russians also conducted detail study on pyramid power. Check the links for more:-
"Giza is a Repository of Knowledge" Based on 16 years of research back engineering the design of the Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza, Edward Nightingale has rediscovered precisely how the architects of Giza used geometry and mathematics to encode a stunning amount of knowledge within the architectural design of the Giza Pyramids and The Great Sphinx.
The Secrets of the Pyramids Revealed / Orgone accumulators scalar generators. A special Book by VILIM KANJSKI & HRVOJE ZUJIĆ ( Download & Read as per your convenience)
For those who like to read...you may be interested in this article a propos recent discussion here: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2018/07/06/hard-voluntarism-empathy-vs-soft-slavery-psychopathy/
"In order to be a healthy, responsible, moral, and just human being, you must allow others to be free to give their consent. Otherwise, you are on the slippery slope into tyranny. If you believe that people should be forced into doing things against their will through threat of violence then you are not a healthy, responsible, moral and just human being. It really is that simple."
Former NSA director: THE DNC FILES COULD NOT HAVE BEEN HACKED OVER THE INTERNET! The download rate of 49 megs per second has totally screwed the Russian narrative, because it means the DNC had a great computer, and Seth Rich had a great flash drive. It means nothing else, no hack did that.
Thanks Lynn for your read on the pyamids as power generators, confirming the best research of many who have studied Cheop's internal chanels and tried to retroengineer how they worked. The amazing thing is some pyramids like the Mayan ones in Mexico are still emitting energy beams from their cap. Awhile back I was a video taken by tourists standing in front of one of these pyramids and a clear beam came out of the top was recorded by accident, Here is another video with some images taken by others of pyramid beams
Opposing the view that Europe has a problem... another great assessment about: DJT Is Reversing The "World Order". (send good vibes to the WH because deep state is in panic (Btw I'm not a Trump fan!) https://youtu.be/fZCQm3o1lNE
Can it be reproduced today? Are the archaeologists that study Egypt aware of the Pyramid's true function, but won't inform the general public?
I wonder if aliens on other planets communicate with writing, pictures, telepathy or some other manner we have never conceived of. Do little aliens go to alien elementary school and are compelled to draw the same letters over and over and over in a line until they get it right, like I had to do?
Thanks for your blog Lynn !
@Watchand...viewed the video. Monday night I sent congratulations to Pres. Trump on his very successful summit with Pres. Putin. I also sent emails to my two Senators and one Congresswoman urging them to work toward sending Mueller with his investigative team to Russia to interview the indicted 12 Russians. As we all realize, an indictment does not provide a shred of evidence, and of course, as Mueller realizes, these 12 Russians would never stand trial in the U.S. Therefore, Mueller can accuse and accuse with no evidence nor need to provide any to the American people...for whom he works. Of course, reciprocation would involve Russian intelligence interviewing criminals like Bill Browder (who, as your video indicated, loathes Putin because Browder, as a raider of Russian assets during Yeltsin's incompentence, was thrown out of Russia by Putin) here in the U.S.
The question moving forward is how carefully Trump will do so with the newly acquired level of intelligence (which, I believe through intuition, he did acquire during the summit) on the extent of corruption in both U.S. and British intelligence. British intelligence is absolutely filthy. The video is correct: the last president to attempt standing up to the military-industrial complex (now the fully entrenched Gobalist Deep State War Mongering Arms Dealers/Oil Rapers/Assets [I include the peoples of the world and their energy/work/lives which have been pillaged] Plunders) was assassinated in Dallas.
Where do we stand in terms of Ascension and the waking up of people? We're in one hell of a donnybrook, folks!!! Along with the intuition I received the other night was also the fact...the fact...that this Ascension will harvest huge numbers of souls to 5D. The Luficer Group (remember...they are 6D stepped down to 3D to play "the part" of evil for this Ascension period) will achieve their 95% (for themselves only), and many souls are awakening (in far greater numbers than expected). This Ascension will be extremely successful, and the repercussions felt throughout this Universe will be enormous. Earth is that important. Why do you think that other beings from other Universes are viewing this Event?
Bingo! What did I just write before going to ZeroHedge and finding https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-19/fbi-chief-threatens-quit-if-trump-invites-russian-agents-us?
Thank you for all the comments and info! I appreciate all the sharing.
Pyramid is fascinating topic. Lot of research been done on the pymraid by Joe Parr, Edward Nightingale & many other. Even Nikola Tesla studied the great pyramid. Russians also conducted detail study on pyramid power. Check the links for more:-
Thanks Lynn for covering pyramid. It is one of my favorite topic.
"Giza is a Repository of Knowledge" Based on 16 years of research back engineering the design of the Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza, Edward Nightingale has rediscovered precisely how the architects of Giza used geometry and mathematics to encode a stunning amount of knowledge within the architectural design of the Giza Pyramids and The Great Sphinx.
The Secrets of the Pyramids Revealed / Orgone accumulators scalar generators. A special Book by VILIM KANJSKI & HRVOJE ZUJIĆ ( Download & Read as per your convenience)
@ Buddhist Lady, I would like to hire you as my ghost-writer! :)
For those who like to read...you may be interested in this article a propos recent discussion here: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2018/07/06/hard-voluntarism-empathy-vs-soft-slavery-psychopathy/
"In order to be a healthy, responsible, moral, and just human being, you must allow others to be free to give their consent. Otherwise, you are on the slippery slope into tyranny. If you believe that people should be forced into doing things against their will through threat of violence then you are not a healthy, responsible, moral and just human being. It really is that simple."
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