Melania is a strong woman that is well spoken in several languages. She has been attacked for her shoes, clothes and even her accent (I hear the phrase "How many languages are most people fluent in? She knows seven."). She even tried to start a "no bullying" campaign, and was in a sense "bullied" by the media after speaking out on it. I see this jacket was an extension of her "no bullying" campaign and was a message to the media to basically say "regardless of what I do you will find fault and report based on your own agenda, and I REALLY DON'T CARE DO YOU (and directing the thought to the silent majority)? Rather than calling them out in ways her husband does, she is standing up to them in a bold, alternate way hoping more people will stop caring what the media thinks, and hold your head high regardless of who puts you down.
(The following are just a few of the negative attacks on Trump's relatives JUST because they support Trump... Melania finally stood up to this "bullying" because She Really Doesn't Care, Do You?" I then hear the phrase, "When has a first lady or president EVER been treated this way in our history? The same people that threatened to leave the country upon his election are celebrating our great country on Independence Day today.)

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube: https://youtu.be/oyg9moEzd_0
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What I don't like about Trump is that he "mocks" people with impediments or others he considers "inferior" to him.
What I don't like about Trump is that he "mocks" people with impediments or others he considers "inferior" to him.
@ haydeeally, well said! To me his reasoning in many aspects is not transparent, and at this moment I doubt he'll get another 4 years, but, imo, he's doing a great job at draining the swamp specially regarding pizzagate and abortion institutions which received much money from the federal govt. As always, it's not as simple as being just a Trump lover or hater!
Thanks for the comments. I do appreciate you taking time to leave a comment. I agree that Trump can be a little out there, but one thing to remember is that many (not all) things are taken way out of context. The media will take snipets of a conversation without revealing the whole thing just to get the soundbite or meme they want. Again, not always the case, but they definitely do it. The follow the guy 24/7 waiting on something, and most of us in the course of our day do something can be editing to mean something else. :-)
The best advice I can give anyone now is to only get news from the internet from sources that resonate as being truthful or objective. I swear you can find more objective and accurate reporting on RT.com (Russia Times) or some of the English papers like the Guardian or Daily Mail. Gatewaypundit, Beforeitsnews, thedailysheeple, and a lot of Youtube channels: youarefreetv, destroyingtheillusion, justinformed, dauntlessdialogue, there's a lot out there for the intellectually curious who don't like being lead by the nose.
@haydeeally: Trump hits back at those who unfaily attack, or attempt to "bully" him. What you don't like is a lie repeated a million times about a NYTimes reporter who trashed him and then had to recant the story, who Trump then mocked for 5 seconds in a speech comically shaking to show how the reporter became nervous when he was caught in a lie, he had done the same things to others who misreprted on him. Do you think people keep detailed files on print writers to know they have disabilities? Charles Krauthammer has been a TV pundit for four decades and hardly anyone knew he was a paraplegic until he recently died. We live in a world where if you repeat a lie enough it becomes a fact in the mind of many.
Ask yourself why so many lavishly paid "reporters" working for monopolisitc media outlets run by billionaires would feel so threatened by Trump that reportage on him is 90% negative, and jumps from one campaign about how he hates women, foreigners, is racist, is going to get us into war, ect, and yet his accomplisments are real, he's kept campain promses and his support keeps growing despite that.
There's been a lot of talk about collusion. How will you feel when you find out you've been supporting Clinton, Obama, and many top members of society including the present pope, royalty ect who engage in human slave trafficking, the world drug and heroin market, and pedophilia? You have to be a tough guy to put up with not only press attacks but multiple assassination attempts against you and family members. Where was this rage before when abuse and criminality was rampant but the politicians could just put on their oh so politically correct face for the cameras and everthing was fine? Don't be a sleepwalker to one of the greatest fights for good in our lifetime.
@haydeeally: I don't know if the following reasoning makes sense to you, but the extreme, hateful ideology currently defining the Progressive or Liberal agenda has "created" Trump. I am politically a Moderate Libertarian/Independent. American politics has become hateful, devisive, antagonistic, unfair, etc. and was initiated by the Left.
When you create this extreme...you get an extreme. This is a Universal Law. Many people voted for Trump simply because they wanted the US military out of other countries which do us no harm nor pose a threat to us. You wouldn't know unless you read the web as Robert mentioned above...because the MSM supports only the Illuminati/Deep State/Dark Military-Industrial Complex thought. Trump's rude and crude because when you are portrayed from Day One as evil, disgusting, stupid, etc. on world news outlets day in and day out, how do you counter that attack? If you doubt me, look up sources on the web which will detail how many favorable stories are reported versus unfavorable on Trump and the Trump family. The statistics (not opinion, not feelings...but statistics) will astound you.
I can only hope that US citizens will opt out of MSM news into alternative news sources on web. Maintain your own inner light. Melania tries to do so and maintain her dignity under extremely adverse and unfair circumstances. Did anyone hold up a replicated severed head of Obama? Did anyone call Michelle or her daughters "cunts"? "Gashes"? Did anyone call for the murder/killing of Obama or his daughters openly in the press? Did anyone call for putting Obama's daughters in cages with pedophiles?
You can certainly disagree with any president's policies. Vile, personal attacks, no matter how you interpret anyone else's agenda or comments, furthers the negative agenda. Instead, write contrary opinion pieces exposing the flaws in their policies; work for legislation supporting your agenda; work with agencies which support your view of immigration, health, or whatever. The Left is doing a brilliant job of spreading the deepest negative agenda.
@haydeeally -- It's my observation that the identity politics of the Left (and the hate-filled MSM) like to foster the illusion that we are defined by our disabilities and so-called disadvantages (including race, gender, sexual orientation, etc ad nauseum) so that they can play on human emotions and manipulate public opinion to their advantage. People who are caught up in their emotions are less likely to form their opinions based on facts and logic. The Left think that people with disabilities are victims that need to be coddled and protected. Do you think this disabled journalist thinks of himself as a victim? My impression is that people with visible disabilities want to be treated the same as everyone else. For all we know, this disabled reporter didn't appreciate the media portraying him as a helpless victim and then using him as a political pawn to further their agenda. Something to think about.
Lots of great observations that I too agree with. Thanks again for all the great comments!!
Also, Melania was trolling the former CEO/Creator of Zara who resigned shortly after Trump's Executive Order which impounded the funds of people who made money off of, among other things, sex trafficking. The media doesn't care about the 80% rape rate of females in the immigrant crisis on our borders, and the borders of Europe, or that the children of such immigrants are likely being trafficked by the teens and adults they are with, even if they happen to be their parents.
I usually do not comment politically in Lynn's posts, but this subject is really getting hot, and it is going to get much hotter as the 10's of thousands of sealed indictments start getting released this month.
Stay calm. No fear. Stay awake.
@Ma'at -- good point! There's so much the general public is not aware of that's going on within political circles and behind the scenes. That's why the media is so fake - they should be informing the public with fair investigative journalism instead of engaging in psychological warfare. We need to stay vigilant if we really want to change the system for the better.
Major Disclosures Coming In July, According To David Wilcock.
Very nice comments....alot of discerning, perceptive, clear and free thinking people here...☺
@Ma'at: Thanks for sharing. I will be watching for them to be released!!
Have a great Saturday and Sunday everyone!!
Robert, every time I read one of your comments I think I'd love to hang out with you! Denise, you too.
And YouAreFreeTV. . .yes! I LOVE her! She's my go-to for daily news updates. There seems to be no subject she's afraid to cover.
Trump is brash and bold and irritatingly outspoken at times but I feel that same powerful ego that makes him that way also allows him to stand up to the media and the establishment. If you want him to disrupt the status quo he has to do it his way. He takes all those arrows and keeps going. No one else has stood up to the machine an made it this far.
@ AL233 - Well said.
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