Thanks so much, Lynn!

A. When I tune into this, I get two things are the cause of these sounds. The first is just that, Gaia is releasing her energy. I know I have said this before, but Gaia absorbs a lot of energy from both the sun, and also us.
I am reminded of a lesson I learned as I was becoming a Reiki master, and that lesson was when we clear a field and funnel the energy, tell the low vibe energy that is not serving the client to go to the trees. The trees will ground it to Mother Earth, and she will gladly take it in. Gaia can only hold onto so much (potential) energy before she needs to expel it, and one way to do that is to expand. I get that earth used to be much smaller, and between the subtle increases in our distance from the sun, and the expansion she experiences, earth is (very slowly) growing. "Some" of these booms are the sounds of her growing pains.
The second thing I see (which feels much less majestic, but still going on) is in certain countries governments are building underground tunneling systems (I zone right in to the Ozarks, Missouri). These systems look to span miles and miles to connect major cities. They serve as a highway system to get the elite and members of government to safe locations "if" there were to be either a natural or man-made disaster. Tensions have been high, and with weather manipulation and false flags on the rise, the PTW (Powers That Were) and other influential people want to ensure their security. It looks as if in certain location underground "bunker" cities are being erected.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Link to PsychicFocus reading on YouTube:
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I hope mother earth releases some of her energy in these “bunkers” - crumbling them all
I read in the post of the Light Sentinels that the children of Kate Middleton is really not her own children but frozen eggs of Queen Elizabeth to ensure the Draco bloodline. What do you think of this? It may have been implanted or she is a surrogate?
Plausible since she gets hyperemesis gravidarum every pregnant - body reaction to foreign eggs lol. Sad thing she probably wont know bc they are sinister
FBI invovled means we wont ever know the truth about this in the public realm.
Thanks, Lynn. But always nice to have confirmation of what I already "know." Re: underground tunnels.
P.S. Some of the abducted children are also transported by underground tunnels.
Tks! What actually causes earth to grow?
Can you please look into the recent suicides of anthony bourdain and kate spade?
Why does the left hate science by Stefan Molyneux? (
There's a clear tendency towards answering off-topic questions about what the Clintons prefer to drink when they are thirsty and to "oversee" on-topic science related questions. Actually, wasn't it the psychic lady herself that stated that earth is expanding and therefore, imho, wasn't it legitimate to ask why? Actually questioning isn't doubting as the lefties like to induce! Recently a question was asked about rock shaping tools made out of copper. A simple refinement investigation would have shown you, that the statement was wrong but not completely because Bronze (remember Bronze-age?) is much harder than copper and its made out of 90%copper. But can a Soouth-American ever hit the nail, hardly when the judgemental is a leftie! BTW happy soccer world cup! :)))
@Watchand Knock: The problem is that many leftist people act on emotion and not logic. When presented with facts or a question, they deflect or go on a totally random tangent. The discussion quickly can become unproductive, so you just have to move on..
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