To read more about it, please click the "Live Chat" tab above, and to reserve your spot please go to my online scheduler.
I look forward to "chatting" with you! Love and light- Lynn
UPDATE: The votes are in.. I hope to put get a group together for the first Saturday in February, February 3rd at 12 PM (Noon) EST. Sessions will last up to an hour (so be prepared with questions). For directions on how to sign up, please see the link above. If you have any questions, please let me know in comments or feel free to email me. I look forward to "chatting" with you.
A fantastic idea!! xoxo
@Serene: Thanks!
Seriously, if anyone has feedback, I appreciate hearing it (good, bad or indifferent). I think this could be interesting and a way to create a live conversation. xoxo-
I think it's a great idea......
Yes!!!! Will this mean a chat like fb messenger or something like that? I was bumming about not being able to do a phone call cuz of my disability, but this would be perfect for me! Thank you Lynn!
If you are planning to do readings simultaneously as you convey them through chat, maybe you should have someone read the questions for you, so it doesn't distract too much. And maybe have someone write the answers down in the chat?
I am thinking the chat becomes too much of a distraction for you to concentrate otherwise? One solution could be if you have like video/voice chat.
I don't think timezones will be much of a problem. Anything from 9AM to midnight EST is fine with me. Most people are probably more flexible on weekends though.
@Beloved Shiningstar
It must be an extremely debilitating handicap if you can't even do phone calls. What kind of disability is it you have, if I may ask? Schizophrenia?
@shining arn*t ya suposte ta let a person answer before giving an inferred answer? Ihavn8 been in a chat room since mid ninties! Sounds interesting. Unlike todays younger generation I had no acsess to computer, typing skills have gone south along w/vision. before Ifound wasting valuable time channel surfing. STILL TRYING TO learn to use it this amazing invention! I*ll maybe get it eventually! Sounds to me you have an amazing gift Old men will dreams and young men will see visions Derwood Johnson
Depending on the time of the chat some may not be able to join, will you post these as recordings where people could listen to them later? thanks
Thanks everyone for the great comments and suggestions. I'm still working out the details, and realize time zones may be an issue. It wouldn't really be a session on doing readings, but more like being able to ask me questions (like you were having a conversation). People are always curious about development, how you recognize your own abilities, setting protection, meditation, want to have conversations about a posting, or maybe even talk about something going on in the world. I'm still reserving personal things for personal readings, but this is just a way to converse online and instantly (via a chat). I also agree that I may need to do this on a weekend (maybe every other Saturday??) and maybe a subscription service via Patreon..?? Bear with me, I am sorting it out. I hope to start this in February.
The enlightened one... you're really mean. Forcing me to put it out there like that to assure everyone it isn't a mental illnesss.. how about deafness since birth? Is that a good enough reason for you?
@Beloved Shiningstar:
I completely agree with you, that is an awful way to put someone on the spot like that.
It's non of our business why you can't do phone readings, but good for you for being so open about it and not letting the enlightened(?) one put you in a corner.
I did not expect to find such mean comments on this site.
@the enlightened one: you should apologise to Beloved Shiningstar.............
Thank you Nessie 💕
@Beloved Shiningstar
How about lipreading video-conversations?
Oh, and by the way, there's no reason to take offense because someone implies you might be schizophrenic, there have been many successful people who were schizophrenic, Einstein for example, not to mention most feminists and left-wing politicians.
Hi everyone. Even though I do appreciate the time it takes to read the blog and leave comments, I think we are headed down a negative path. Let's try to stay on point, and move forward. I really do love the community that has formed here, and want to continue to create a positive place for sharing. Thanks. Hugs!
I agree Thank you Lynn, I really do enjoy your blog and look forward to chatting with you! Mich love! 💕
How to do youtube chats with transcriptions https://waywithwords.net/youtube-video-transcription-services/
@Watch: Thank you. I think YouTube has a feature too, and I just haven't fully figured it out. I will look at this. :-)
@Watchand Knock
How do you see this as being helpful? It's a company that translates and put subtitles to videos after they have been made. I don't see how such a service would be useful in a chat room?
@enlightened one: I think he is referring to my YouTube videos (at least that is how I took it).
I still don't see the context of Watchandknock's suggestion. Have you been requesting some kind of solution for this, and on what grounds?
@Lynn- yes!! That would be wonderful!! That way deaf people have access to your videos too. Thank you for thinking of us watchnknock, and of course thank you to Lynn!
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