Q. Can you shed some light on the Las Vegas shooting? People are looking for answers. This is a sad day for many families.
A. When I tune into this, I do see this as a patsy situation. I get this was organized by some elite PTW (Powers That Were) on the more liberal side of politics. These group looks like they supplied the weapons used by Paddock. If they look for the serial numbers, they will realize (if announced) there is something odd with the numbers (they won't match, or they will have to hide where they really came from)
I see that Paddock was diagnosed with some kind of chronic, life threatening condition (I want to say cancer), which made him an easy accomplice. He was promised that his family would be cared for if he helped fulfill an agenda. He didn't know exactly what he was signing up for, but it looks like once he agreed, he didn't have an option to back out (or quite the inverse would happen to his loved ones).
I get he was actually supposed to do this Saturday, but couldn't muster up the strength to do something he felt was so wrong. He really had to talk himself up. I see he was supposed to go and shoot aimlessly and allow a "hero" to take him out. He decided at the last minute he couldn't keep going, went back to his room and took his own life.
The goal was to cause more divide, fear and work toward a stronger gun ban / laws.
And that is all I have for this reading. This was a sad and horrific situation. Please send love and healing to these families. They need all the support they can get. Love and light-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Lynn, Do you think the truth of the situation will be revealed (or at least some of it)?
Hey Lynn,
Who was the couple this young lady was claiming that was telling people, "You're all going to die" in this video?
Thank you!
I pray for everyone involved in this monstrosity.
Lynn, so he was not the one who did the shooting after all?
More fear porn
They said ISIS is responsible.
Hi Lynn, Thanks for such a quick reading! I was wondering several things in regards to this attack... on the encrypted PD scanners, they said there were multiple shooters, I heard possibly 8 at one point. Additionally you can watch interviews of people who talk about shooters set up in the exit flows of the concert area, shooting where people were running. Additionally, the FBI has now taken over the investigation. Additionally, apparently there were explosions at the MGM that haven't really been talked about......
Are they keeping the rest of this under wraps to help reduce the fear factor? What happened to the other shooters, and what will happen to them?
Also, I have been reading that NESARA and the new currencies are just about to be released, and that originally NESARA was supposed to be released 9/12/01, and that 9/11 was in part to thwart that plan. Do you see this event as putting off NESARA and Disclosure much longer?? Or is it like David Wilcock says on his blog, where we may be reaching a peak point for turmoil that will force a reset, especially with the huge debt now increasing due to natural disaster relief, etc.
Thank you again for doing this reading!!!
Given how much money Vegas represents to the mob and legit businesses (it's the adult version of Disneyland), they both have a multi-billion-dollar vested interest in sniffing out the truth of this matter and either dragging the actual perps to light, or showing them their special hole in the desert (not to mention the karmic ones). This was a huge mistake by the PTW and shows their desperation.
Thanks for this reading, Lynn. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. The shooter, Stephen Paddock, had no police record; never showed interest in weapons; had no military background or experience; and lived, evidently, a very normal life in a normal, average senior community in Mesquite (north of LV). He did have a hunting license from Alaska.
Yet, in his room on the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay, the news reported this morning that he had a minimum of 10 fully loaded fully auitomatic rifles. He had 100s of fully loaded magazines. Early newscasts remarked that these types of weapons are extremely hard to get--people even have trouble obtaining them on the black market.
I normally don't watch news, but this story was a puzzle. So, I watched and watched. And what you hear every hour is the sound of the shooting on the cell phone footage from the concert where people were shot so I suspect the liberal faction of the PTW want fully automatic weapons outlawed and the number of magazines allowed for sale limited.
To close on a happier note, the tragedy has motivated people and moved them to open their hearts and become of service to others. LV needs blood, and people are standing in 6-hour lines to give blood. I think a number of lessons are being learned for Ascension.
The PTW are getting desperate and sloppy. This is just over-the-top.
Thanks, Lynn for posting on this tragic event so quickly. Your reading confirms what I was thinking about this being staged and the shooter being a patsy. Do you think Antifa was involved? And to your point on gun laws, I noticed Hillary didn't waste anytime coming out against silencers on guns!
Thanks, Lynn for this quick reading. It all makes sense now why a lone old guy with no criminal record decided to shoot randomly at a crowd in his dying years. He shouldn't have done this horrible act because he will suffer killing karma in his future lives.
Lynn, did he actually take anyone's life ? Were there really 50+ lives lost and 400+ injured, they must've had a lot of backup shooters in case he failed?
What agenda are they pushing with this one ?
It's getting so I don't believe any of these staged disasters and avoided looking into it the whole day. Just a quick look and listen to the live footage strongly suggests at least two distinct shooters, the great distance between the two broken windows, the seventy plus minutes it went on before police found him and the fact it happened on the anniversary of the Bolshevick revolution are all the signs of past false flags. Luckily we have brave citizen journalists who in the next few days will piece together much of what really happened. The strategic design of the corralled concertgoers with a sniper in a tall building behind them seems very military and timed for this concert.
Too bad the FBI and other law agencies will do their best to cover it up.
The police are saying he does not fit the usual profile of a shooter. Perhaps we will learn more about him later. Thanks for your blog Lynn.
@Lynn - I know this might be a sensitive question and I understand if you might not be able to answer. The Smith-Mundt Act was quietly amended in 2012 which added the provision that the American mass media could be used to promote and broadcast propoganda to the American people through mass media communications. Sandy Hook, the movie shooting, church shooting, Boston bombing and numerous (false flag) events occurred around the passage of this amendment. Prior to this amendment, the original law was for the purposes of broadcasting U.S. propaganda in foreign countries via media and communications.
Is this Act the mechanism the PTW are using to legally (and using taxpayer money) carry out these real terr*r, Crisis Actor, and false, orchestrated events and then streaming the images on CNN, MSNBC and all the other mainstream media sources as propoganda, with the goal to influence/bully the American people until they support overturning the constitutional right to bear arms?
I wonder if there is any relationship to the upcoming ,never before released government documents on JFK, that are scheduled to released October 26? Only the sitting President ( Trump) can stop their release!!
The Romanov Family assassinations/murders Bolshevik Revolution anniversary date reference above is interesting too!! The Bolshevik Revolution was essentialy the TPTW coup of Russia at that time. Putins Russia kicked them all out by the way.
So, interesting parallels going on. This Kennedy assassination document release date for this month is not much in the news? Could be rather damaging perhaps?
I wonder if Anastasia Romanov servived the murders? Interesting if she did.
I really wonder who was the woman who told the concert goers "You're all going to die!". Was this planned karmic insurance or was it predictive programming?
Also I really wonder who talked this guy into doing this. What is his linkage to TPTW? I understand he was an internal auditor for Lockheed Martin before he retired. Is that related?
Also 2, there is some evidence of other shooters on lower floors who actually shot people. Do you agree Lynn?
I really hope DaDa is right that the Mob gets who did it, but then I feel strong overlay with JFK so I wonder at the Mob involvement. Surely the Empire would clear this with the Mob first?
I want to see video of what went into his room and video of what went into the other rooms with the windows blown out. I know it will be disappeared or doctored. The Mob has the actual footage guaranteed.
Also 3, I wonder why the police could not take the shooter(s) down in 1 hour and 15 minutes (reportedly) when windows were clearly blown out and there were visual firing blasts so you could tell where the firing was coming from. Were the police in on this?
And this is something that troubles me: Although I know we are all grateful for any video that shines truth on this, I just cannot understand why people would be standing in a relaxed manner taking videos with their phones while all hell is apparently breaking loose. Also there are photos of concert goers jumping fences to get away, still clutching phones. My phone would be the last thing on my mind if I needed both hands to scale a fence. I don't understand any of this.
I follow Bombard's Body Language on youtube. She did an interesting video on the brother, as well as, witnesses...very interesting.
I people searched Stephen Paddock and that guy lived all over the place, but not Alaska, where he had the hunting license. A search for Paddocks in Alaska turned up a slew of them in Juneau, probably related, yet he and his closer relatives never lived there. Somehow the connection to Alaska was intended, it looks like. Lynn?
Now in a separate, but possibly related incident, Tom Petty had a heart attack and died, I believe on the 2nd, but was found on the 1st, 10-1.
This is very suspicious. Petty was a thorn in the side of the music biz for a long time. He wanted to get off the road to be able to see his family more. Age 66 is not that old. Sacrifice or message or both? Is this connected? Thanks as always for trying to sort out the truth.
Illuminati ritual confirmed.
32nd Floor (Important number to them)
It was called a "Harvest" Festival (Just a side note, some "teachings" also call for a harvest like the Law of One, think twice who is the harvester and who/what is been harvested)
The sacrifices were in front of the pyramid, sphinx, and obelisk of the Luxor. Not a coincidence.
@misshavesham.......It's not easy to shoot from the ground up to the 32nd floor. Especially when you are under stress. When you shoot a bullet, it does not move in a straight line, it arcs. And if you move the barrel of an M16,M4 1 degree; it will move the impact of the bullet 2 inches at 200 yards/meters. Two degrees would be 4 inches etc... If they shot and missed, it is likely that the bullet could have traveled into another room and injured an innocent person. It's tough to make those decisions.
Hi and thanks for this reading:
With what has happened in Las Vegas which is very sad the link in will give you an idea what is going on Puerto Rico...
I mean this also is US territory but apparently nobody cares about whats really going on there! Worth a reading Lynn? Thanks
Thank you for the comments. I did want to respond to some of the questions.
I do see he did do it, but didn't shoot with precision (this was his choice). It was more like random shooting. There were some injuries, but I get the number and severity was embellished. And, there were also crisis actors incorporated.
I get this information will be slowly brought to light (not by the main stream media though).
The agenda for tighter gun control is going to be evident soon (if it isn't already).
Please send healing out to the families that were hurt by this. Love and light-
Hi Raymond, thanks for your reply. I meant take the elevator up to the room and subdue the shooter, not shoot from the ground. You could get into the building from the other side, where there was no shooting.
I don't know...I see no reason to think anyone has been murdered in these staged mass shootings. After all, if you're going to hire crisis actors and US government & military employees for a staged event, there's no need to kill anyone. In fact, it would be a strategic mistake and far too risky. Many citizens will go along with staged shootings, but killing innocent American citizens? Even military zombies have their limits.
I'm just not getting a murder or suicide vibe on any of these staged mass shootings. I hope I'm right.
Robert Schoen, I'm just like you. My soul can't take the MSM lies anymore. I'm down to just reading online headlines to see what's going on in the world. For events like this, I'll only watch the videos long enough to confirm for myself that it was staged. This one took me all of two minutes.
Again, I see no reason to assume anyone died in this staged shooting. It would be illogical to kill or suicide someone when they're staging other deaths and have the cooperation of the mayor, the local police, the coroner, etc.
I also have surmised that the more we watch, and the more "details" we learn about the event from the MSM, the more confused our intuitive sense becomes.
@missshavesham......Thanks, I never considered that idea because I was too fixated on the scene from the streets. I am sure they had a good reason, because it does seem like an obvious alternative.
Antifa is a bynch of deaperate paid protest rioters by soros....thats it.
Was waiting for that...can you give more insight...was there really 50 killed? 500 injured? Will theae false flags ever come to light? Will 911 come to light officially?
They have no conscious, no limits....there might be some deaths for sacrifice purposea..some actors.
Thanks again for the comments. I did see that some were injured (not as much as the news is reporting). Crisis actors are being incorporated into this too (someone showed me a craigslist ad that was placed looking for actors and peaceful protesters in the area a few days prior). This area needs our healing..
I'm still confused. Most so-called "liberal" or "left-leaning" people, including myself, want sensible gun laws, mostly because of all the carnage guns, in the wrong hands, can cause. Many "liberal" or "left leaning" people, like myself, are pacifists. So why would these same people cause the carnage? It's implied in Lynn's posts, including this one) that left-leaning or liberal people are behind these events.
Are you saying that the PTW are sympathetic to the left/liberals? Because I cannot find a single thing I or my neighbors have In common with them (PTW).
Most liberal peopleI know just want to raise our kids in a kind, non-polluted, world that welcomes and respects diverse cultures. We want to live peacefully and kindly, and raise our children this way. We want to pass a peaceful world on to the next generation.
Mankind must develop within itself a healthy inclination toward the spiritual or it is doomed to sink deeper into the abyss. An entirely new social order must be created; a social order founded upon spiritual knowledge of the Cosmos, Earth and Man. All the old systems have failed, and the impulse toward materialism has fed the darkest impulses within us all.
We must each individually gather up the courage to face our own karma in the cosmic mirror, and take responsibility for the state of our world.
@Resident of town outside of Boston, I've been visiting Lynn's page, on and off, since 2014 (when MH370 went missing). I found all of her posts interesting, but always retained a healthy scepticism because, of course, everything she said was speculation, not fact - there was no way of proving anything. Like all psychics, she has a band of followers who believe everything she says - they ask a few questions, but accept everything she says as being real. But of course, the vast majority of what she says/sees is either wrong, can't be verified anyway, or is already known or suspected by experts or the wider public. That's not to say that she doesn't have psychic abilities - like we all do. But, I'm sorry to say, there's nothing ultra special about any of these blog posts, except that they make interesting and creative reading. And, of course, the interaction between Lynne and her true believers is interesting in and of itself. Putting all of that aside, bit by bit, over the past few years, Lynn has revealed herself to be very right-wing, pro-Republican (even though she has never said it explicitly), pro Trump/anti-Obama/Clinton etc etc. I'm sure she would reply to my comment with something to the effect, 'I only say what I see and feel', but that would be to dismiss the role of subconscious and conscious biases - two things which I've never seen Lynn or any psychic refer to as influencing their readings.
Take everything with a grain of salt here - like I said, it's fascinating reading often but very little is verifiable or 'real'. As for personal readings I've had - some comments of hers were very insightful, however, she was given a lot of information in order to interpret the things she did - in fact, she didn't interpret, she probably mirrored the information I already gave. When I didn't give too much information, the readings had a 40-50% strike rate - if that with some things that were way off the mark thrown in. So bottom line, view these pages as pure escapism. That being said, I'm not a disbeliever in psychics generally, but I've lost a big chunk of faith in Lynn given her blatant Trump bias (in spite of how embarrassingly awful, dishonest, stupid, narcissistic he is) and her goings on about Powers that Be and Powers that Were etc etc. I think all of this stuff is very revealing - but not in the way that she aimed.
Focus upon the issues being dealt with in this post, and do not get distracted by the words of "Shifting"...which, whatever that individuals conscious motive, are intended to shift the direction of our thoughts in a direction opposite of where they should be.
@Shifting feel free to shift to another Blog! We are all grown up and don't need your biased "insights"!
Boston Resident: "Most liberal peopleI know just want to raise our kids in a kind, non-polluted, world that welcomes and respects diverse cultures. We want to live peacefully and kindly, and raise our children this way. We want to pass a peaceful world on to the next generation."
Most conservative people I know want that as well. The only difference is that many conservatives have a healthy distrust for governments in general, as history shows governments in general can't be trusted. The more you understand real history, not just the fluff you read in textbooks, the more you understand the conservative mindset.
I used to be a liberal. But then I learned the truth of 9/11 through non-MSM research. It took me 2-4 years to "deprogram" myself with a lifetime of brainwashing, but once I did, there's no going back. I now know that our government and especially the MSM lies, omits, and propagandizes much of what the public thinks. Through research, I now know the truth about Sandy Hook, the other mass shootings, global warming (it's not), the corrupt intelligence agencies, and so on.
Donald Trump may be a complete ass personality-wise, but I know in the depths of my soul that he's a good man and he's completely authentic about wanting to get rid of the deep state, the "new world order", and, yes, make America great again.
@Shifting: No psychic is every 100% right, since they are humans, not Gods. I've had one reading with Lynn and she knew something she could not possibly know about my situation, except psychically. So I personally know she's the real deal.
I'm a healthy skeptic. I use psychics to primarily confirm my own intuition. Sometimes they don't agree with my intuition, but that's OK. I'm not right all the time either.
As for Trump bias, I used to be a Clinton-worshiping, card-carrying, flaming liberal. I'm still a communist at heart--the real kind--not the dictatorships. I'm a "hippy communist".
But as I learned the truth about 9/11, Sandy Hook, etc. through research, there was no going back to those brainwashed, 'ignorance is bliss' days. I know in my soul that Trump is truly a gift from God, since he is trying to destroy the deep state and the new world order. Yes, he's an egotistical jerk at times, but he knows the truth about these matters and he's on a suicide mission to set our country free from future enslavement to the dark forces in the elite. If you haven't done the research, you won't see the truth, and you'll think Trump supporters are a bunch of bigoted nuts. You have to do the research yourself. MSM is lying to you and not just a little. They are literally a brainwashing arm of the deep state.
@Resident - I hope everyone in the US will stop falling into the Left/Right paradigm trap and realize that the PTW will/do utilize both political parties to carry out their nefarious agenda of divide and conquer. It should be clear to everyone that most liberals AS WELL AS conservatives are decent people who want to live peacefully and raise their families in the best way possible. However, we must be willing to call out corruption where we see it and unfortunately, in my opinion based on a lot of research, too many good liberals have been duped by false narratives promoted by the MSM (controlled by PTW). Of course you shouldn't take my word for it--you will have to do your own research and go more deeply down the rabbit hole in order to understand the extent of the deception. It wasn't that long ago that I referred to myself as Liberal, until I understood that the Left has been largely hijacked by the PTW at this point in time. These days I prefer to see myself as a mix of conservative and liberal values because I think people deep down are complex beings who are continually reworking their value system in order to evolve and become better human beings. Why should we pigeonhole ourselves with labels especially when they're not serving us well as a nation?
@Shift - We believe in Lynn because she is a humble seeker of truth and has generously provided this forum to all who are interested in expanding their minds and questioning all our preconceptions of reality.
I have noticed, and had some concerns about Lynn and the Trump/Conservative thing myself, I still don't know how I feel about that entirely....or if it even matters. But here's what I DO know, Lynn is the real deal. She's not negative or malicious, and she's helpful and very, very brave. I've had 3 readings, all stunningly accurate. I don't get an "ill-will" vibration from her AT ALL. I believe she tries to align herself with God/Light/Higher Vibrational energy. I am blessed with the ability to actually allow myself to like/respect someone without requiring they have everything in common with me; it's okay to disagree...right? Anyway, right or left, I am very fond of Lynn, and I'm glad she's here.
Thank you, Lynn for doing this reading. I've been hoping for this one!
I think this short (12-min) video would be interesting to fellow Lynn followers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuO6_QEhCmQ . It's Pamela Aaralyn talking about what she's been hearing from the shooter over the past few days--he was targeted, he had a choice to make, he didn't kill anyone, there was a group of shooters, the CIA was involved, etc. I don't trust most mediums, but Pamela I do (Micheila Sheldan is another I like).
@Christina Gould - your history sounds just like mine! I was a flaming liberal as well, but then came down with Morgellon's Syndrome (a condition that "doesn't exist" according to doctors), and that led me down the rabbit hole of deprogramming myself, realizing much of what I've been taught is a lie, and discover hidden truths about the world. (Having said that, I'm sure my new beliefs contain a sprinkling of lies as well.) I now equate what liberals believe to what the mainstream media is programming them to believe. Of course, conservatives are programmed as well, but I like how you said it--they have a history of distrusting government. I now resonate with questioning everything, including events like what happened in Las Vegas. And I never watch TV news anymore. Total negativity and propaganda.
Perceptional insight is much different than a news report or weather forecast. Therefore, the formula for analysis is the responsibility of each individual for the individual. Conditioning and programming rules the perceiving protein mind re-enforcing self limiting perameters of perception- for it is programmable. The best we can do is receive and perceive and you can filter what you want. Lynn gives wonderful insight with the best of her ability- same for everyone.
Thank you for the comments and feedback. I really do appreciate them all. We learn from each other, and I know I have learned a great deal from all of you. Love and light-
@Christina - I agree with you about Trump and have long been a skeptic of government. It's funny to me that so many think Trump is a "conservative." Do we forget that he stated during the Republican campaign that he would go "Independent" if he couldn't get the Conservatives on board with his MAGA agenda? Truly, he speaks to those who have dared to glimpse behind the curtain (which happens to include a lot of conservatives and, hopefully, increasing numbers of liberals).
@Cheryl, Sorry to hear about your illness. I know how frustrating it is to deal with doctors who "don't believe in" this or that. I have Lupus. Congrats on your deprogramming. Another one awake, only 325 million Americans to go, right? Sigh.
@Denise Christensen, all very true, thanks.
Shifting--I find Lynn an invaluable resource. She may not be 100%--and that's ok because I know that she hits the general "truth" or "reality" of a situation in most cases. I then use simple logic and rational thinking to navigate a reasonable scenario of what might be occurring in our era--times in which our government exists largely to promote and prepare markets for the huge military-industrial complex now woven like a honeycomb throughout the federal government. You really believe that literally BILLIONS of dollars can disappear from budgets? No accountability. We live in unbelievably duplicitous times. The government cares very little for your family or you, and nowhere else do we find better evidence of this fact than a 22 billion unsustainable national debt. You think China is going to call in that debt? Hell no! They'll propelling us to collapse under our own malfeasance.
My experience mirrors Cheryl's except I had an "allergy" or "respiratory problems" immediately upon hitting the Las Vegas/Southwest desert area, which continued, despite medical attention, for nearly 18 years. I finally sat down at the computer (which I hadn't done for years) and began researching. My diagnosis was "chemtrail flu." I've prescribed health/alternative care protocols for myself which have been enormously successful with no further reoccurence. During that time, nearly two years ago, I began trying to understand why the government would spray and sicken our country's citizens. An inconceivable thought, right?
Moreover, I first thought the whole 9/11 event portrayed as a red flag event was fantastical. I wouldn't even read the articles unmasking the complete and stark contradictions architects and high rise building engineers found. Then, one fact after another began penetrating...and you know what? They were not opinions. They were not suppositions. They were facts. 9/11 was manufactured to begin a autocratic stranglehold on U.S. citizens. Period. Doubt me? Simply look at pre-9/11 and all that has transpired since 9/11.
Outside Boston Resident--the Powers That Be or the Powers That Were. If you haven't seen the interview with the Dutch banker who left the highest eschelon of banking and world power, you should. Query: how did buyers/banksters get the money from Iran--years ago--when the blockade against allowing them to sell oil was in force into the legal banking system? Partially through German banks. Read it. Google it. I think of people like the ones he describes as the PTW (and likely an eschelon just below). Lynn mentioned "liberal" only because the likely outcome of the LV Mass Shooting will be some type of gun control, which is traditionally equated with liberal positions. And just for further edification--many "conservatives" want none because they see the increasing militarization of our local police forces; the ready acceptance of UN troops on U.S. soil; and Orwellian proposals like Agenda 2030, etc. as leading to a time when citizens will be fully stripped of their rights. Don't snigger. How much constitutional privacy and protection have you lost since 9/11? It might be worth your time to investigate and actually make two lists for comparison.
I wish we HAD a government - like the kind that would provide a firewall against preditors (mostly CORPORATE in nature). What do we have instead? While some rant about supporting the welfare mama down the street, not a thought is given to tax dollars funding the underployed/underpayed Walmart workers enrolled for goverment subsidies while the Walton family counts their billions.
Yeah, look where the vaulted 'self reliance' dogma has taken us to. Only 20 million views on YouTube:
This is OBSCENE by any standard. The classic/coventional right/left paradim doesn't exist anymore. We're all fighting the corporate state....and right now, I can only see their dark agenda. What's going to happen when 5G rolls out....dunno.
BTW - Lynne, you're wonderful - so honest, sincere and humble...and it shows.
Man, this thing smells to high heaven. I do not see Stephen Paddock doing this. At all. His body may have been there but you'd have to believe pigs fly before you'd believe he did this.
@Ma'at -- I don't believe Stephen Paddock did this either. Here is a reading by Retta that says the same. This is Part 2 (Part 1 is in her private Facebook group "Retta's Reading Room where she later put out a live video where she finally got Stephen's energy). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd2gnDxp1uc&t=276s
@Shifting.......Like you said, no psychic is 100 percent perfect, but I had a reading from her and she was spot on with her comments. And the remarks she makes on her blog resonate well with me. I often have 'a-ha' moments when I have read her blog.
I think she does an excellent job and her blog is the only one of its kind on the internet.
She has enlightened us about a lot of circumstances that many have questioned and helped a lot of people. How many people have you helped in your community lately?
Thanks for your blog Lynn and don't let him discourage you.
@Shifting, sorry but you sound as a troll. How much are you being paid to disrupt the truth here? None of us here allow you to diminish our precious Lynn. We love her, we thankful to her, and we advise you better learn from her than to complicate your own karma from your dirty trolling.
Ok troll....
So why are you here again⁉️ Am sure you believe you breathe in oxygen even though you never seen it or felt it. You make no sense
Thank you for the kind words! I really do appreciate it! I do have a mantra that I say daily, and that is to put myself on a shelf (ego aside) and relay truthful, honest, high vibrational information. That is my focus, and work hard to do just that.
Thanks again everyone! Hugs!
Hi Folks - Nice read from Lynn!! many thanks as always for your work!! For another perspective one may check out Pamela Aaralyn's reading too! It is nice to have a few perspectives so one may use their own inner knowing to gage what truth they align with. As many know, there are many timelines that a psychic/intuitive/medium may pick up on depending on their own orientation in life. Love & Light
The Truth and Purpose of the Las Vegas Shooting- Choose LOVE!
@Shifting and Everyone else in this conversation--
Thank you, Shifting, for taking the risk, for having the courage to speak your truth. It may not be the same perspective as other people's truths, but that is what makes our world so diverse. I am genuinely sorry that so many people verbally attacked you, on this site, simply for speaking your truth.
Those of you who made disparaging comments to Shifting, please think about how hurtful that was. If you really value Lynn and the blog she has so thoughtfully created, why sully it with meanness? Why make this amazing space Lynne has created an unsafe one for people to share their thoughts and ideas? How is calling someone a troll or telling someone he/she "smells" useful to the conversation?
Those of you who told Shifting to leave the site, remind me of the people in our country who tell immigrants and people of color to "go back where you came from." There are two things wrong with this behavior. First, this is Lynn's blog: none of us have the right to tell someone to leave. That is only for Lynn to do. Second-- If we don't open our minds and try to hear what other people are saying, we end up in the situation our country is currently in (and some of us on this blog are currently in)--divided and hurtful, rather than united and caring.
When someone has a different opinion than ours/mine/yours, it's important to try to hold back our/your/my argument for a little bit, and really try to hear/read what the other person is saying. It's hard to do, but that is the only way we can learn from one another and grow as people and as a community.
Name calling and ridicule have no place in mature adult conversation. If you really disagree with someone, doesn't it make more sense to discuss the reasons you disagree with the idea, rather than attack the person who has the idea?
Thank you for some real kindness. I was seriously considering never stopping in here again,as i'm not interested in hanging out with this brand of intolerance.
@Resident outside of Boston
I responded to @shifting above not in the manner you referenced:
"Those of you who made disparaging comments to Shifting, please think about how hurtful that was. If you really value Lynn and the blog she has so thoughtfully created, why sully it with meanness? Why make this amazing space Lynne has created an unsafe one for people to share their thoughts and ideas? How is calling someone a troll or telling someone he/she "smells" useful to the conversation?"
Did @ shifting speak of verifiable truths or were they of his/her Opinions?
Was he/she kind with words without judgment to Lynn or everyone here?
Were his/her words kind and respectful?
How is courage measurable being anonymous on this forum?
Were his/ her words loving or non judgmental?
Reread what @ shifting said.
I am not agreeing here nor there on what others decided to say. But they are entitled to speak in response to how they were essentially spoken to, also.
I recommend we all just be kind to one another. Sometimes writing on a mirror with a dry erase pen first before we post , is a good best practice.
@ Resident of town outside of Boston
While I agree Shifting shouldn't receive abuse for speaking their mind, You also gotta understand that A lot of people are being bullied and outright attacked online and real life by "left-learning" people that share the same views as Shifting. So people are sort of on the defensive right now. Considering the abuse left learners are giving to people with different/conservative opinions and the arrogance and contempt they have for them I think they can handle a little back-talk, yeah?
Also remember this person came in claiming Lynn's readings were "escapism" and clouded by bias when it's obvious they have a bias of their own when they made those judgments. (embarrassingly awful, dishonest, stupid, narcissistic to describe Trump)
I think part of our discussion is about the fact that Awakening can be very uncomfortable and unnerving for some. To finally have to recognize the idea that we are not alone (ETs), that some people have clairvoyant abilities, and the Truth regarding our true nature (not just as humans having only one life) can be really scary for some. It goes against everything we've been taught.
I remember when I first realized that there could be other worlds than our own (the idea that beings are visiting us was scary!) That others could look into your future or see the truth of a situation? And that there was a place we go to after we pass (how could that be true??) It seemed so unbelievable and required a huge mind shift.
All these truths and realities that are coming up now for everyone to look at. Not everyone is accepting, sometimes there is a lot of fear. It will take time these ideas to settle into mass consciousness. (In the meantime, visualize Light Bulbs turning on over everyone's head all over the world.) namaste
Thank you for all the comments and constructive discussion. Many of the above comments are well said. I really do value everyone's opinion and feedback. It makes me think outside the box, and even allows me to be objective with myself. I want to create a space where we can share and learn from each other, and sometimes the greatest learning occurs through seeing opposing views.
Post final remarks addendum!
this video prooves that first shots did NOT come from 32nd floor Mandala Bay hotel https://youtu.be/5UDAT1xQTkw
(I'm sure she will overlook this!)
Hi Lynn!!!
Here is a video of Channeling Erick I would love to know what do you think of her channeling Stephen Paddock. Thank you ��
Hi Lynn!!!
Here is a video of Channeling Erick I would love to know what do you think of her channeling Stephen Paddock. Thank you ��
I missed all this incredibly long thread caused by an acerbic psychic food critic who obviously thinks a lot more of his own opinions than anyone else. Reminded me of the typical debunker minset but at least he provided an opportunity to a lot of people to show Lynn some love and apreciation. I gladly add my thanks and love, knowing Lynn is an incredibly gifted teacher and model for the rest of us to awaken to deeper realities and truth. If that guy was a troll, he's not very good at his job.
An interesting exchange of viewpoints. Thanks for all the referrals to other websites and perspectives.
I found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdgnXZRsZvs (Magenta Pixie) with an extremely interesting take on the cosmic importance of this event:
"It may look upon the surface that they (Service to Self) succeeded in the event you ask us about, but all did not go to plan. Never before has one of the Service to Self mass events been so clearly seen and decoded so quickly acting as a catalyst for so many more individuals to wake up to the truth. Even those locked hard and fast into the the third dimension and fourth narrative are seeing the inconsistencies within this event and are asking questions they have never asked before.
This atrocity, this event you ask us about, is more than a catalyst for awareness. It has become a seed point into the downfall of the Service to Self structure. Even they do not realize the turn of events that is yet to come that is not in their favor and against their agenda. All they do backfires....
Events like these..are designed to take away your faith, your strength, and your unity. For your despondence, your feelings of shock, of confusion, of helplessness, defeat, and grief, they are the sustenance for the negative. Yet, we see how quickly you decode, how quickly you spring back, how quickly you understand, and how quickly you reconnect."
@watchand knock: I have seen this video (I got it a few times in email). It does appear there were more people involved in the framing of this man (I didn't pick up on the secondary location, but looks evident on the video). I do still see he was framed, under duress, didn't want to be a part of this and even waited an extra day (and didn't really have a choice to wait any longer). This is tied to the gun agenda..
GC: I still need to watch the video. Thanks for sharing!! Looks interesting!
Thanks again for all the comments.
Thank you Lynn! <3
In the light of Trump's recent foreign policy attitudes (quiting Unesco and Iran atomic deal)the text and video below (L.V. shooting) confirms that the actual white house office occupant gave in to deep state!
"In the video below, and exactly like Bush after 9-11, Trump displays a pathetic, moronic capitulation to deep state criminal agencies, by repeating the same bullshit narrative as the LSM, a narrative provided to Trump and LSM repeating androids by the same deep state criminal agencies who carried out the operation. (https://youtu.be/YgOn2SKbxrg).
So...where is the fearless leader who refuses to stand down for yet another contrived terror event?
Where is the leader who won't stand for ANY more false flag, demoralizing, terror events?
Obviously, we don't have a fearless leader, but rather another deep state manipulated pawn.
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