Q. Lynn I'm starting to think none of our history is real and it's all staged. No matter what famous tragic event i investigate I'm starting to see holes in everything and it's frightening. Is everything news worthy staged? How do people become part of the Powers That Were? Are you born into it? Is there a contract we agree to before reincarnation? Are the same souls dying and being reborn into "the Powers That Were" again and again? Are they all Masons of the 33rd° Degree?
A. As I tune into this, I see a couple different things coming together to create the reality in which we live. To some extent we are inside an illusion manipulated by our thoughts (that are manipulated by outside forces and steered into certain directions).
I get that throughout time history books have been written by the winners (history is "his" "story") and all else gets slowly suppressed (the truth behind WWI and WWII for example). Versions of truth are passed on; however, versions of truth are not truth (real truth has no version).
Written books and documentation have morphed to include media (convenience, cost and wider audience). Not everything in the news is staged, but many "large events" tied to various agendas are. Ask yourself, who has something to gain? Is someone making large sums of money or earning favors? Does what you read or hear settle correctly in your gut? Most times we know when we are being lied to, we just may not know the real truth.
I do see thirteen families (the core of the PTW) control much of the world. These families emerged from the Reptilian ETs. (Back when Earth was being seeded there were Feline, Canine and Reptilian ETs. The Feline and Canine ETs had a battle and were forced off Earth. The Reptilians went underground and remained to watch after the freshly seeded Human race. Things looked to work in harmony for many centuries, but greed and ego eventually took over, and the Reptilian's began their silent takeover using Humans as a tool to help them achieve their goals).
To be in one of these thirteen families you have to have Reptilian DNA and agree to incarnate into that role. If someone wants to experience the PTW, but doesn't have the required DNA, they can incarnate into a person that associates with the PTW (such as Princess Diana).
Many of the PTW do incarnate back into one of the thirteen families. The greed, power and control are like drugs that they don't want to give up. Occasionally, a member of the PTW wants to incarnate into an anti-PTW role in order to have the ability to experience a higher vibration (but they revert back to their lower vibration if they chose to go PTW in a future incarnation).
Regarding the Mason's. I hear that they are most other things. Not all Masons are bad, but many of the PTW are Masons.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
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Amazing read Lynn!! I love reading your insights, and any mention of the great battle between the feline and canine ets is always a bonus!! I love that story! How did the battle first get instigated.... Was Adam around during that time or after they left? I wish they included more of this stuff in the books. It would definitely make history class more interesting, lol.
Thank you Lynn, very intresting!
The Feline-Canine battle explains the"Fighting like cats and dogs," line.
Where do the "Sons of God" fall(pun intended-"falling angels") into all of this. From what I see in movies and t.v. shows it seems the Reptilians work along side with these "Sons of God" beings.
Also, how did these bloodlines obtain Reptilian DNA? Via experiments or breeding? Are they also Reptilians in spirit form and are they not able to ever ascend?
Lots of thanks for your reading and answers.
What a great question and what a great answer! I also sense that the power trip is like a drug but it seems so stupid as there is always a bigger fish. You are never the top of the heap. To me it is far better to be a nobody and beholden to no-one and be able to love everyone, even the bad guys. I truly wonder who we lowly ones would be if we had that DNA and were raised/tortured/mindcontrolled by the Families.
I also know this - most of us have some reptilian DNA in our own genomes. If we can love the dark parts of ourselves, we materially change TPTW who share our reptilian DNA. I have no idea how this works, I just know that it does. We can change our timeline by loving ourselves and by at least having some compassionate understanding for the Dark Ones. This is not the same as weakness or rolling over. This is the power of forgiveness which is a kind of removal of blocks and allowing Quantum Change. I am not trying to change them, but am trying to change myself. I still respect their free will, yet a change in me cannot help but change them.
Hi Lynn, (and all others)...
The book-link is a book with a history of our past. Is this book true? I actually wanted you, Lynn, to do a book-test... maybe prior to reading it..or in some unbiased manner..I would like to have your feed back on the Author and the book-material. I happened to like it, but that is always debatable. If you deem this worthy Lynn, then thank you in advance. Cheers to all. And good luck to all those who are bringing the light to the root of this silly-earth-mess. Love and light to all. Thanks Lynn
I realize that there a lot of established, Old World families that influence policies behind the scenes. But how have they maintained that posture for successive generations? Where do they educate their children and impart the values that allow them to remain on top?
Yes, I asked Lynn to look at something this morning and it turns out that only a few people died in the "Titanic" tragedy (it was actually her sister ship, the Olympic, that sank; people like director James Cameron wondered publicly why they didn't find hardly any skeletons). Anyway, JP Morgan and the rest of the cabal gave all the anti-Fed people (this was 1912, a year before the Fed was "ratified") free tickets on the "Titanic," so they could "iron things out," but the cabal all canceled their tickets at the last minute. The boat sailed and the powerful anti-Fed contingent (Astor, Guggenheim, etc.) died, and with it their opposition. The cabal then pushed the Fed through, and started WWI seven months later. Needless to say, they made a bundle. So many things in the history books are propaganda. It's all about money at this level. It would be infuriating if SOURCE weren't helping humanity. It won't be long, now.
Dada can you give out some links about the real version of history I would like to read about it! 👍
Thanks as always for the work which you really do.
Karen Hudes, the World Bank Whisleblower has also provided the details on her youtube channel title - " Network of Global Corporate Control 7 12 16 Stop the Criminal Swiss Nazis" Pharaonic Nobility rules the planet out of Switzerland.
teleprompter :- https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt6.14.16.1.pdf
She (Karen Hudes) been sharing amazing information on elites, below is another video shared by her on her youtube channel title - " Network of Global Corporate Control 7 26 16 WHODUNIT"
video link:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx65bnsc3zo
teleprompter :- https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt7.26.16.pdf
"Who's Who of the Elite" is the book "they" don't want you to see. This is the information "they" don't want you to know. Many books will tell you the truth, but no other book condenses it all together in one source like this one does. It gives a brief history of the Bilderbergs (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), and Skull & Bones Society (S & B). It lists the members by name, secret organizations that they belong to, their "day job" title and their affiliation. It then sorts these members by affiliation to reveal the stranglehold that they have over our federal government, banks, news media, industry, universities, think tanks, financial institutions, labor unions and many others. It also gives the real current facts about the true ownership of the Federal Reserve System.
My God. What an excellent, clear, and concise read / summary of the world! Thanks!
Thanks Dada, that's really interesting!
@ Beloved Shiningstar---
I am always on the look out for articles explaining "real" history..... One of my favorite go-to's these days is David Wilcock and his videos/books. This is a link to an "online book" on the history and dealings with financial tyranny. (I haven't read this particular one yet, but will be soon!) I am currently listening to "The Synchronicity Key" by him and it is amazing!
I also Love Dolores Cannon and her books, she has written about some fascinating history as well. I'm sure she talks about it in some youtube videos, but it's been a while since I went that route.
Shirley Andrews has some fantastic and thorough books on the history of Atlantis and Lemuria...
There are some webpages I stumbled across several years ago explaining the history of the universe and different ET battles. It was also quite interesting! I will see if I can find some of those, as I know most of these require purchasing a book. ;)
Thank you for the comments and all the info!! Tons of great stuff here!!
Thank you so much!! I like David Wilcox too 😊 I need to go back and read more of his stuff! Any other info is greatly appreciated!
Off topic, recently Trump made the very cryptic statement - Calm before the storm. What he meant by that statement?
Thank You.
Lynn did a past reading giving hints to this. I think it means that America is preparing to attack North Korea soon to bring down the North Korean regime. China and Russia will be pulled into the war to protect North Korea.
Thanks for reminding me about the reading. Thanks once again.
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