I was a very slender teen in the 70's myself, and I can say that it's not that we exercised more. I did not, and we watched a lot of TV, although as a child we definitely played outside most of the time.
The only significant differences that I observe between now and then...that we ate family dinners every night, seven nights a week. We always had a meat, a starch, a veg, and sometimes, dessert. Fast food or restaurants were an occasional treat. We were only allowed to drink whole milk with all of our meals also. We didn't eat nearly as much processed food. Most of the food we ate was made "from scratch." Most of us didn't own microwaves. If we could get our hands on the occasional junk food like potato chips and soda, we pigged out, believe me. But most homes didn't have junk food on a regular basis.
Most of us have cold cereal for breakfast, a school lunch with dessert or a ham or bologna sandwich, Twinkies, fruit, and milk for lunch, an after school snack like cookies and milk, and a meat/starch/veg/bread/dessert dinner with milk.
I'm wondering what you see as the primary reason(s) for heavier teens and young adults now?
A. When I tune into this, the first thing I hear is "Not all calories are created equally." I then see what looks like a cartoon, and one person eats two bananas and goes about their day. The second person eats a handful of cookies, and does the same thing. I watch both of them as time fast forwards, and the first remains the same, but the cookie eater starts to get a little thicker and a bit of a belly as time progresses. Same caloric intake, different reaction to the body.
Food habits today are much different than they were in past generations. Not all, but many people, eat fast food (full of sodium, preservatives and other chemicals) much more frequently than in previous times. A 'regular' size of soda keeps increasing, and even the portions of meals are growing to "super" and "king" size. People are slowly being conditioned to eat more and more.
Lots of food companies are tailoring to "pre-made" dinners in the store. It takes time, and is even more costly to cook fresh, and food companies know this. They make things in mass, cheaper due to the ingredients, and therefore, lesser in quality.
I then get that food is not as simple as calories in and calories out because many other things are effected by the type of calories we consume. For example, many store bought foods contain high amounts of sugar (or even worse, high fructose corn syrup that is very inflammatory to the body). I also see the more sugars we eat, the more desensitized we get, and the amount of sugar continues to increase as people's taste change. The sugars (even artificial sugars) look to trigger an insulin response, and prolonged spikes up and down can create situations where the body has a hard time regulating insulin on its' own and causes other issues like diabetes.
There are also other preservatives / chemicals / toxins added to prolong shelf life, add flavors and even make food addictive (so you crave more). The toxins, if not excreted, can build up and cause a whole other set of issues from cancers, disease or autoimmune problems because your body doesn't know what to do with them and reacts any way it can. Other side effects can be increased fat pockets because I see fat is a natural defense to toxins by surrounding the toxin to keep it from flowing radically throughout the body (also why you may feel bad when you lose weight because the toxins get released).
I see the thyroid and liver being sensitive to processed food too, and when the function of either one starts to be less efficient it can interfere with digestion and even metabolism (which most times translates to weight concerns).
I get the best thing you can do is go to the store and walk the perimeter. As an experiment, focus on the fruits, vegetables, fresh baked items (read labels), meat and dairy (organic or almond milk based) and see how you feel. It may cost slightly more, but you may feel so much better that it is worth it.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
[I do know that sometimes eating healthy can be more expensive. I would like to have fun in the comments and share ideas of ways to save money, or ideas for less expensive, yet healthy foods. Growing your own garden can save lots of money on fresh food. Also, with my family things like pinto and black beans can be a good, less expensive supplement. Please share your healthy ideas too. :-)]
As someone who falls into bad eating habits when depressed, I can tell you by experience the fat colony that takes over your body also takes over your brain, ordering it to buy more fattening and sugary food. Current day bread is also a disaster compared to kamut and spelt.
As far as the higher expense of eating healthy I disagree. Making a large salad in the morning with fresh vegetables fruit, cheese or tuna is both efficient and economical that can serve as two meals in containers on the go, preventing you from impulse buying convenience food. You don't feel tired after eating and many people get jealous when they see what I eat. Cheap and good. I also see this is not just an American problem any more. People in europe are drinking coke and going to the same fast food places here.
A good homemade broth shouldn't be extremely expensive and you can store it in the freezer unless you are a vegan or vegetarian.
If you can get your hands on a good piece of quality bone with the bonemarrow (maybe you can buy locally on a farm?)
https://www.budgetbytes.com/ Here is a site that I use when I want cheap but healthy meals. We tend to eat fast food a bit more then we should but recently it just doesn't taste good to me anymore.
Oh, and there's this https://www.blueapron.com/ which is basically a delivery service of high quality meals (so they say) that you cook yourself. If you got money but little time to cook this could be an option for you as well.
I'm trying a little experiment to see if I lose weight by going back to drinking whole milk with each meal. I took a look at the nutrition in milk the other night and I was astounded. It's practically a complete meal in itself. No wonder we ate smaller portions back in the 70's. The milk--which we drank at every meal and snack--is a second meal in itself.
When I was a skinny teen in the 70's, I had a few friends who were not as thin as me, although they weren't in any way overweight. I thought back and remembered that, unlike my parents, their parents let them drink iced tea, rather than milk, at meals. Now I wonder if that is why they weren't as thin.
Anyway, I will only drink organic milk now, because a few years ago, I bought non-organic (standard) milk for the first time in years, drank a half gallon in the course of two days (with cold cereal) and my breasts became tender, as if I was premenstrual. Only problem with that is that I was well post-menopausal. Yikes! I realized then that they put so many hormones in milk now, I wondered if my periods would start back up, lol. Scary. No wonder girls are having their periods at age 8 these days. And Lord only knows what it's doing to the boys...
I've had some enormous life changing epiphanies in my life, but one of the biggest was reading Gary Taubes' Why We Get Fat, which really kicked off the low-carb real-food revolution (Dr Atkins was famous for the same message but was seen as a dangerous fad for a long time. Gary Taubes spent years trawling all the scientific studies and filtering out the establishment bias and food industry manipulations. The switch to high-carb and low-fat health advice, combined with the much higher incidence of convenient food over cooking from scratch, has created a health timebomb in one generation. The questioner and Lynn both perfectly summarise what has happened. The demonising of fat instead of sugar will be seen in the future as one of the worst health disasters in history. Luckily, it is so simple to reverse, and recovery happens so quickly it feels like a miracle.
In short, the mechanism for putting on weight centres on insulin. When you eat carbs, especially refined ones, you get an insulin spike as it works to reduce the blood levels. It does this by sweeping the energy away into your fat cells. Insulin also locks the fat cells so trying to lose it once it's there is impossible without putting your body into starvation mode. Fat doesn't affect insulin production. If you rely on protein and fat for your energy, the fat cells release their contents quite readily. It is a pity that the fat you eat and the fat in your blubbery bits is seen by people as direct cause-and-effect. The constant insulin highs and lows several times a day have a heavy toll on your body.
Up until a few decades ago, if someone wanted to lose weight they would cut down on carbs. The food industry (and it's kissing cousin, the diet industry) have destroyed countless millions of people's health by pushing carbs. Sugar and gluten are like drugs, with highs and come downs and cravings for more, which is why almost all processed food has some added. The industry knows all this full well. Now look at how aggressive the marketing is at getting small children hooked. When you step back and look at the big picture, it is evil. There are also as Lynn mentions, other chemicals and toxins that affect all this, but it's the addiction to sugar that's the primary death bomb.
In the long term, eating healthily is not more expensive. There's no such thing as cheap food. Diabetes, cancer care, long term medication, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, motability issues, dementia care are all more expensive than buying real food. Even depression can be brought on by inflammatory diet. Part of the waking up movement is the exposure of all this.
I also like Lynn's comment about the perimeter of supermarkets. When I cut out all the processed stuff I suddenly saw the central aisles, the bulk of the store, for what it was, and it was shocking.
I also have to add that a lot of people describe 'low carb' as 'no carb' which is wrong. Real food has (enough) carbs in it. A 'no carb' diet would consist of lard.
Oh, and junk food isn't just the stereotypical bad stuff. Breakfast cereals, fruit juice, most yoghurts, it's all the same really.
I'm sorry I write these long drawn out posts. I don't eat waffles but I still manage to produce them...
I would say find time to exercise, I used to create a lot of excuses not to go to the gym, but I decided to find at least a little bit and I do exercise.
If you are interested in what goes in the Food read Marion Nestle book "what to eat" very comprehensive review on what's out there.
We are trying different milks besides cow's milk, almond milk, nut butters etc and read the ingredient list of everything you buy
So thankful for your input...lynn has the best group...i live for her blog and the comments.
Cows milk is so bad on every level even karmically.
So thankful for your input...lynn has the best group...i live for her blog and the comments.
Talking about fat cells, I've some small fatty lumps on my body, does anyone know how to remove it without surgery? Are these lumps call lipoma?
I grew up in the Caribbean and saw a difference with children and teens here. I didnt go to the gym but kept slim. The guys there will have abs but didnt work out. I also noticed once I moved to the US, I would eat but my stomach will make these noises as if I never ate. Lately, I noticed I will eat and in a few minutes I will be hungry as if no nutrients were absorbed. There is definitely something wrong with the food quality here. The FDA should be shut down.
There is one big difference neither of you mentioned: computers and WIFI and cellphone radiation. Do these contribute to body thickening? We're a lot closer to computers than we were to big tube TVs in the '70s.
Oh, and note that recent studies point to milk ingestion directly correlating to *increased bone breakage.* It's counterintuitive. Look it up.
A friend of mine used to drink a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in her favorite juice every morning for many years. Her doctor said she had the strongest bones of any patient he'd seen. I have also heard it helps control blood sugar levels and creates a more efficient metabolism.
I am dismayed by how much mis-information there is on the internet and the books coming onto the market at a dime a dozen. It shows that it is a huge market at least and that maybe people are waking to the importance and value of health.
Five very important pieces that most need for health are to deal with the functioning of the liver, herpetic viruses, herpetic bacteria, adrenal health and toxic heavy metals. No matter how you find to address these aspects there will be a shift in health and the weight is a side effect and will be addressed also. I have found weight is a protective mechanism in the body physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It means finding all the pieces of the puzzle since nothing in the body happens in isolation.
My grandfather always used to say 'the proof is in the pudding' and thankfully the light is being shone on all the fad diets that seem to be okay at first, yet, cause things to be worse in the long run!
Potatoes are one of my favorite money saving pieces in healing. Great calories, brain and organ feeding glucose ( there is a significant difference between good sugars and bad sugars), plant based protein ( that is easier to process), nerve healing properties, grounding energy in such an incredibly energetically powerful time and so much more.
So may great ways to prepare them too...roasted, mashed, shredded, soup, as a salad, cubed, stuffed, spiraled, even fried up in a bit of avacado oil and...
Thank you Lynn for all you do!!!
Hey does anyone remember a reading lynn did where she mentions great lakes rising??? Cus they are..im trying to find for a friend.
Very enlightening reading Lynn, thank you for doing these out of the intent of wanting people to better themselves physically as well as spiritually.
Love & Light
Speaking of potatoes, they were THE dinnertime starch when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's. Many Americans had potatoes every single night--usually mashed. Our family had potatoes about 75% of the time, followed by white rice, followed by egg noodles.
And speaking of (whole) milk...I clearly remember as a teen back in the 70's having a conversation with women who were teens in the 40's and 50's...we were talking about how much thinner the 40 and 50's teens' waists were. We could fit into their old clothes if not for their smaller waists.
The other day I was reading that milk consumption in the US was at its peak in the mid-40's. Hmmm...now I wonder if their higher milk consumption (in the 40's) had something to do with their smaller waists compared to 70's teens.
I've always heard that the best diet books were written by Adelle Davis back in the 60's and 70's. Much of her advice is contrary to current trends, but I think that's a good thing. If you can get your hands on them somehow, they are interesting reads.
Another good book is Nourishing Traditions: another one that poos-poos the common diet advice of today.
I just found this about milk and abdominal fat. I think I'm onto something about waist size and milk. (I realize it's from a dairy council, but that doesn't mean it's not true.)
"Mounting research indicates that consuming more calcium in the diet - particularly from calcium-rich dairy foods - can speed up weight loss and reduce body fat, particularly abdominal fat. Consuming dairy products appears to help prevent body weight and fat gain in children and adults, Caucasians and African-Americans, males and females. In addition, dairy foods have proven to be more effective than calcium alone in moderating body weight/fat gain and accelerating weight/fat loss...
The mix of essential nutrients in dairy foods, including calcium and protein, appears to speed up metabolism and improve the body's ability to burn fat, especially abdominal fat."
2004 - Dairy Council of California"
AS i will come back to work after a long time of unemployed, i will need to make my lunch meal, to eat it at my workplace. I may test this product for one meal of the day (noon) for five days/week, during one month to test: https://bertrand.bio/?xdomain_data=d%2BZ7uza5%2BNz%2BAnk8CbatpalPuKEzivHU%2FZsQkm%2Fl1q10wZAGNuR5MdRFLJQ%3D
I will have plenty of time to make my evenning diner after that. Just need to find a good breakfast now! Any ideas? :)
Thank you for all the great comments!!!
I too have had a hard look at milk. I grew up drinking it for every meal, and as I got older I realized it changed. The hormones in cow's milk is not good on our bodies, especially kids that are developing. I quit buying cow milk years ago, and we converted to almond milk. I am watching my daughters friends develop at such an early age... IF you do cow milk, please consider only organic.
Kalamota: I do appreciate your very informative post. Thank you for all the info!!
Judy: You have SO much good info and lots to think on. Thank you for typing this up. Potatoes are a great resource.
So many other good points too. Chopping off food groups (no fat or no carbs) can be a shock to the body too. Everything needs to work in balance. The insane amounts of sugar, even in things that don't need sugar (like why would OJ have sugar added??) b/c they are naturally sweet hurts our body in ways we cannot see, but feel. I see refined sugar being a huge challenge.
Again, thank you for all the comments!!
As a healthcare worker, I advise my clients to avoid all foods with artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. Eat only a whole foods diet. Even if you eat something processed (such as a frozen dinner from the freezer section at a natural foods store), it is better than grabbing something processed at the regular grocery store. Although eating organic is great (and sometimes really important, esp with certain fruit and vegetables), i believe that eating "all natural" is even more important. Try not to put anything artificial into your body as it seems to go against the flow of health and well being.If you are having trouble making dietary changes, start by just increasing your fresh vegetable consumption. Make your vegetables the biggest part of your plate. Also, eat in moderation. Too much of a good thing, is still too much. Oh, and don't forget to energetically send a big thanks to the food, your body and to all the people, places and things that helped to put the food before you. bon appetit!
Lynn you may want to check the vitamin additives in your almond milk. Most contain a group of vitamin/mineral combinations which include synthetic forms of A and D, specufically D2, not good for the body in consistent doses. Maybe you know about this already.
In 2012 I was having great fatigue and irregular heartbeat. Stress tests were normal but thyroid was WAY under. I got under control with melds , the heart thing cleared up. Am doing alt therapy now to try to heal. As I started to research the endocrine system and found that just about every over the counter med had an underlying relation to endocrine imbalance. Found that the endocrine system is sensitive to chemicals and heavy metals, you know, pollution in water air food and additives. You talked about fluoride and this is an endocrine disruptor, but virtually all products that are not organic are processed with this water.
My wife has autoimmune issues (again, endocrine related) and had bad IBS for a long time. Tried going gluten free but was really restrictive.She got it under control by using high potency probiotics supplement. All symptoms have gone away. She can even have regular pizza once in a while with no ill effects to her joy (sorry,gluten free pizza is still terrible) One of the many things that has changed in our food supply is the wheat, not just gmo stuff, but it is a vastly different hybrid than what our forefathers ate.
It is probably true that the raising of the vibratory rate also has an effect on the physical body as it tries to catch up to the new frequencies being introduced. Everything for me began in 2012. Its like a full time job dealing with all this.
One more thing, I actually tried to contact my state rep about the fluoride in the water with no success.Presented the science and chemistry of fluoride in the body. It does harden bones as it is attracted to calcium, but causes brittleness and brakeage. Got back quotes from dentists extolling the virtue of fluoride, state health people saying I probably got my info from a website that does not give the facts, etc. I didn't push it but maybe planted a seed. So frustrating.
I seem to remember something about cow milk being bad for us because we could not digest it very well. I thought whole milk was bad for you and that 2% milk was a better alternative.
I guess not.
Nourishing traditions is a great start to get off processed foods and eating real food. Unfortunately it does not address the exposure and increased mutation of the viruses and bacteria we are all exposed to all the time.
I figure this group may appreciate that many herpetic viruses are injected in the name of protection and that they are cultured in eggs and do really well on fats from animal products. Not against any foods and to be very aware if you are dealing with a physical symptom of any sort.
Sorry, forgot to add i also started gaining weight in the beginning of the thyroid stuff in 2012 for no reason. Eating the same but gained about 30 lbs that is difficult to come off, but I keep trying. So people trying all kinds of weird things to lose weight may just have endocrine problems, if they are eating fairly well and excersizing a little.
Craig really encourage you and your wife to check out medicalmedium.com so much will make sense as what you both sound like you are dealing with is toxic heavy metals and EBV (herpetic Virus). The heart is very affected by the heavy metals and the bio sludge that comes from this herpetic Virus. EBV is the virus that loves the thyroid and will cause scarring in the organ. Then it moves to other organs and causes issues. The heart is another herpetic Virus that causes issues and digestion is often a combination of EBV, streptococcus and the herpetic Virus shingles (which has no relationship to chicken pox by the way). I trust your journey will support your healing!
Thank you again for the comments.
Judy, Thanks for adding your info too. I would like to say that Judy is really wonderful, and we have chatted outside of the blog. She is very on target with the Medical Medium. I myself read his book and it was both eye opening and life changing.
Hugs to everyone.
Maybe not appreciate exactly, more like recognize the truth of the matter!
Points to consider. Cow's milk was put on this planet for baby cow's (calves). When the calf gets big enough it no longer takes in any more milk. No animal on this planet drinks the milk from another species. Cow's milk is naturally full of growth hormones, nutrients & animal protein designed only for a baby cow. I lost 45 lbs. when I gave up milk & cheese. I make my own almond milk from organic almond seeds. I also use organic coconut milk. I am 75, no pills or medication and can do anything I want. I try & only buy organic food and only occasionally go out to eat. Again - just my personal thoughts. Thank Lynn for all you do.
To those who say that cow's milk is not "natural" for humans, one could argue that neither is cow's meat (were they put on this earth for humans to eat?), eggs (which were put on earth for chickens to reproduce) and so on. You're either a vegan or you're not, and if you're not, there's a problem with that logic.
Anyway, if I was a cow, I would definitely prefer that humans drink my milk rather than eat my meat. :)
There are a lot of minerals (and vitamins) in cow's milk that the general public doesn't know about. Read up on it. If you forgo cow's milk, make sure you're getting all the nutrients in other sources.
There's so much conflicting information out there, it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong about diet and nutrition. I prefer to go with prior generational wisdom when it comes to weight, since they seemed to be doing something right in that department.
Judy definitely seems to know what she's talking about. I got EBV from mono as a teen. In middle age, I have Lupus (autoimmune), GERD, and I had Shingles two years ago. I must be a textbook case of what happens long-term with EBV in your system.
I agree Craig lots of endocrine disruption out there. The challenge is that what is disrupting is misunderstood. If you research far enough then you find out that what most consider endocrine disrupters are the favorite foods for the herpetic viruses and the by products from the viruses are what cause the disruption. Just like gluten does not cause the inflammation, it is the streptococcus bacteria that feeds on the grains and heavy metals in gmo foods etc and the by product from strep is what causes the inflammation. The strep is having a party, causes your brain to crave grains, makes a horrendous mess and then leaves you to clean it up!! So there is benefit to not feeding the virus the products that are believed to be endocrine disrupters and it is super beneficial to get rid of the virus as well.
Hi Christina, about 98% of people have EBV now and maybe more are carrying Strep. You are expressing the version that is called Lupus. It really is about how many organs have been affected and what else is going on with your system. The clearest thing I know is that autoimmune needs to have a new definition. We can trust our bodies to heal! I witness it everyday, just good information, perseverance and some support is all it takes!
My foreparents drank cow's milk and lives very long lives. The issue is how the cows are raised and all the hormones and antibiotics given to them that makes their milk and meat unhealthy
The culprit that lies behind alot of body issues is a naturally occurring bacteria that is found in all of us- candida. Candida overgrowth is exacerbated by the toxins and sugars found in the our foods as Lynn and others have mentioned- and it's all by design but of course. Most doctors may not even know of this or won't mention it as they are trained to treat symptoms and not cure the root of the problem $$$ This overgrowth is behind yeast infections, arthritis, asthma, allergies, MS, hard to rid of weight, cancer, etc.
Getting on an anti Candida diet works wonders, this consist of eliminating beans, starchy vegetables, bread(wheat), etc. Eating organic meats, non-starchy vegetables and fruits is the focus. Garlic, niacimide, apple cider vinegar are just a few natural remedies to cut down on candida overgrowth as some candida Is needed and a natural part of our digestive system.
Fructose a highly processed sugar from GMO corn is in most pop drinks and in processed foods. This product goes directly to your fat cells. It's a killer. Does weird things to your DNA.
Candida is like the canary in the coal mine. If it is out of balance it means that herpetic bacteria like streptococcus is out of balance and doing overwell.
I really enjoy reading through all the comments. I learn so much from all of you. :-)
Thanks, Lynn, I really enjoyed this post. I wonder if you could do a reading on autoimmune diseases. I have type 1 diabetes and hypo-thyroid and lots of food allergies. I wonder if there is a correlation?
I would also be interested in what you see Lynn as to the origin and spiritual correlation of what everyone is calling autoimmune disease. On the physical level EBV is responsible for hypo thyroid and food allergies are misunderstood too. Most food allergies are actually the food killing herpetic Virus and herpetic bacteria and the die off is what causes the issue. Type 1 diabetes is pathogen (herpetic Virus) and compounded by eating the wrong foods and causing the liver to be over burdened. The more the liver is overburdened the more the rest of the organs become overburdened as well.
I wish the go to was not to blame it on our bodies, such miraculous things they are!!
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