by Lynn & Da-da
Hi all, and welcome to a new (baggy) eye-opening Life Detective segment where Lynn only looks at the NEXT future life of various people. (Note: Lynn’s under the weather, but still managed to pull this off, which is pretty amazing; healing thoughts her way!) Anyway, buckle up -- you’ll be glad you did. Here we go.
1. George Soros

2. David Rockefeller
"This is interesting. Most times you see a person come back as a person, male or female... but I've rarely seen this. I dunno if it's some kind of spirit joke, but when I put this out there, I see this all white llama! Chewing on tall grass. I think he's gonna come back as an animal!
3. Bill Gates
"I see this guy in a space age facility, dated late 2100s, early 2200s. He's doing these meticulous experiments. He's some kind of some scientist who's working to create a true cure for cancer, or streamlining an existing cure to make it more efficient." [Perhaps making up for past actions?]
4. Napoleon
"He looks involved in a boots-on-the-ground war over the Holy Lands in the future. He's a fighter at heart and very passionate. Looks like he takes people into battle; he's a good motivational leader. He's excellent at tactics and calculating positions and flanking forces. Around 2050, you'll see him come forward."
5. Kurt Cobain
“When he comes back, he just wants to be a normal guy. He doesn't want the fame, or the paparazzi, he just wants a quiet, normal life and doesn't want to be in the limelight AT ALL. He's gonna be some kind of professor in Maine, a university professor. He'll teach the humanities… art, literature, philosophy... that kind of thing."
6. Stan the Man (Kubrick)
“I keep seeing the movie RAIN MAN. I see Kubrick next as this math savant. When he comes back, he's gonna kinda be like that, say in 2050/2060... he's super observant, observes every detail. Even more than a math savant. He sees math in action, in every day experiences, totally brilliant, and can't help but see things without even being taught that mathematics. He’ll be able to just see things and be able to tell you the exact math behind it. Verbally, he'll be a very poor communicator, but his mind is super analytical and it just won't stop."
Well, that’s it from Lynn and Da-da and Dave the Wonder Llama. Join us next time for another exciting future-life adventure! Oh, the animality.
Interesting future life reading as usual. But why did you leave out the past life part?
According to Buddhism, reincarnation in animal form is entirely possible.
How about a past life and next life reading on legendary Bruce Lee, Chinese president Xi JinPing and Russian president Vladimir Putin?
@Alex: We were trying something different with a different focus. Typically the past life stuff comes through more dominantly, so we changed the approach..
When will you start accepting suggestions from your readers on these readings? You do readings based on suggestions from your readers in all other areas, so I don't see why the same wouldn't go for these "life detective" readings?
@enlightened one: I do accept them. I forward them on to da-da, and he sends me a randomized list (I can't speak for him, but I feel he just picks some names that jump out to him or feel interesting at the time??) of people early in the week (I never know what is going to be there). I set aside time on Wednesday mornings, open the draft, and start to cold read from there. The unknown is what makes it fun.. I send him the recording and we go to work for Friday. You are welcome to submit names.. sorry that was never clear.
Wow. The Soros reading gave me chills.
Do not limit what the Universe can do....he lived a subhuman life....
so by 2100s - 2200, there's still no cure for cancer? and in 2050 there's still war? hm..
This indeed was a wild ride. I enjoy them no matter what format - Lynn you have such an amazing gift. Kudos to you and Da da. I never take the time and effort put into these readings for granted.
@A man called Dada
Why don't you include names suggested in the comments section?
I'm not saying your own contributions are poor, but there have been many good ideas in the comments section as well, and I'm afraid we're missing out on a lot.
Interesting post.
What i'm curious about is bill gates.
What does he have to make up for?
Thank you.
What I am curious is why does Soros not have a future life?
@enlightened -- I do add the names to "the list" that people suggest. The list is long. (I also don't always check the comments section, religiously, since this isn't technically my blog.) When I present each list of names to Lynn, I try to balance it while also following what is "suggested" by my own guides. This has been explained to me as part of a larger curriculum, brought to you in really the only way we can. What you need to understand is that these readings take a lot out of Lynn; I typically give her more names than she can handle. There's a lot of energy effort expended here. Also... I didn't want to mention it, but I subsidize these posts with my own money. We do the best we can with the resources and time we have. Sorry if you find the result disappointing.
Lynn and Da-da - thank you! We are grateful for this free blog of wealth and information from individuals who do not work for us and therefore are not beholden to our suggestions. The takeaway from this is that these Friday themes are much loved! Keep 'em coming!
Everyone seems to be so on edge over the past two days - I got the finger three times in one day and I'm not a bad driver.
I had the similar experience on the subway in nyc. Ppl will want to pure their emotional garbage juice on you. In the moment I forget how spiritually grown I have become.
Many thanks Lynn for these readings especially being under the weather, much healing sent your way 😄💕
Seeing Kurt Cobain surprised me as he is one of my favorites. I read somewhere that Trent Reznor of the band Nine Inch Nails(another favorite of mine), is a clone of Napoleon, is there truth to that?
@A man called dada
I'm not disappointed. I think the life detective readings was a great idea. However, I simply thought there was room for improvement.
If you haven't already done so, I want you to add these names to your list.
Michael Jackson
Uri Geller
John Lennon
And unless your guides disagree, I hope they will appear in a reading in the near future. (If your guides disagree, I invite you to share their reservations here in the comments section.)
there's that famous adage, "You get the face you deserve by the time you're fifty." It seems Soros and David Rockefeller got those faces in spades and the Soros reading explains everything. Great new take on the Life Detective series!
Thank you both for all the trouble you go to preparing these posts. The first two especially are WOW! Now I'm wondering what it's like being a llama and why that might feel like a cosmic naughty step, lol.
Good question from Kalamota Kook - Lynn, would the man-llama know he had been a man? Or would it be something that was dealt with in his llama life review?
I cared for a gosling with lame legs last summer. When I sent it reiki, I was shown a man in a suit stomping on birds - I had the feeling the lame gosling was that man in the suit. Would the gosling have the karmic awareness of the situation do you think?
My sugestions. Two actually
Donald trump
Vladimir putin
Thanks for the reading. My best regards
Your tone is demanding and sounds ungrateful (I could be wrong) even after Da-da explained th situation. Lynn & Da-da didnt have to do this. Be grateful and keep hope one day they will get to your "demands".
@Bee E-lightened
Since you don't know how to spell, YOU should be grateful that I made you aware that "enlighted" is actually spelled "enlightened".
I am not demanding anything, I am persistently urging and reminding. You can't force people to follow through with good ideas, but you can (and should) remind them from time to time about the good ideas that exist. Being grateful doesn't mean we shouldn't improve upon all the things in the world.
My handle, my spelling....get that chip off your shoulder, it is not cute. Am still waiting to hear you say thanks/show some gratitude to Lynn & Da-da for their time spent "enlightening" us. Many of us suggested names to do life detective work on - but you dont see us demanding and telling them what to do in a condescending way. Watch your tone, that's all‼️
That's what I said!? Still no mainstream cure?! Seriously? Goodness.
My suggestion to include is Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead. Where does or where did he end up???
thanks Lynn and Dada you both do a great job.
Get well Lynn!!!
The so called, The enlightened one, gets his energy kick from being negative. Lets all send him lots of love and not pay attention to his comments. Speaking of the last two days, I had full body zaps all day. It started to scare me. I'm good today though.
I'm sending you healing light Lynn and want to send healing vibrations except that part brings a question with it. With the dimensional shifting and energetic raising going on, are healing vibrations at a different vibrational level? I'm going to assume that if one visualizes sending healing vibrations to another, that those vibes would acclimate to the correct level? Is the current Earth vibrational frequency higher now than the old 7.8?
@"TheEnlightenedOne" -- I suggest you learn some manners. You "demand"? You "want"? Who cares what you want or demand?! Lynn (who works her butt off) and I do this FOR FREE, in order to help people, FOR FREE. We're not your paid lackeys. Besides that, what are YOU doing to help people? Wearing your Troll Jacket and making a lot of noise, that's what. Boo hoo for you if you don't like our choices or our pace. My guides and Lynn's guides aren't beholden to you or anyone, nor will we sully them with your inane, demanding prattle. Maybe you should try reading some other blogs for a while, because this one doesn't seem to satisfy your need for immediate gratification. Btw, just a suggestion, but you might consider a name change: your existing handle is looking more and more like an oxymoron.
Here's hoping -- for EVERYONE -- that we all soon graduate to a higher vibration. I for one have grown weary of this one.
emmejaytee, I find your gosling story amazing. They say as the veil lifts we'll be remembering more about our own pasts. I hadn't even thought of animal lives. The human stuff was enough to be going on with.
I suppose traditions like Tibetan Buddhism have a hierarchy of the kinds of animals souls come back as according to the dark deeds they do as humans. I have never really considered the experience of animals in terms of which is happier/ better/ more painful/ punishment. People demonise vermin for instance, but being a cockroach might be absolutely fantastic. Swans might just be miserable sods, feeling trapped in their legendary bonding-for-life marriages and wishing they could sing like those blackbirds do. Now I'm picturing a llama perched atop the mountain after a hard day's uphill hoofing, looking down at Machu Picchu at sunset thinking 'I hate my life.' It's disturbing. Lynn, Da-da, what have you done? There's a new trapdoor flopped open in my brain. I'm not going to stop wondering about this now!
I'm also wondering, with things on the internet living forever in some vast infinity data dump, if in many years' time, students at the University of Maine will hear rumours of this prophecy and turn their Eng Lit / Philosophy/ Kardashian Intermedia Aesthetic Diametrics professor into an inadvertent celebrity for being the whispered reincarnation of...
That would be ironic. And I hope the gosling was OK in the end.
Good ones!!!
Amazing reading loved the choices....the Soros news is great news. Sending healinf energy to you Lynn. Waiting for you to do a reading on Syria it just occured to me the whole thing could be staged or ikd footage and done to make Trump look like he is not on Putys team?
Donald Trump reading has already been done by Lynn, search for it. Vladimir Putin's reading has already been requested.
Just like humans, most animals won't know their past lives until they passed away. Animals are not much different from humans from a spiritual perspective, they are there to learn life lessons.
From what I understand from Buddhism, there is a hierarchy in the animal kingdom, a human is just the highest evolved intelligent mammal, one step up from his closest relative, the monkey.
As the purpose of reincarnation is for soul evolution, people don't come back at the lowest grades of animal kingdom such as insects with minimal consciousness. A few people come back mostly as mammals as that is the highest in the animal kingdom.
@A man called dada.
If I had "demanded" that you included my name suggestions in the next reading, it would already had happened long ago. No, I'm merely making suggestions. I work for free as well, and anyone is welcome to tip me about situations where my services might be needed. Why can't you be the same, Dada? Why do you have to accuse people who kindly come with tips on good ideas for your work as being "demanding" or "ungrateful"?
Why do you insinuate my having said your guides' are beholden to me by claiming the opposite? I have never said or indicated that. Of course, if they disagree, I would love to know why. Wouldn't anyone like to, when someone disagrees with them?
As for the rest of your post which questions the appropriateness of my alias, I think you are confusing being enlightened with sugarcoating everything one says.
Geez..........I never even thought about this ....incarnating as an animal thingie.
Come to think of it,....I understand that animals, insects, lower life forms do not have SOULS, like we have. Instead, they have a devic BORG-LIKE consciousness. An unknown, intelligent "shepherd" that takes care of them as a group, and you can communicate with them thru your I AM PRESENCE and this devic consciousness.. They are DIRECT creations/emanations from Spirit,and have NO MINDs like the ones we have.Because of THAT, they were NEVER separated from SOURCE., and they are sustained by this intelligent energy called PRANA/LIFE FORCE/ ESSENCE.(but NO divine minds of their own.)
We humans were created as sparks of the Divine.."GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE." We,..not only are in possession of these bodies(mental/physical/emotional) that are being fed/ animated by PRANA, but also, we were given the MIND of GOD . Because we are the Divine Mind, literally. question is......David Rockefeller will come into this physical life as an animal,...and how does that fit into the scheme of things.?...of KARMA and RETRIBUTION, if you believe in them..?
or....did I get my ABCs all wrong..?
@Diane Hamilton
It's not called being negative, it's called critical thinking and raising intelligent, valid questions. Someone has to do it, especially when everyone else is afraid to do so for fear of coming through as ungrateful.
You've been deceived by the Christian bible which preaches wrong concepts like single life, animals have no soul etc. Try studying some Buddhist texts about reincarnation realms and karma. Christian bible and the moon landing are two of the biggest lies in history.
I don't think Lynn would want to go back to any of David Rockefeller past lives and find out the cause of what he did in a past life. Anyway, this is a free reading and not paid reading.
I wonder if The Enlightened One has some Virgo in his/her chart? I'm a Virgo sun and I have a talent for pissing people off on the Internet without meaning to. Virgos tend to value honesty above diplomacy, and what's that saying, some people can't handle the truth! I have to keep a list of all the people who aren't speaking to me, lol. I'm 55 and I'm still learning how to play nice with the other children. On the positive side, if you can put up with their complaining, you'll never find a more loyal soul than a Virgo.
Thank you Lynn and Da-da for all your hard work, time and dedication. You have changed my life for the better. More than you realize. Sending you much gratitude and blessings. xoxo
Hes a virgo troll....theres no excuse for rudeness & ungratefulness
Thanks for all your time wisdom and hard work Dada and Lynn. It is greatly appreciated.
Sending healing vibes.
My mum passed a few weeks ago so feeling very bereft and fragile right now.
@kalamota -yes the gosling recovered! I loved your post.
Lynn and Da-DA.......Many thanks for the time you give to this site. I look forward to each new Post. There is nothing else like it on the internet.
1st: Lynn, get well!!��
I think that I understand what Da-da was saying. When looking at a list of names, any individual would like to be "in sync" with their spirit, guides, teachers, etc. Especially in these times, n'est-ce pas, mes amis? Da-da and Lynn are listening and working with their "higher intelliengences/consciousnesses." If Da-da fulfilled a request simply because an individual so desired that name at that particular time, maybe the greater good would not served. Who knows?
Not only Buddhism but also other spiritual thought systems many times emphasize the "correct time." You can push and shove "something" (an activity, a purpose, a direction, etc.) in your life, but if the time is not "right," nothing comes forth or an ill or aborted effect is produced. Perhaps one of the hardest activities a human can learn involves partience and developing the wisdom to understand, intuit, sense, or "know" the right time.
Karma!! I got my mind blown by the Cassiopaen transcripts. In the second volume (of the recently annointed and published transcripts from 1994-96), the Cassiopaens remarked that many of the Jews who suffered and perished in the Holocaust were former Atlantean overseers who had greatly abused their power--so the consequent balancing of karma. As many are aware, Atlantis reached 3D-4D and a spread worldwide no country today enjoys. A great misuse of crystal power and genetics occurred. Evidently, many Atlanteans grew to crave power--very much like those in positions of power today. Atlantis, however, was a far different civiilzation with people's wants and needs fulfilled and free will easily exercised. Allowing corruption of knowledge and purpose at such a high level created a very high karmic energy requiring balancing. (BTW, "knowing" how someone incurs karma does not preclude us from human empathy and/or sympathy.)
BTW, Da-da and Lynn, I like knowing the future live(s) better than the past ones!! We're all individual and have our own tastes and predilections!
Lynn--my emoji didn't appear in my above message. I had a heart with a bow wrapped around to send you!! Meaning take care and bless you.
Thanks Lynn a lot for your blog and posts, wishing you all the best. L&L
~Robin Hood
THANX, ALEX. :) the thing is........I have read the christian bible a long time ago and decided it 's NOT for me. So, I can't relate.
Reminds me of an incident, many years ago, I was being pursued by a minister of a cult, trying to "save" me. He said "Do you believe in the bible..?" I was stopped on my tracks because if I said YES, he'd really get me. He knew the bible in and out upside down and I don't. If I said NO, he'll try his best to educate me...what a dilemma. So, I took a deep breath, and replied "" I came directly from HEAVEN (which I really don't know if this is true.) and before I left, my FATHER-in-HEAVEN told me NOT to get involved with the bible That I am exempt."" The minister was speechless and slunk back from the rock he climbed out of......... and I was SAVED. DUH..
Alex.....and, ehhhh........I communicate with my dogs thru my I AM PRESENCE and sometimes...with the archangels. They process it thru this LANGUAGE OF LIGHT that the devas know and speak.. It works well. I just have to be precise and know exactly what to ask.
ayyyy..........I wish there is an edit button.
Alex,...just because a religious group declared that there is such thing as TRANSMIGRATION
Great psychics such as Gautama Buddha, Edgar Cayce, our Lynn and many others I've read have found real life reincarnation cases from humans to animals so this is a true phenomena.
However, the purpose of reincarnation is to evolve into a higher state so this is not common but it does occur due to past life karma. Even if a human reincarnate into an animal, it won't be to the lowest grade of animals like insect, mosquitoes. It is usually as another mammal (five senses).
Alex...........That reminds me....
I have explored reincarnation for the longest time and finally dropped it as a hoax,
a lie, an illusion , not true, a way the ego-mind explain what it could not explain.
Everytime I am faced with a challenging person, I go into deep meditation and ask to be taken to the time and place where I was with this person, why NOW, the challenge.
Everytime, I get transported to THAT exact place and time . I have been into worlds I could not recognize, inside bodies too bizarre to look at and into the situations that provoke this karmic payback. YET ,...I WAS NOT CONVINCED.
It is NOT possible that I am here, minding my own business, oblivious of this past life incident, and all of a sudden......this person appears , demanding blood or something as payment for something I have done to him/her.. DUH........! SO INFURIATING.
So, What is it...? It boils down to: WHO am I..? One part of me says, yes you are SPIRIT, and these are your journeys into the physical realm. Another part of me says NO, I have never been in (another world) and NO, I DID NOT DO THIS THING i'M ACCUSED OF.
Finally, the one that says "I DID NOT DO IT" won. Because, FIRST...WHAT SPIRIT..? IT turned out, SPIRIT APPEARS FRAGMENTED INTO MANY DIFFERENT ASPECTS HERE. I'm an aspect of SOUL, the I AM PRESENCE, that directly navigates the material and non-realm, housed inside the physical body.This is the SPIRIT BODY /or/ ASTRAL BODY/ or. BODY DOUBLE , now called the LIGHTBODY.
I still have another aspect of SOUL that was created separate and veiled so that THIS "I" provide SOUL with a different point of view on a subject on hand that SOUL wants to explore...the ego-personality.
So there you are,..there are two of me inside this body. One obviously did the incarnating and reincarnating , NOT I, AND I'D BE DAMMED IF I WILL PAY FOR THINGS I DID NOT DO. It is possible that the ego-personality (the false self) did all these reincarnating, or it is also possible that that ASTRAL body has a direct influence over the ego-personality to reincarnate and follow it wherever, or it is possible that these stuffs, however illusory, are all tied up together to form a belief system that ties me up all together in the physical plane. BY AGREEING THAT,."YES,..I WAS THAT AGGRESSOR IN that ANOTHER INCARNATION"...MEANS THAT DEBT needs to be paid back, and THE law of the 3DMatrix will apply to you.You'll be shackled forever and ever......NONSENSE.
Its all sleight of the hand.
Thanks again Alex. Good topic.
All we humans at this time (most of us) can only get bits and pieces of "the all that is". We can question, investigate, imagine etc. We have to be open to ALL possibilities because who really knows the full scope of our existence here and beyond. Someone once asked me a question regarding spirituality and I said "I don't know" and he said you have more wisdom than you know. I found that odd but now I understand. So I will continue to read all I can. All views of as many people as possible and learn. My views constantly change as I learn more and experience more. That's why most of us are here. So if "that which we think we create" becomes fully realized, there is no end to the possibilities for all of us. No one is right and no one is wrong. Perhaps whatever your belief is, is what your reality is in the here and NOW and beyond.
@Emmejay.. W O W! So interesting and has me thinking!! Thanks for sharing!
Lynn and Dada, thank you for all you do to share these readings with us every week despite your other responsibilities.
There are likely many (like me) who've enjoyed reading your blog as well as well as the comments section for months, if not years, without the inclusion of our own written participation.
Not only have I learned a ton, but have received a ton of affirmation and positive reassurance regarding my own intuitions about various curious subjects. I have yet to find similar, consistent value anywhere else and hope you & your readers all know how much you are appreciated.
Let's keep spreading the love and lifting each other up (leaving the yuck stuff for those still choosing to be stuck).. Maybe then none of us will have to come back as llamas who need some extra love! xoxo
Thank you all for the great comments. Lots of deep thought (which I really enjoy). Hugs, Lynn
Thanks Lynn and Dada for all your work! Every time we put work and energy into the universe we will always get a reaction. That's contrast and Balance. 🌈🙏🏻
I really enjoy the back and forth of these comments.
Everything is true, not true, and both true and not true.
Honestly, I thought coming back as a white llama was a little too good an outcome for him.💫
thanks to you Lynn as usual! PS Get rid of the troll
I just had a zap the other day! My first one, it 'zapped' me twice! I didn't even notice your comment until now.
Most of the commentators here are frequent contributors. And we learnt a lot from each other.
So, let’s just respect and accept our differences without name neither calling nor labelling.
And let’s just be grateful for all the work and time that Lynn and A Man Called Da-da have put in this blog.
And a big THANK YOU to you, A Man Called Da-da, for subsidizing these posts with your own money.
Let’s send Love n Light to each other.
I actually like both the past life-future life series, as well as just the future life, but i constructed the future life variant to be easier on Lynn. These readings take a lot out of her. And she *won't stop* even if she's sick!
Oh, and thank you ALL for putting up with me. My apologies for getting so hot under the collar.
I love all you guys. This was fun, and it is good to change it up. Change is how we grow and get better. I look forward to doing more of these (or a variation of it). Hugs-
Thanks lynn and dada! Love ❤️ reading your blog ❤😊
What will Tony Blair ex UK Prime Minister's future life be as?. Look at his eyes..evil personified.
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