Q. If you can pick up on any details of the difficult times ahead, using your intuitive powers, please let us know what you see. I fear that we are one tipping point away from having all of these problems explode in our faces as each one topples the other like dominoes. Thanks.
Demographics. Women are no longer having babies at the replacement rate necessary to sustain the population. When today's Millenials reach their old age, there will be few people left to care for them and the financial burden on the youth coming behind them will be overwhelming. Intergenerational conflict will grow intense.
A. I do see this trend on the rise. Rather than families caring for the elderly there feels (almost in a hasty way) like a shift of putting them in elder care facilities. It doesn't look like future generations put less emphasis on the older intentionally, but society in general is merging to a very "me-centric" form of ideals. When the older become too much the accepted thing is to put them in a situation where they can keep as much independence as possible while posing the least inconvenience. As generations age, this puts a huge strain on the government, and it looks like more money gets allocated to the medical portion of funding (for medicare and medicaid) to cover these facilities. I also see the life expectancy starting a slow decline (due to unaffordable meds and doctors look to be less ambitious of prolonging a life that isn't showing promise or quality). In some way the government looks to support the decreased life span (like some sort of newer emerging agenda) in order to balance funding... (??)
A. I do see this trend on the rise. Rather than families caring for the elderly there feels (almost in a hasty way) like a shift of putting them in elder care facilities. It doesn't look like future generations put less emphasis on the older intentionally, but society in general is merging to a very "me-centric" form of ideals. When the older become too much the accepted thing is to put them in a situation where they can keep as much independence as possible while posing the least inconvenience. As generations age, this puts a huge strain on the government, and it looks like more money gets allocated to the medical portion of funding (for medicare and medicaid) to cover these facilities. I also see the life expectancy starting a slow decline (due to unaffordable meds and doctors look to be less ambitious of prolonging a life that isn't showing promise or quality). In some way the government looks to support the decreased life span (like some sort of newer emerging agenda) in order to balance funding... (??)
Alienation brought on by technology. Looking back over my long life, I see an ever increasing alienation of the individual from others in society brought on by technology. It has gotten worse in the last decade. We no longer are required to deal with one another face to face in daily business or other affairs. We interact with computers instead of people. Social skills are therefore eroding quickly, which will lead to ever increasing interpersonal conflict.
A. There is a huge increase of social alienation and I see this trend rising. The lack of human to human interaction also prevents needed, healthy, energetic connections and the ability to be less effective in the workplace (good leaders understand people, know how to talk and motivate through interactions). I see people losing verbal communication abilities (not knowing how to talk, maintain eye contact, have "in person" confidence and etiquette) in addition to basic skills of writing (penmanship) and spelling (due to spell check). I see this trend getting much worse before it gets better, and people will realize that some of the best therapy can be a face to face talk with another person.
A. There is a huge increase of social alienation and I see this trend rising. The lack of human to human interaction also prevents needed, healthy, energetic connections and the ability to be less effective in the workplace (good leaders understand people, know how to talk and motivate through interactions). I see people losing verbal communication abilities (not knowing how to talk, maintain eye contact, have "in person" confidence and etiquette) in addition to basic skills of writing (penmanship) and spelling (due to spell check). I see this trend getting much worse before it gets better, and people will realize that some of the best therapy can be a face to face talk with another person.
Loss of integrity as a society. As a society, we seem to be more and more wiling to tolerate unethical and even illegal behavior in others. This was not true in my youth, but it is today.
A. I see the "loss of integrity" is more about making society more complacent and testing the people to see just how much they will tolerate. I heard a couple great quotes, and they are coming to me now. The first describes how we used to feel when the emotion of integrity was high:
and now...
"We are an all accepting society unless you have a difference of opinion" - Unknown
This current agenda of preying on emotions to justify the actions of those breaking the law makes people "feel bad" for the person. The value of the person is more important than the action they committed. This entire process weakens societies and makes them vulnerable. I hear that part of belonging to an organized society is abiding the fundamental laws, and if they are breached with consequence, then chaos ensues and people are less safe.

A. I see a lot of social struggle and chaos, and it looks to get more tense. Most alternative views look to get attacked and a larger (more quiet) part of the population starts to come forward. Additionally, as some states (as a whole) begin to oppose the current administration (sanctuary cities, Hollywood agendas), they put themselves in a situation where federal funding looks to get limited. Therefore, they (the states) have a choice to submit or succeed, and the choice appears to be the later.
Massive debt than can never be repaid. The government has more debt relative to GDP than at any time in modern history and possibly at any time ever. Government debt skyrocketed during the two world wars, but it was brought back down when the wars ended. Now it is skyrocketing and there is no sign of it ever coming down. Not only government debt, but personal debt (auto loans, student loans, credit cards and mortgages) also seem to be increasing to unsustainable levels. At some point the public is going to see the light bulb go on and realize it can never be repaid, and that is when everyone will start running for the exits.
A. The dollar is struggling, and Trump looks to have slightly slowed down it's demise (by keeping the stock market a little more stable). Trump knows that the country has to get control of the budget, and looks to make some tough and unpopular cuts to attempt to get control. Part of the illusion of strength of the US depends on the dollar, so it is in the best interest of the US to sustain it as long as possible. Eventually a new currency will bloom, but the dollar needs to hold on long enough for that new currency to take off.
Individual credit does look to grow as well. I see the mass amount of credit allowing a new electron based currency to take off (It doesn't look like bitcoin either). This new credit appears to run in tandem with the dollar until the dollar loses popularity (less accepted and even discouraged) and sort of fades out. Some how the amount owed gets readjusted as well (like the debt gets bought by a third party for pennies on the dollar?? not sure i fully understand how that works based on what I see).
A. The dollar is struggling, and Trump looks to have slightly slowed down it's demise (by keeping the stock market a little more stable). Trump knows that the country has to get control of the budget, and looks to make some tough and unpopular cuts to attempt to get control. Part of the illusion of strength of the US depends on the dollar, so it is in the best interest of the US to sustain it as long as possible. Eventually a new currency will bloom, but the dollar needs to hold on long enough for that new currency to take off.
Individual credit does look to grow as well. I see the mass amount of credit allowing a new electron based currency to take off (It doesn't look like bitcoin either). This new credit appears to run in tandem with the dollar until the dollar loses popularity (less accepted and even discouraged) and sort of fades out. Some how the amount owed gets readjusted as well (like the debt gets bought by a third party for pennies on the dollar?? not sure i fully understand how that works based on what I see).
Unstable regimes. North Korea and Iran are good examples, and I doubt that they are the only ones. We are closer now, in my opinion, to nuclear war than we have been since the Cuban missile crisis.
A. Tensions are high. I see that countries (more than ever) need to take pause and see what they are being pulled into. There are puppets pulling the strings to a show most of us cannot see. We need to look at root causes of why things are happening. For example (to help me explain in a symbolic way) if Syria obtained chemical weapons though an underground US group, and then the US finds out and bombs them, the PTW (Powers That Were) win. I see plots out there working that really are not what they seem, but I hear the world is like a chess game, and the PTW are in it for the long game. It looks like if we do not take pause, there will be an escalation.
And that is all I have on this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
And that is all I have on this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
The world is a 4D chess game that most people are trying to understand through checkers.
Thanks for the reading... The states are getting really bad all around. I don't like it here much any more, way to many wierd people here now. I'm networking and hopefully I will be some place else soon.
I believe that I can see the show. And I do hope that the countries do realize what they are being pulled into.
What do you see about the money "system" globally? Are there more and more people waking up that it's nothing but a scam.
In another reading you said there would be an assasination on kim jung un.
Thanks for the technology I was able to connect with Lynn her site and this group, and I am in touch with relatives in other countries, do not be so negative about technology being only evil, it is what you make of it.
Threatening states with loss of revenue from the fed govt may find states withholding funds from the govt (where the federal govt got them to begin with) so they can keep doing as they please as long as they don't go against a fed law. I can see how this could lead back into a states rights fervor as a backlash to these threats.
When I was doing my taxes I was taking mental notes on all the little rules they have to extract what they can out of you. it's so unrealistic about what it costs to live. What we should do is to be able to show what we made for the year, then deduct everything you spent your money on--everything. Then if there's anything left, they can tax that. Thats reality. Another great idea is value added taxes, where you have no income tax, but goods and services are taxed, sometimes heavily. This captures the underground economy that escapes the IRS and also gets rid of the millions or billions that funds the IRS. There's a savings right there. But for some reason politicians have no will to do this, yet in Europe they've been doing it successfully for a long time. Or we can get rid of money all together, that's my vote.
The real question is... which timeline are you seeing?
Lynn has already predicted the collapse of the dollar/USA and the rise of China.
The question is exactly when will the collapse happen?
The northern most part of California has been trying to form its own State of Jefferson for years and now there is a Cal-Exit movement to secede from USA. Do you see California being split up into multiple states if it were to secede?
@Da-da Good question.
The Federal Reserve has been considering its own digital currency for a while. It's suppose to be called the FEDCOIN.
But look at it this way, if our currency is digital; at least we don't have to argue about whose picture is going to be on the next dollar bill.
A ha! Yes indeed!
Circling the toilet before the royal flush
I could be wrong, but the timeline I think which may be unfolding definitely proffers the end of the U.S. as a global empire and civil war occurring within the U.S. Look at Trump's recent decision, a complete about-face, to bomb Syria. Only a few days prior, he had steadily maintained that the U.S. would not seek regime change in Syria. (Please...don't offer the "supposed" gassing in the Idlib provence. A thorough, independent investigation through the U.N. should have occurred to establish what gas if any was released and who initiated the attack/release. The White Helmets have been exposed as a group which stages press scenes.)
Those around the world may not say so to our face, but the U.S., no matter who is president, presents a baffling, psycho face to the world. We are torn by multiple factions both within the military-industrial facet of the government and the intelligence sector (which, as we all know, is now a huge complex, multifaceted network). The ironic aspect of these factions is that each one may know one or two, or even several, others, but absolutely no one has the total or big picture. So, when the chips begin to fall and knowledge comes out, these people will be among those who go up against "the government." I think these factions, some controlled by forces/people who have utter disregard for life and simply want their profit, will ultimately tear apart this union. That's why Sam Houston's quote, "A nation divided against itself cannot stand" keeps replaying in my mind.
Look. Just off of SOTT:
"Backed by Murdoch, Cheney, Rothschild, and others, Genie Energy has been granted drilling rights in Syria's Golan Heights region.... Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights region violates international law — thus, Israeli permits granting Afek the ostensible right to perform exploratory tests of a possible "large reservoir" of natural gas and light oil is [are] also illegal. [emphasis mine] But in a world where Big Oil remains powerful enough to drive foreign policy of the U.S. empire, this direct violation of the Geneva Convention might not even be worthy of a footnote — except to the people of Syria." Do you see how utterly ruthless U.S. Corporatocracy is? Supposedly, the Golan Heights oil reserve is huge.
I also think that people's thoughts and emotions are being heavily controlled not only through media but also through aerosol spraying and microwave technology, and unless people read extensively, think independently, meditate/pray, and daily detox, they really have no idea what's occurring. I also think the continuing emasculation of the American workers so that he/she has to work twice as hard for twice as less is deliberately calculated to forestall any recognition of what is really happening in and to this nation. Ultimately, when the chips start falling, people will be awaken from their stupors, and I think that they will be mad as hell = civil war.
@Alice: I really like your saying, and so true!!
Great comments everyone!
To be honest, I feel this timeline shifted when Trump got elected. That doesn't mean it won't happen, but it looked to happen much sooner with Hilary. Don't live in fear, but stay educated and objective to the world around us. I feel that almost nothing (events, news stories) is what it seems..
Lynn--look at another article I found on SOTT. A propos your remarks about future government limiting benefits, etc., for older people, the UK health system is calling in people with debilitating diseases, "reassessing" them, and lowering their benefits. I think we all understand that the UK health system presages much of what we will probably be experiencing here in the U.S. in future years.
Sorry...here's the link:
Imagine the paperwork that would create (chuckles) !
Which will force people to seek alternative cures..and thet will work....showing people a better way....speaking from experience.
My timeline is fabulous...we dont go to war Trump helps our economy.
I think your readings are great but I do have to comment. I feel like sometimes your blog focuses too much on the 'dark' side of life, the negatives. You do have a great gift and you are free to post whatever you want since it's your blog, but I feel like focusing too much on the negatives just increases worry vibrationally... It would be cool if you made a blog post like this one but focused on what will improve in the future.
In the meantime, stop waiting for Lynn to tell you the future AND MAKE THE FUTURE with your minds. Our manifestation abilities are very strong right now -- and getting stronger. Start dreaming about a perfect world for all of us.
The UK governments (Labour, Coalition and Tories, all of them in a row) have been knowingly killing the sick and disabled off for years. It's systemic. It's policy. Most 'normal' people don't care, and so the next step creeps in every few months.
I'd like to think I am on the right timeline. I feel these days as if I am evaporating, and that the evil shitshow is a dream I'm watching at a distance. I spend the rest of my time in another dream.
Yet these same pretend "we care" would be quick to say no to "physician-assisted suicide". You cany win
I think the United Airlines brutal fiasco, the fake Syrian gas attack and the fake missile attack that followed, any NK attack, and even the Immigration Department's detaining of returning citizens' phones to which they consent or be deported, and the next and the next, are starting to ping in peoples' consciousness. The steady impacts of injustices that affect everyone, not just minorities, may have the gradual effect of waking the cattle people.
It's like Egypt and Tunesia, where graphic injustices resulted in mass direct actions that wouldn't stop until the regimes resigned. Our security forces are much more stubborn and brutal. Look at what they did to the Occupy Wall Street protestors. But we are quickly getting to the point of No Fear, and We Have Had Enough of Your Shit!
I second Dada. We have more power than we think.
I refuse to accept sending old people or the "disabled" to institutions simply for convenience. Likewise, I want a future where my children or younger people will welcome me as part of their home with loving arms. We share love, we receive love.
Taking care of my aging mother has been, and is still, one of the more empowering life situations I've been blessed with. Wouldn't it be beautiful if the next generation would be given, and courageously accept, the experience?
@Ma'at: I agree... That attack was very odd on many levels...
@Dada: Yes, we are all so much more powerful than what we realize!!
Great reminder Da-da, thanks for that.
I get sick of watching the chemtrails sprayed almost daily, (or at least when it stops snowing I can actually see the sky), but I always try to focus my intent to dissipate, deactivate and render harmless and inert that which is being sprayed. If everyone did the same, I truly believe it wouldn't matter how much they sprayed.
Per the United Airlines incident, Texas Shrugged brings up some good points.
1) Why are security officers wearing jeans?
2) Were the 4 crew members from a different airline and why don't we know?
3) How was the man able to re-board the plane?
4) How does an unconscious man maintain his grip on his cell phone?
5) Why can't MSM get their facts straight?
I'm with you, Wendy! Funny @Dada, catching up on some international goings on this am, I couldn't help but wonder to myself, did we somehow jump timelines once again? I haven't felt this same concern since prior to the day following the election.. It seemed, for whatever reason, that from that day forward we had somehow advanced to a different, and more positive timeline. I'm certainly putting all my energy toward the collective push for the highest possible outcome, regardless! Peace.
It dawned on me sometime last year that historically, the reason there has been such a concentrated effort to program the people into believing that we are powerless and all the metaphysic and healing oriented stuff is "Woo" is because that disbelief is exactly what facilitates the matrix. We, individually and collectively, are actually incredibly powerful beings, only limited by our own self-created constructs. If the we as a collective group become enlightened of that fact, we literally hold the power to transform our world. Rather than fighting against what we dont want, if the vast majority of the collective consciousness focused with directed intent toward manifesting the world we do want, it would be here.
It really is that simple. We are incredibly powerful co-creators, especially as a collective whole, but most simply do not know that, YET.. But they will <3
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