Q. Hi! Good to talk to you again! I have an interesting reading request that other people may be interested in, so that’s why I’m making it a blog request.
I have found some maps of Agartha (hollow earth) and read reports about civilizations down there.. I cannot determine which one is correct. I read all of your posts regarding the beings who live down there and what it looks like. I would like to connect it all and get an idea. (Kind of like putting a name to a face, etc.)
What I’m interested in is… if a human was to go through the pyramid of Giza entrance, what kind of beings would they encounter on the other end, and so forth. Admiral Byrd came through the top opening and had an encounter with higher beings that seemed human and were very intelligent—perhaps that was the Nordics in the upper area? The dero caves… I wonder who lives in there? These are the kind of questions that come to mind.
A. I get Admiral Bryd encountered several strange experiences. On one adventure he traveled through a zone that sort of created a "slip in time" where what was seen was of a much different time line (like seeing animals that are now extinct, etc). He also witnessed some oddities tied to the Antarctic (which supports a hypothesis of the earth being a flat, thick disk and there is a darker "far side of the earth" just as there is a "far side of the moon." - I then hear "as above, so below"...) and realizing many thing we know and accept as truth are learned based on word of mouth and not first hand, factual experience (we are easily led astray). Bryd was a great adventurer, and he did indeed locate an entrance (looks like a dark, concave hole) to the "Hollow Earth."
In tuning into the hollow earth, I see a variety of beings that live there. Some are human, others are how I have described Nordics (which also have a base on the moon) and others look like insectoids (or ant beings). Different beings looks to have different status levels in this world. The Nordics are the highest level (then I hear "at least that is what they want me to think"???), and the insectoids and humans sort of battle it out for control beneath them. The insectoids try to rule the humans and make humans their slaves, but many groups of humans have learned to work with the insectoids as equals (then I hear the humans have mastered the art of making the insectoids feel in control, even though they really aren't). It looks as though this world suffers some of the same social struggles that we do, but the Nordics has risen to the top and don't participate in it (virtually like having two different worlds coexisting).
In tuning into the hollow earth, I see a variety of beings that live there. Some are human, others are how I have described Nordics (which also have a base on the moon) and others look like insectoids (or ant beings). Different beings looks to have different status levels in this world. The Nordics are the highest level (then I hear "at least that is what they want me to think"???), and the insectoids and humans sort of battle it out for control beneath them. The insectoids try to rule the humans and make humans their slaves, but many groups of humans have learned to work with the insectoids as equals (then I hear the humans have mastered the art of making the insectoids feel in control, even though they really aren't). It looks as though this world suffers some of the same social struggles that we do, but the Nordics has risen to the top and don't participate in it (virtually like having two different worlds coexisting).

A. I am slightly conflicted here. I get that this is really an image of ancient day Lemuria rather than the Hollow Earth. This is factual, but based on a different location and time frame.???
Q. This map (below) is written in different languages so its hard for me to determine if it is correct or not, but some people think it shows that Garden of “Eden” resides in the center, and the four rivers dividing it are the same ones in the bible. If the map is correct, where do the Nordics, reptilians, human slaves, insectoids all live? I know the insectoid beings reside mostly under Mt. Shasta, and some other areas, but I don’t know where that is on this map.
A. I first get that the surface area on the inside is different than the outside, there there isn't a one to one ratio with the outside. The Hollow portion is much smaller. I get that the area below Mt. Shasta is shown on the northern central location. I see the humans more in the central region where the four rivers intersect. The Nordics reside mainly on the eastern portion. It is important to know that the mingling of species doesn't have an exact border so any of these beings can be found anywhere, just not in as concentrated of groups.
And that is all I have for this reading. I look forward to your comments and insight. Love and light-
Very interesting! It's nice to finally visualize what the inside must look like. Fun fact: the second map is actually from the DC marvel series. Wonder if Stan Lee knew something? Lol. Nothing was mentioned about the west side though, does any beings live there? Thank you
Lynn, I've always heard there are Draco and Grays down there, too. No?
Very synchronistic. I actually read through all of your Hollow Earth posts yesterday because I have been extremely concerned with the growing level of acceptance of the Flat Earth Theory. I was 'there' in July of 2015 when the theory began getting huge attention because of Mark Sargent producing the infamous "Flat Earth Clues" video series and subsequent radio interviews and well as the internet feud by other Flat Earthers Eric Dubay & Matthew Boylan aka Math Powers.
When I originally found this information it was very attractive and ultimately sold me on the idea, I think because I knew how much we had been lied to and NOTHING would surprise me at that point..
I "woke up" in 2011 with a spontaneous manifestation of past lives after synchronized orgasm with my then girlfriend in 2011 (I was 19) After the experience I began reading/researching everything concerned with metaphysics and conspiracies and Truth voraciously. In Feb. of 2014 after graduating Hypnotherapy college and getting enough information to believe in the world wide NWO conspiracy I left civilization to live as a Dharma Bum playing guitar and working on Farms some MJ and some not.. Hitchiking and sleeping outstide.
Living Nomadically, focusing on my present reality and absolutely needing my spirituality to stay in alignment and manifest for myself my daily needs honed and sharpened my Pyschic/Intuitive abilites by living more in accord with how our ancestors lived and thought. You must become Instinctual to survive outside.
I'm not sure when but at a certain point i came across an intuitive who told me that when they tuned in to the Flat Earth they got a sick feeling in their stomache and a slight headache.. That they knew the Earth to be round and probably hollow just from that!! I protested and claimed the "knowledge" that i'd read and BOUGHT and they were happy enough to let it be.
Eventually after my abilites had expanded and I used them mostly to guide myself (also because i didn't have a computer or regular intenet access lol) I did the same thing for myself. I FEEL mother Gaia. She loves me and I love her. She is so beautiful and life supporting. When I tune in to a Flat Earth none of her spirit is there. None of those wonderful feelings I get when I'm out in nature, when I feel most in tune. As opposed to when I tune into the Hollow Earth I FEEL her calling me deeper saying yes yes, know me and love me.. She is calling us to feel her with our hearts and love her as she loves us.
Please listen Lynne, I cannot feel your intuitive abilities anymore. Your reading on the Cards on the Economist Cover was... sorry to be blunt... dismal... When I read this reading I got pain in my throat... Like the truth is being obscured. Please know there ARE others like you. And we are being attacked and messed with on scales we've never seen before. You are not alone and you do not need to pander and please and provide for every know nothing who asks you to keep giving past your point of center... If this does not help don't listen... if it strikes a cord please please please nourish yourself...
I dont understand why you are attacking Lynn, Jameson, for answering some questions. She is not pandering-- she is just trying to help others learn some things that they wouldn't have come across on their own. I think suggesting that she needs a distant energy healing may have been offensive. If you think the truth is being obscured, then please share the true information with the rest of us. To be honest, the cards on the Economist cover were tied with some dark forces.. so needless to say the interpretations may vary, although I dont think hers were wrong. I think there are so many more things tied with it, so much that it is hard to summarize it all in one post. Again, if you think it was all wrong.. then feel free to add what you "saw".
I think Jameson Hunt's (whatever his real name is) account of his spiritual experiences was very interesting to read about, and I personally appreciated his comments a lot.
Contrary to JamesM, I don't think constructive criticism can be considered offensive, unless you have an enormous ego. I think Lynn is humble enough to be able to appreciate constructive criticism.
I also think that it was quite a few among Lynn's readers who questioned her giving credence to flat Earth theory, and Jameson Hunt is hardly the first to express concern regarding that matter.
Thank you Lynn! I loved reading your post and think it's all very interesting! All of your readings make me think about the world we live in.. It's truly an eye opener. Keep up the great work!
Since jameson hunt...is his friends name...Then why did he not say his name..(Oh Well). And it is nice to know you no longer feel her abilities...That means we will no longer be hearing from you again.....which is nice to know. Have a wonderful day...and so much good luck in spreading 'your' wisdom .... even if your methods may be making others look less competent than your own self. Have a great day..and great life on Gaia..We wish you well... Be on with your path......and I will be one to welcome you back when your levels of consideration for others are considered ....considerable. Lynn is a helper...and when she can not talk more...she says so. She is as perfect as she can be...much like you....much like every-single-one of us.... Be happy. Pleasant journeys. Thanks to all those with consideration. Considerable Thanks. :)
I've been fascinated by this topic ever since reading of Byrd's account of his visit, and the shift to a different time dimension makes a lot of sense, although I seem to remember the man/leader he talked to told him specific things about our world in the present tense, but I could be wrong on that.
Hollow earth seems related to the flat earth polemic, which I still believe is an ingenious think tank scheme to get groups like this to believe it as a way of blanket discrediting everything else. In reality, we'll never truly know the answers to all the things we're curious about, but it's great to have a guide like Lynn who sees better and further than the rest of us.
I read almost all of Lynn's posts and I don't see any reduction in quality. I do notice more negativity on social media and comments from other people.. maybe it is all the turmoil in the world right now, so more people are saying more negative things.As far as Lynn goes I see she still talks about many subjects with plenty of depth and details. She is a mother of four kids. I have three kids, so some weeks are busier than others, but I think she's doing a great job so far. :)
I can recall Lynn telling us during her reading titled - Randy Cramer, Corey Goode, Mark Richards and Space - that she has received messages telling her to stop and to not say anymore than she has already said. So I think it's safe to assume Lynn may receive these warnings often and is therefore giving us as much as she can comfortably give. I appreciate you Lynn.
Thanks for all the comments. I do appreciate them all (including the constructive ones). I do my best to stay on top of what people would like to learn, and sometimes it can be difficult (I get blocked because it isn't in either the greater good or my greater good to know). I also grow a little weary on some of the political things I have seen as I tap into things (but still go for it as much as I can.) I also really love how the discussion continues on in the comments, and overall feel really good (and even humbled) at how each post comes together. I also welcome objective views from others as I believe we all have intuitive abilities (and maybe I am not understanding something completely). I believe we learn from one another in a beautiful way. Much love to you all-
If I had Lynn's abilities, I would probably not have the courage to speak out as she does. She has backed off on commenting on every comment on every post and I can sure understand why. I get overwhelmed just reading some of the posts and have often stayed away for a bit. Self preservation is a must. I so very much appreciate the time and insight she continues to put forth here. Lynn, Thank you as always!
That "Inner World of Skartaris" map looks an awful lot like the US a long time ago...
Thank you Lynn!! Love any info around Admiral Byrd! For the readers who also want to learn more about him, here is an interview he did with Alison Ailfinn Allan from the afterlife! Fun!
It is honeycomb earth not hollow by Corey Coode
Who are the Nordics?
@Jameson Hunt I applaud you for mentioning this as I've noticed the same decline in Lynn's readings and find her past ones to be a lot more enlightening. Seems people have ignored her ironic statement: "realizing many thing we know and accept as truth are learned based on word of mouth and not first hand, factual experience (we are easily led astray)". Her lack of experience or knowledge within the bounds of the subjects has led her astray long ago.
@scorpio. Why are you even on this page?
Would my life be any different if i live in a flat earth...?
Would my life be different if i live inside hollow earth...?
My answer would be..... NO. WHEREVER I GO, I BRING MYSELF WITH ME.
Not to worry about Lynn. She is well protected.
She can defend herself well, as you already know.
@Diane: Thanks for the comments. I do sometimes get a moment of concern when I hit the "post" button, but know that I set intent to work in the greater good, so I am to see what I am supposed to see. It is difficult to comment on every comment, but I do read through them, save some to do a future reading, and ones that I get some kind of immediate "read" I address. I really enjoy all the sharing and the conversations that develop here. I learn so much from all of you.
xo- Lynn
@Joy: You are so right. Our perceptions and sense of self create our reality. :-)
I remember when Professor Xavier went there.
What is it Lynn? There is something I didn't notice at all yet?
I've had more synchronized orgasms than I can remember (I'm old) and never once did I manifest past lives. I'm bummed.
Dear Ones: did you hear?
"OCETI SAKOWIN CAMP, N.D. (Des Moines Register) — U.S. Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning has informed tribal leaders that the Army Corps of Engineers will halt construction on the controversial Dakota Access pipeline, the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe said here Sunday."
"The US Army Corps of Engineers will not grant permission for the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross Lake Oahe, the hotspot of massive protests of water protectors, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said in a statement, adding that alternative routes are now being studied. 'The Department of the Army will not approve an easement that would allow the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota,' said a statement on the US Army website, citing the Assistant Secretary for Civil Works, Jo-Ellen Darcy."
Yippee! Thank you Army Corps of Engineers for doing the right thing!! Thank you!!!
it is my understanding that the fossil oil is not what it is.
It is the blood (equivalent) of Earth Mother. It makes sense to those of you who know that she is a breathing, growing sentient being. The reason for this stoppage is perhaps way bigger than what we see here....
...........................................I see a bright timeline
Thank you very much for the truly great job you do!
Thank you, everyone! I appreciate all the comments! xo-
I looked at previous posts but could not find the poster's name who referenced Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians, which I now have and am reading. Thank you.
Thank you, also, for this forum, Lynn, which you do in between raising and caring for four children!
I had encountered Barbara Marciniak's name and the fact that she channel(s)(ed) Pleidians on previous occasions. I am amazed to see how widespread many of "their" thoughts and nuances have become throughout the internet and world since her book was initially published in 1992 (!). I liked particularly:
"In order to come to a planet, you must have a portal or way to get into it. You could fly into space...but if you never find the portal that allows you to enter the planet's time frame of existence, you could land on a place that looks desolate and without life. Portals allow you to enter the dimension of the planet where life exists."
And from The System Lords and the Twelve Dimensions by E. M. Nicolay:
"...at the current time it is the activation known as Ascension, which humans experience primarily as an activation of their own DNA and cells, that permits humans to now anchor exponentially greater energy...."
"In a way, it is the activation of the Earth grid through the guardianship of humanity, via humanity's DNA, that not only provides the key to ascension but also prevents access to higher dimensional realms for those not intended to have access or permitted to use these vital portals." (emphasis mine)
I would think that, if I couldn't freely access a time/dimension because the energy guarding the portals had risen to a significantly high degree, I might try to instill fear with dire predictions through Tarot cards. In fact, I would try to instill fear whenever and wherever I could.
That pesky enlightened human DNA!
.........my humble suggestion,....
don't slurp everything you read as DA TRUTH.
everything here on this plane IS ONLY OPINION. or...INFORMATION or POINT OF VIEW.
if you hear MARCINIAK talk in YouTUBE, she sounds very authoritative
like she owns the whole truth. i suggest, don't get all impressed. a grain of salt will go a long way.
"I AM THE WAY, THE LIGHT AND THE TRUTH"...The only truth there is in this plane is YOU. ,...you,...Spirit in matter.
by the way...........there are two portals inside your body. Many ppl can access these. the PINEAL Gland portal and the Heart portal......and thru these portals...you can go out to the Universe with all your navigational skills as Spirit.
Flat Earth messes with my mind initially, as I realised the extent of the intention to control the mindset on this plane(t), but I just rode it out and assimilated it, and now it's been the most exciting information to have received in 20 odd years of awakening. I just cannot see how I bought the whole ball thing now lol.
For people who think a flat Earth means no Gaia, why is that? Perhaps the extent of your conditioning is that vast that you are letting it get in the way of further awakening. For me, it has opened possibility ENDLESSLY. This is even something I found that makes you think again..maybe we're on an eternal plane? I see it like a spotlight hitting a stage, creating form, but there are lighter realms above (I've experienced myself in archangelic being) and below (the black, dense stage the light hits) ..and who knows what else in between. portals etc. It's infinite!
Damn, I can't upload a pic, but basically it's the idea that there's lands beyond ours, also surrounded by ice, possibly with their own dome/moving firmament.
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