A. When I first tune into this I get that it was related to the military, and it was a military exercise rooted from a California based group. With the current state of affairs, the government is testing and running drills to see how long it takes to get from certain strategic points to the central location of Denver. I also see that similar drills are being done underground through a tunnel and railway system.
I then ask "Why?" It looks like many members of government and higher PTW (Powers that Were) are very observant of the current state of social unrest. To some extent they are actually perpetuating it through media and other means. The focus is on the negative (over and over again, and on most every channel), and they sort of refuse to transition peacefully. I then hear a message that the issues are not even a Democrat versus Republican, but rather the PTW versus those against the PTW (and Hilary was the PTW's chosen one). [I'm sorry this is going political. I swore to myself I wasn't going to go there and the Universe pulled me in..]
So the PTW and other people of influence are on high alert. If (or rather when) there is a need to relocate key officials for a continuation of government plan, Denver is the place to be. I hear it will be locked down like a fortress. They are making their plans, and contingency plans now. I get many more of these drills will be occurring over the next few months.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
[I will plan on a another meditation soon. SO MUCH love, healing and protection needs to be sent out.]
What a coïncedence. Just watched it yesterday by secureteam 10. It appeared on my screen. The plane was flying under the name iron99. The same connection was made with denver airport and the underground base.
Good. Load 'em all up in one location, cut the internet and cable TV (no bowl games, sorry), and lock the door. If they're subconsciously offering to self-incarcerate, let's take that offer. If they only knew how forgiveness-minded the majority of us are... but their minds do not work like that. Sad.
Thanks Lynn! Mistery pain over the entire US? What happened to North American huge mamals (compared to those still living until noowadays in Africa) when, some 11,000 yrs.ago (according to some estimates),massive Missoula Floods (Eastern Washington State) destroyed the surface of part of the continent? During this Ice Age Floods, Dry Falls was under 300 feet (91 m) of water approaching at a speed of 65 miles per hour (105 km/h). Where the legendary humanoid giants also, at least in part, swept away during this event? Could this be the flood the bible refers to? What triggered the floods? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missoula_Floods. Thank You!
"In Response to Plane Circling over Denver and Yesterday's Forecast" comments on another aspect check:
After the last two posts, "I'm with the Hummingbirds!" I think this election bred a lot of negativity that we need to ground ourselves to discharge that from our systems. I have been trying to visualize hummingbirds and think it has helped. Doing good acts and positive intent is a lot more productive and accomplishes more than following politics. While its hard not to follow nefarious goings on, those working for a positive world through their intent expressed in jobs, art or whatever is the real key to changing things.
Lyn, I really appreciate all the work that you put into this blog, and I enjoy reading all the readers' contributions.
It definitely seems to be the case that people are conditioned to think negatively and respond negatively to just about all situations ... certainly when I was growing up in the '80s my parents were all doom and gloom (still are) ... I'm so pleased I've managed to pull away from all that. I do worry about the future though - it seems like most of the world's population has gone mad and there's no way back from it.
Lyn, I can't for the life of me see where to post this request, so I'm entering it here (I hope that's okay). Please can you look into why there are so many missing people throughout the world - where do they all go? Some just seem to go, 'poof!' into thin air ... thank you very much.
The Denver Airport is the home base for the PTW. Its construction is shrouded in mystery and secrecy, with billions in cost overruns, 5 buildings that were buried underground, a massive underground tunnel system, the contractors were sworn to secrecy and those who talked were killed, and the infamous Denver airport murals, http://thechive.com/2012/03/08/something-is-rotten-in-the-denver-airport-25-photos/. As we know, the PTW blatantly expose their plans which are often so nefarious that we don't see them until they come to pass and we still don't see the connections. These plans are made decades in advance. I also believe that the Denver plane was a test run and the name of the plane, IRON99 is telling. The PTW are big on numerology and IRON is 9 9 6 5 9 9 which equals 47, which is an 11. That is their power number -- 9/11, the WTC looked like an 11 and the number 11 is part of their power symbology.
They are worried because Hillary did not get elected, which they did their best to manipulate but it didn't work this time. I think their power went to their head and their arrogance got the best of them. We haven't seen the last of this but we are also much more aware than we were 15 years ago. Let them play their hand, they won't win this time.
When they do reveal their play and they will have to soon, I think we're going to learn about the alien agendas, the secret alien bases -- here and on the Moon and Mars, and a whole lot of other things that are going to be very surprising.
So (sorry if I've missed the answer in the original post) are the PTW going to hide and lockdown at just Denver Airport itself, or Denver generally? How many of them are there? What happens to the Denver population? Will they be affected? I don't know anything about Denver apart from it's in the mountains and is the state capital.
Thanks so much for the comments! I like Roberts' comment- I'm with the hummingbirds too. :-)
Love and light-
@Mark Noeth
The government uses dowsing? For what purpose?
Do they publicly admit to this, and to believing in the legitimacy of dowsing?
@ The Enlitened One... No idea, have a good day.
I bet the pilot just needed directions.
Think with all the negativity coming to the surface right before the election that the pre have a false sense of security with their hidden basements.
Think this Pizza gate that was mentioned during election is so deep rooted and connected toHollywood,Royality,Politics,Justice. System , military ? They can only dig under a rock to hide but all of them will be pulled out by their tails I hope.
I saw Ben Fulford saying this plane was sort of a high-tech bombing thing to scare and draw out people on undergrond bases in the area. On the other hand, I also saw a report by Sorcha Faal saying the plane planned to bomb someplace (they didn't know which) but a high-ranking member of the military stopped it and then went to search refuge with Trump bc supposedly it had been ordered by Obama. Both reports coincided on the type of bombing plane this is supposed to be, although I don't remember the specific name.
Anyway, there are a lot of thing been said about this. Thanks for your input!
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