Q. Hi Lynn, I've been noticing hummingbirds lately. One in particular has been looking in my window getting my attention for a few days. I've googled them and read they are very spiritual. I was just scrolling through Facebook and came across a free online shamanic event inspired by the spirit medicine of the hummingbird!! Then, shortly after I read that, I looked outside and saw a hummingbird. So, how are hummingbirds helpful to people? Do they give off some sort of healing energy or vibe? I never really paid attention until recently and I think everyone should be aware of what they might be blessing us with!! Thank you!!
A. I do see that hummingbirds are very special and spiritual. They have a high physical vibration as well as an energetic vibration. As I focus on them more I get an image of a hummingbird morphing into a fairy, and she is almost angelic in a sense. I then see that hummingbirds are a more physical, tangible form of a fairy (or energetic being). It is not saying that a hummingbird is a fairy or that a fairy is a hummingbird, but rather they share very similar energetic unique properties.
When I tune into those properties, I see that if a person could tap into the vibration of a hummingbird, or get into their field (share some of their vibration) it would set the stage for healing. It is a vibration in which energetic healing looks to flow unobstructed and go to the area requiring healing. Chakra blockages or outside influence doesn't affect the ability for the body to heal while in that vibration.
I get the next time you see a hummingbird, acknowledge it, and take a moment to try to connect with it (almost like you are sending a telepathic message). I get to make a low humming noise to yourself to strengthen the connection even more. Have a thought of gratitude toward it, love and thank the bird (can be for something specific or open ended). Then, see how you feel. I get it will elevate your vibration and even send small nuggets of healing while you have the connection, no matter how brief.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
What a beautiful reading. Interesting to note, hummingbird's feather flutter creates a tonal sound which is audible. The male hummingbirds use these frequencies during their courtship with female hummingbirds (how cute!) so hummingbirds are capable of communicating by frequency and vibration. I'll pay attention the next time one comes by. L&L
Thank you so much for the reading on this!! I've invited these special creatures by getting a hummingbird feeder. I love them.
They are such beautiful creatures. Love this
I have always been drawn to these creatures as has my mother, we share a love of them. something so special about them. thanks for the reading.
Thanks for this beautifull reading !
I am curious about other birds with same "attributs" and more common in other area, which haven't any beauty hummingbirds. Robin ? Finch ? blackbird ? I think that each of them have something particular, i will just need to sit under a tree or in forest somewhere in peace and open myself to their vibratory field.
😄 Beautiful
Thank you for the nice comments. Much love to you all.
This was so lovely to read after so much rage and toxicity flying about (not just here, everywhere!)
How cool, Lynn!!
Hummingbirds are a wonder!! Whenever I see one, I stop what I'm doing and watch. I always acknowledge them. Now I will try communicating telepathically and hum. It can't hurt!
I had a very strange encounter with a hummingbird a couple years ago. I was watering my garden when it flew about 2 feet from my face. Only it was a metallic pink or purple color. A bright flash made me fall backwards and my first thought was that the sun had glinted off it. Then it flew off the way it came. Later I started thinking it was a drone and took a picture of me. I couldn't find any drones that looked like it tho. Very odd experience.
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