Hello everyone! I have had several requests to do a meditation to direct our energy and thoughts toward peace and welcome the shift that our Earth is experiencing. I realize this is short notice, so rather than choosing a specific time (I don't want to cause stress over time zones or other obligations), I just ask that you take a few quiet moments over the next two days and focus on the intent of peace, calm and the greater good at heart. The collective efforts and focus really will make a difference.
Much love to all-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Thank you Lynn, great idea! Can we visualize a white dove with a pinch of red or blue? ;)
"Peace, calm and the greater good" may be a contradiction in terms at this point. Instead, I'll pray that the evil infestation running our planet is rooted out by whatever means necessary ASAP.
I'm with you, my faraway friends! Good luck America, see you on the other side...
Great Idea! I'm in!
This election has been like watching a play. The actors giving winks and nods as they blatantly twist their mustaches. Huh?
Someone just shared this with me so I'm passing it on if anyone is interested in a synchronized meditation.
I wanted to thank all that were and are able to participate in this... We are only hours away now. This election has been a long process.... :-)
I'll add my spiritual vote to this meditation~! Thanks for offering us a forum for collective intent.
I just wanted to share this: a few moments ago, while at my computer, praying for America on this election day, I watched a video of Trump being blessed by a female pastor (https://americanlookout.com/wow-black-female-pastor-gives-huge-endorsement-of-trump-in-cleveland-video). At that very moment, I looked up and saw a double rainbow outside the window. It was so beautiful as we've had a month of rain and clouds here on the west coast of Canada.
I could be wrong about Trump but I believe he can help America. Whatever the outcome, I'm praying for peace.
Da-da's website tipped me off to Kerry traveling to the South Pole today. I can't shake the feeling that he's been summoned--not asked--summoned before an angry group of...well...I think ET's of some kind. They're pissed...I mean really, really angry (which is a marvel because advanced-level ET's don't really get all that angry is my understanding--maybe I'm wrong). I think they're pissed about the U.S. directing unwarranted threats to Russia and frightening people about the possibility of WWIII as a nuclear event between U.S. and Russia. (They know that Putin will not, under any conditions, threaten or engage in this kind of behavior and that Putin looks at the U.S. as being driven by a totally wacked-out government/military--people on bath salts or whatever the current drug du jour is.) Kerry thinks he's a hotshot; I assure you the confrontation will leave him frightened to his core--down to his toes. The Zetas run around doing their thing, but these ET's create Universes. Just a feeling I can't shake. But remember...Kerry is checking on climate change down at the ole' South Pole today!
BTW, did you hear about the bridge they have for sale in Brooklyn?
Done !
Calmness , is power.
I shall make some time.
3 weeks ago Cassiopeans stated that Trump had good chances to win! (http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,13581.0.html?PHPSESSID=51e87815261ce6d51cd1838af1a697ee)
Please forgive my ignorance. Mr Trump has insulted certain groups of people. Im one of thise ppl and I don't feel safe. How than is Trump so good for the US? I don't get it. Its open seasonfir certain groups with Trump yet its a goid thin?
Please forgive my spelling in my previous post. Just saw the electuon results. Im afraid for my safety and my children under a Trump presidency
Thank You Universe!
Now we'll have REAL Hope.
Looks like we made it!!! :)
When I was chanting very intensely for peace this morning, I got the very strong impression, from absolutely out of the blue, of Kerry calling Obama and telling him that all rigging and voting fraud was to stop. This condition was included in the negotiations (and I, frankly, know nothing else). I don't think the ET side particularly cared about Republican rigging/fraud because they haven't been setting the stage for WWIII, as Obama has been in his role as Bilderberg lackey. The ultimatum was the acceptance of whatever they negotiated (which I only suspect is complete standdown on nuclear weapons as an option) or complete disclosure starting immediately with ET's popping up all over. The message was directed to the Bilderberg group. It was their choice. Disclosure now or with more of a time lapse. They chose later as we see by the results thus far. I will be very surprised if anything untoward happens tonight with the counting.
Ms. Villarruel: insults are insults. Nuclear weapons melt the faces off of children. Do we understand the distinction?
Looks like those E.T.'s had a strong effect-Trump Won.
The only ppl he spoke out about are ppl who enter the country illegally. Btw he just cannot act, congress and senate are there to block or enforce with him. I dont get why ppl are scared. The universe is on your side‼️
Btw Obama dis nothing for these immigrants as he promised‼️ U get where this is going⁉️
Thanks to these being working for the greater good. Am overwhelmed with love whenever I hear them doing good
Could you please do a reading on the new relationships between USA with China and Russia now that we know that Trump is the new president.
Thank you everyone for your focus on peace. This was really a tough race and took people through a roller coaster of emotions. I am hopeful we can start to put all the negativity behind us and move forward. I will plan more meditations as well.
@Alex: I will do some political stuff soon. :-)
If Lynn has time for a quick 'visioning' relating to last night, I was wondering what happened during Clinton's long invisible silence all through the count, and then sending her lackey out to tell everyone to go home without even showing her face or giving a speech. I thought it was shoddy treatment of all the people who'd supported her. So, was she tired, being cowardly, was she in denial about the result, or did the shock of the looming loss trigger off her health issues again so she wasn't fit to appear in public?
And so many predictions have suggested Hillary would win. Did the ETs interfere with the outcome? Or is there going to be further upheaval/ shock/ revelation so the result's back up in the air again? Will Trump reach the White House or will 'stuff happen'?
I expect you'll be bombarded with questions about what happens from now on, but a post-script overview would be very interesting. Thank you.
Given the considerable disparity between the polls and the actual vote in the presidential election, there are some incredulous voters out there, who think the polling station results may have been manipulated in some way. Do you see a collusion between Trump and Mr Putin of any undue Russian influence (hackers) involved in this election? Or is it just a simple stroke of good luck for Mr. Trump?
Why Vladimir Putin’s Russia Is Backing Donald Trump
By Kurt Eichenwald
In phone calls, meetings and cables, America’s European allies have expressed alarm to one another about Donald Trump’s public statements denying Moscow’s role in cyberattacks designed to interfere with the U.S. election. They fear the Republican nominee for president has emboldened the Kremlin in its unprecedented cybercampaign to disrupt elections in multiple countries in hopes of weakening Western alliances, according to intelligence, law enforcement and other government officials in the United States and Europe.
While American intelligence officers have privately briefed Trump about Russia’s attempts to influence the U.S. election, he has publicly dismissed that information as unreliable, instead saying this hacking of incredible sophistication and technical complexity could have been done by some 400-pound “guy sitting on their bed” or even a child.
Officials from two European countries tell Newsweek that Trump’s comments about Russia’s hacking have alarmed several NATO partners because it suggests he either does not believe the information he receives in intelligence briefings, does not pay attention to it, does not understand it or is misleading the American public for unknown reasons. One British official says members of that government who are aware of the scope of Russia’s cyberattacks both in Western Europe and America found Trump’s comments “quite disturbing” because they fear that, if elected, the Republican presidential nominee would continue to ignore information gathered by intelligence services in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy.
All presidential candidates that do not win give a concession speech on the same night as the election, am I correct? Hilary did not. I'm wondering if she wasn't feeling well or was ill given her health issues.
Camryn, While it's true that Trump has said some foolish things in the past, we must be honest and recognize that political campaigns are about eliminating the opponent with whatever means available. The Clinton campaign couldn't attack Trump's political record so they resorted to person attacks. Mudslinging occurred on both sides (I'm one of Hillary's irredeemable deplorables because I don't subscribe to her political views which I believe are largely inspired by the Powers That Were and their globalist agenda). The elite-controlled mainstream media were relentless in their attacks on Trump and, in my opinion, did a disservice to the American people by fueling the fires of division. Have faith! America is a great country and will not tolerate the abuses you fear.
wow, this is amazing. trump won and the republicans have the house and senate! wowwwww, truly awe struck.
@Denise - Well stated. The Clinton campaign participated in heavy fear-mongering that was unsubstantiated. Americans exercised their right to vote and that should not be mistranslated as America's desire to threaten other people's personal safety. Ridiculous. They tried to convince Americans there would be doom and gloom if Hillary did not win but, no Chicken Little, the sky is not falling.
It was very 'tacky' for Hillary to not give a concession speech and send Podesta onstage and tell them to go home. Podesta said it was because the results were not final. I am assuming it was because the stress was too much for Hillary's fragile health condition, she had a bad disposition or because she was drunk....she has a problem with alcohol. And when she gave her concession speech this morning she was 1.5 hours late to arrive. Late arrivals like this are routine for her. She has no respect for the people around her or the ones that support her.
It's amusing they would accuse Russia of influencing the election, but failed to mention Obama campaigning in Britain last summer to convince Britons not to vote for the BREXIT. And conveniently forgot that Hillary suggested that they 'rig' the outcome of the Lebanese election so that someone favorable to the U.S. would win. Or that Obama and Hitlery made a deliberate effort to kill Qaddafi and have tried in vain to kill Assad in Syria for the last 4 years and overthrow his regime. I guess politicians remember what is convenient.
But, Obama was very classy today when he said he would support Trump with a smooth transition. Good for him.
Thanks for the comments, and I agree with so much of this. I plan on doing a political follow up reading (just needed a break from it today). Many good points, and I will touch on them. Hopefully now we can all move forward and transition as smoothly as possible.
Thank tou for your reply. I am not an undocumented immigrant. Im a US cotizen; however, Mr Trump has expressed his hate towards certain ethnic groups. Unless there was a clone Trump saying them. And its scary to think America is moving backwards. Thank you
@Camryn If you can please take the time to watch his Gettysburg address speech, that should put some ease to your mind. He loves people of all ethnicities because we are what makes up America. He loves americans! Have faith and see the good in him.
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