There is a beeping or pinging noise in the Fury and Hecla Strait of Northern Canada. It has frightened away wildlife and can be heard by the locals. Who or what is responsible and what is the purpose for this sound on the Arctic?
Thank you!
A. When I first tune into this I visualize myself at that geographic location, and then begin to dive beneath beneath the surface, deep into the water. As I reach the ocean floor, I hear the pinging even louder and try to determine where it is coming from, and realize it isn't an object, but rather coming from the ocean floor itself. I realize it isn't just a "pinging" sound, but rather a beacon.
When I ask, "What for?" I get that there is an ET base beneath the ocean floor, and that beacon is so their fellow ETs can find them. It appears the Earth is in trouble (brink of a physical War, and turmoil is very dependent on what happens with this upcoming election). They (these ETs) are requesting helpers to intervene to sort of "calm things down." I see the original purpose of the base was to have a presence close to Earth and monitor things, and if/when need be, call in reinforcements. The goal all along for many of these ET races is to keep Earth whole so it can once again become the oasis that it once was. They don't want humans to destroy it beyond repair, and are willing to intervene if need be. I hear that a forced disclosure may be close to happening if some kind of negotiations and peaceful actions aren't put into play real soon.
I then pose "Who are these ETs and where did they come from?" I get that there are "ETs from everywhere wanting to guide us, but the ones responsible for the beacon come from the Sirius system." I hear they have been waiting patiently on disclosure, they have even tried to be respectful so an all out chaos doesn't start, but they cannot allow something so clearly against the greater good to occur. They are hopeful that humans will do the right thing, but fully accept that they may have to intervene. What they are trying to decide is in what capacity, and how exactly they will interfere or influence humans without violating universal laws.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light,
Wonderful‼️ They have my permission to intervene for the greater good. If left up to humans, it will only get worst. I thank them in advance 🙏
Wow! Absolutely amazing. I can feel we are on the cusp of a big shift. Just hope it plays out in our favour and there isn't too much turmoil to get to where we are intended to go.
Could you please organize a meditation on Monday evening or/and Tuesday morning for US elections for the better good of the country.
Scary if Hillary wins war.....
Oh my gosh I second the meditation previous to the election !
Also yay for forced disclosure it's about time '
Wow. I'm so grateful for the work you do Lynn. I agree about the meditation. We definetly need to help.
Yes! Our Dog/Human ancestors in Sirius. (Lynn did a reading on This)
So, you guys from USA already know who are you going to vote for tomorrow.... ;)
Let's all pray that the election won't be rigged and Betsy Lewis prediction will come true.
Quote:"I am now predicting that Donald J. Trump will become our 45th President on November 8, 2016 that's if we don't have a rigged election which is quite possible according to many articles on the web. Donald Trump is a leader and very bright. I remote viewed the future and saw Trump taking the Presidential Oath wearing a dark long coat (like the one shown below) on a very cold clear day in D.C. and his wife Melania standing near to him, wearing a light-colored coat. I sense something bad will happen to Hillary--at this time I'm not sure what."
I hope everyone who follows Lynn will project a steady stream of good intent these next three days with the hope that people make the right choice, stop being lead into taking sides fighting each other against our own interests, and that maybe by by us as working a group collectively for the common good, that energy will spread out to others.
Thank you for the comments, and yes, I think a moment of meditation would be a positive and much needed action toward what is happening in our world now. I will post it now. Much love-
Thanks lynn for this reading again !
Sirius (serious) people ? Can you describe them physically or find a picture that looks like ? Quite curious to knows your point of view and see if match other description. If they permit it. Thank to them and the other ETs for their efforts, patience, faith in us about all that happen now. Really need to do a big party to thank them about all that !
For your US election (i live in France), i think even if Hillary or Trump is elected, there still the possibility they fail afterward... so don't focus to much your attention only on "who" will win, but rather on how to make the whole thing (before/during/after) to turn in our greatest good (the whole planet) !
See you maybe in meditation, who knows ! Love all !
Hi Lynn,
Regardless of the outcome of the US election, I doubt either party will make it into a 2nd term at 2020.
Have you any thoughts on Andrew Basiago, who is running as an independent?
He is the fellow who has close ties to Laura Eisenhower.
Both are adamant they have time travelled to Mars under Project Pegasus.
You may be aware of who they are.
They most likely have left their 2016 campaigning too late to make an impact at the ballot box, but are probably what America needs going into 2020.
All the best from us Aussies!
These past couple of days ive been getting a sense of urgency to meditate and focus on sending love and light to everyone. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May the truth continue to be revealed to us.
Thanks Lynn. I, for one, certainly hope that this wall of secrecy and deceit breaks down, either through its own inertia or because the outside players have decided that enough is enough. Time to meditate. And ping. This is me pinging!
Yes, siketa. I'll be voting for Jill Stein!
I second PimpMyBrain. I would be extremely interested, Lynn, if you have a mental picture of Sirius beings.
I think I speak for all of us here when I say that 99.99999% of us WELCOME positive ET involvement right about now. Feel free to act on our behalf!
Greetings, Aliens! Come on in, interfere away! I'll put the kettle on for you. Do you prefer the milk poured in before or after the tea? And where do Sirians stand on how to pronounce 'scone'?
I heard 2 others say we are close to something big. ET intervention where art thou?
Lynn, could this be causing some of the crazy energy that I've been feeling today. It feels like mercury retrograde on steroids with all things electronic and mechanical, and with people's behavior. Or, could is be the psychic energy of the collective projecting their fears? Thank you! And, yes, I welcome the friendly ETs too.
NY Post had a story about the "ping". I listened to it, sounds like a more forceful stronger heart beat. I smiled reading/listening to it bc I know the truth, thanks to Lynn.
Thank you Lynn! Did you try to communicate with these beings,
or is it even possible? Do you think they were aware you were over
There checking out the signal?
Even if the popular vote chooses Trump, the voting system is rigged.
Soros' company programmed the voting machines. Shoot, our vote
doesn't even count- the "electorates" choose the president!
I was wondering Lynn, have you done any healing? Or identifying negative
soul attachments? Seems like It would be possible with your amazing gifts ;)
Im in with the meditations. Thank you!!!
If intervention is for our positive advancement and for the positive advancement of this planet AND ET has the VAST majority of votes FOR this to happen then why is it disallowed? Whatever ET bureaucrats at the top of the galactic heap who are stalling also have my permision to clone my jewels and wear a pair for themselves. The horror and madness MUST STOP NOW!
In love, gratitude and respect.
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