I have heard that the Powers That Were telegraph their actions before they are put into motion. When I saw these two articles, it made me wonder whether there was more here than meets the eye. Are we about to have the long anticipated full disclosure of aliens? And why release a book on a presidential assassination, let alone give it an oversized review that will catch the eye in the most prominent business journal in the country when that event took place over 50 years ago and there has been no particular mention of it lately until now? Are we being psychologically conditioned by the PTW for similar types of events or is it all just a coincidence?
A. I get that the PTW know that they have been able to suppress the truth for a while even though they were supposed to disclose things by now. They realize that when Trump is officially in office, key people that they once were able to influence may not be as easily influenced. In preparation for some possible loss of full control, things are being slowly leaked to the people so they can be slowly absorbed by the human subconscious.
I see these two things in the WSJ are not a coincidence, but rather very related to one another. There were positioned there to say that JFK wanted to share certain things with the people, and look what happened to him. Our new leadership may be under less control of the PTW, and be more free thinking, but also take caution. If certain bits of knowledge are leaked, the people are slightly desensitized, but the PTW are going to do what they can to make that not happen.
And that is all I have for this reading (and all I am comfortable relaying). Please send some protective light to our new leadership and encourage them to continue think freely and not be punished for breaking away from the PTW and their agendas.
Thank you. Love and light-
I personally believe that Trump is protected by a higher force, and I don't think he risks any consequences for breaking away from the PTW. However, his close family members may be targeted. I don't know how much truth there is into it, but I have sensed for some time that there will be some kind of attack against Trump's relatives (after the inauguration), which makes him step down and take an advisory position, and he will be replaced by someone more knowledgeable, who is more capable at changing the system in it's foundation.
The way I get it, it's almost as if the higher force guiding and protecting Trump only meant for him to be the salesman, and initiator, but not the brain to make up the plan in detail. Whatever happens, I would definitely agree with Lynn that there will be many unexpected turns and twists along the road.
I am gaving a hard time with the hate and anger that is cultivated by Trump and his administration, as well as the untruths and lies presented as facts. Please help me understand how Spirit is protecting these people, I am so confused! Love & light and thank you
I was just thinking the other day one of the first things Trump should do is to admit JFK was killed by OUR secret government as an insurance policy. I saw he wants a new investigation into 911, but seems at the same time to suggest the Saudis were behind it, which is either a shakedown for money or a sign he has no idea what's going on. Hopefully Steve Bannon will lead him into a full disclosure of all the fear based social conditioning of events like Sandy Hook and the Boston marathon that can be easily disproved. Perhaps the crush of ensuing lawsuits against the government would forever prevent this, but who knows?
Perhaps part of the strategy of demonizing Trump is so that any pronouncements he makes will not seem credible. He won overwhelmingly by 6,000,000 votes in 44 states, but Clinton beat him by the SAME number in the other six, which tells you a lot about the cheating and social mind control going on. I have never lost so many friends over politics. We live in interesting times.
with all do respect Lynn, I'm not buying it. Trump wants to make America great again for who? when I think of donald trump I am reminded of scenes from Pink Floyd's "the wall" movie, where a dictator (hitler like) is causing more damage than good (riots, rapes, racism, bigotry.etc). Trump is taking us back 450years into the past and your telling me this dude is good for america...I'm not buying it lynn
I hope they do to him what was done to JFK because I'm not going back to picking cotton.
Trump voters are not rioting, raping, or applying mass racial bigotry. The millions of people who exercised their democratic right to vote for Trump are not exhibiting "hate and anger" nor is Trump causing "more damage than good". Rather, Trump supporters are carrying on with their lives post-election in true Democratic form.
The only people I see rioting are Hillary supporters throwing tantrums like children because their choice lost. News stories about a few isolated cases of high school kids acting racist does not constitute a national crisis that you can attribute to Trump - that's immature kids in some towns or cities acting deplorably - and probably because the liberal media pundits incessant discussions about racism and bigotry are actually subconsciously programming kid's malleable minds to act this way!
Trump voters are not rioting, raping and exhibiting bigotry - those are the talking points repeated by liberal media pundits - base-level topics to keep you distracted. The millions of Trump supporters are satisfied that a strong personality and seemingly anti-Establishment, anti-PTB presidential candidate has been elected who can, hopefully, steer our future in a direction that won't send us off the cliff the way these Satanic minions have been doing for years.
Support for Trump is a movement against Evil - and that has nothing to do with race or gender because all races are being negatively affected. We are in this together.
Don't let the mind programming confuse you into believing the protesters' own bad behavior is Trump's doing Lol. Those tricky devils and their mind games...
ET's cant have full disclosure without the consent of these politicians or their puppeteers?
@masterz24 The point of having him elected is to reveal more TRUTH. To an extent, he already has revealed a lot of truth and he isn't even president yet. This election wasnt meant to send people back to picking cotton, it was meant to WAKE US UP. Maybe more people will pay attention to his actions and what is going on because how much people want him to fail.
Lynn, how does trump play in to the financial reset? Looks like they want to revert back to practices that brought on the last crisis in 08/09 which could speed things along. do you think he will attempt to shut down the fed and deal with that mess? For everyone, Simon parkes has said 2017 is really when the shift starts to rock and roll and that by the end of this year 2016,, the ptw will be out of options and may be getting pretty desperate. Despite the uncertainty, I really am grateful to be watching this unfold and to be able to energetically support the Light and Truth through any negativity or craziness that may happen.
It's so interesting that you want people to send love and light to a clearly racist, mysoginistic, elitist and homophobic leadership... Over some et relocation stuff? Great for that, but what about the humans he is supposed to serve? You want me to send love and light to man that wants to deport everyone and has american citzens afraid to wear hijab and who wants to build a wall against other humans? A man who has picked an alt-right transition team and is completely insulated from and is deliberately dismissive of his detractors? And, further, I don't think I ever heard you say send love and light to the current administration - aside from Hillary. But I guess a p#@@y grabber needs all the love and light he can get, huh? Not saying Trump doesn't represent a much needed paradim shift in American government, but to what end?
Remember when everyone was calling President Obama the anti-christ? I think it's more likely Trump.
Not nice, not positive. Send love & light
You are completely misinformed. I hope psycic blogs aren't the only place you get your information. Lots of us vs them rhetoric in your thoughts. This is what keeps us apart. This country is racist and sexist and until we deal with it as a group the probability for progress is diminished. This article might help you understand. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/11/the_people_who_look_at_trump_and_don_t_see_a_racist.html
There is no ill will in my statement.
It's funny, when I'm down I listen to another brick in the wall. But I hear something else... I see it as a warning against the brainwashing we have received in schools and from the media... Ideas that divide us and demonize us against each other. I saw Hillary as a propagater of that system, someone who relied on the brainwashing system to hide her crimes and champion more government as the solution. More government means they have more power over us no matter how nice or politically correct the candidate seems. But I sure wish Trump hadn't said those inflammatory statements at the start of the campaign because it diminishes the movement of people who support him and gave ammunition to the machine to label him and dismiss him and the real issues that motivated his voters. It was wrong of him to speak the way he did, but I do feel they were often exaggerated, taken out of context and not allowed to be discussed critically. Not everything we heard he said was true. Those of us who do not trust a word the media said probably didn't attach as much meaning to those statements. I'm just glad Hillary and her plans to continue the wars and create more division with Russia were stopped. I was very concerned about a nuclear war.
"I hope they do to him what was done to JFK" isnt⁉️
Trump needs to be sent love, light and healing. This is even more so if he is "evil". Sending out negative energy toward will just increase his negative traits and actions.
We all need to start coming together and healing ASAP! Stop all the negativity now!
Turn off the news and stop reading all the negative stuff online about Trump!
If people don't do this on their own spirit will intervene. I like my electricity and internet and don't want your negativity to manifest some sort of black out.
Please start focusing more on love and healing!! PLEASE!
What's wrong with picking cotton?
You get lots of fresh air, and you get to move around a lot. It's good for your health. Would you rather sit all day long at an office, dying early in heart disease?
All the niggers today are so spoiled. Being in America has weakened your mind. Why don't you go back to Africa, trying to live like your ancestors. Then, maybe you wont think so badly about picking cotton anymore.
@Chatty Cathy
Couldn't agree with you more - well spoken!
We live in a free world, in more than just the normal sense. People have the right to be angry, and anger in itself is not something bad, it all comes down to how you handle it. People are angry at the system, at what has become of society and rightfully so. "bad" and "good" is mostly a matter of balanced versus unbalanced. And you cannot say that a society is balanced if you gets called racist for simply pointing out the negative effects of immigration of certain peoples. We need to move slightly in a "bigoted" direction to balance things up. I'm not saying we should hate each other or physically harass each other, but people should feel free to remark on the negative influence and shortcomings of one another. God has granted mankind free will, and mankind has used that free will to experience war, hard times and suffering on Earth. But now mankind has used it's free will to create a more balanced state. Trump is it's physical manifestation. As all acts of balancing, this too may come with a lot of turmoil and thunder, just as when after a hot and dry summer, the drought is broken by a powerful thunderstorm.
I'm not going to pick fights with individual comments, but the spirit of the time is stirring up people's shadow stuff, and it's shockingly apparent in some of the posts here, and the writers don't even see it.
I don't understand either how trump is a savior. He used hatred and bigotry to get elected. Yet he is a wonderful person who is loved and protected by Spirit? Is Spirit a white supremacist? Please help me understand that in the 21st century in US hatred for those who are different is alive and well
@Masterz24, I don't get it either. I struggle to think trump is a good person when he used hatred for ppl of color. Unless a person is from certain groups, white wont get it. They don't know how it is to be discriminated because of the color of your skin or being different. President Obama did not used hatred and bigotry to get Elected. But trump is protected by ETs? Wow. Its insane
Right, because trump supporters do not attack ppl of color or burn black churches. Trump supporters sing to ppl of color
Really? Love and Light? Listen to yourselves, this is what trump causes. Its not right to wish the enslavement of others. Find love and Light yourselves first and don't insult others because of the color of their skins. @ the enlightedone, please don't call tourself that. There is nothing in Light about yourself
Wow, the enlightened one. *claps* Bravo, way to show your love and tolerance on Lynn's blog. Racist muchly? This is the reason why I refused to vote for either Trump or Hillary. Has anyone ever cared about how this would affect us starseed Mexicans, or do you care more about yourselves? Such wonderful, loving, tolerant people you are. I am starting to loose faith in New Age religion every single day, even more so I am starting to loose faith in Lynn's blog. I am starting to feel everyone is either brainwashed, or lying. I'm so completely jaded right now, I can't trust any psychic blogs, since many of them are Trump biased. And so eager for death, also. After all, death is good. Earth is bad. Lets all get out of Earth. So many people in New Age afraid of life. *shakes head* It is sad....
Lynn, I really thought ppl in this blog were really working on their higher self. I al signing out of this blog. Enlighten ones calling others niggers go back to africa. So maybe there is not much enlightenment after all. Point made trump creates hatred and bigotry. I will not support that kind of language. We r all one, human, regardless of our skin colors. How sad, please open your minds. Goodbye Lynn
@Cad Bane, I agree with you
Lynn, Sometimes I think there are coincidences and other times it might be a Higher Source trying to nudge us to a certain direction.
Were those two movies just a coincidence or do you think that the government is in touch with major Producers and Directors to include certain themes ?
The best examples I can think of are Close Encounters of the Third Kind and The Day the Earth Stood Still. The last scene in the Close Encounters is supposedly related to the Secret Space Program. And The Day the Earth Stood Still is a veiled explanation as to why ET's and UFO's are kept secret. Because we are afraid of anything that is not familiar to us and it can have some adverse consequences, especially if they are tougher.
Thanks for your blog Lynn. Have a nice Day.
Here! here! Peace out. Love and light to all, boy do we need it.
Did u just cal blacks niggers?! And call urself enlightened⁉️ Whoa⁉️ Unless u r a native indian, you can go back to wherever you come from. This is why america is in the state it is in presently - its stolen land and full of hatred and bigotry - racistd included‼️ The caucasians can go back to the caucasus mountains.
Note that a lot of trolls are being paid to stir up hatred and disunity by people who are experts at playing sides against one another.
Tick tock.
Big changes coming.
Work hard to find your peaceful center before it's too late.
@camryn....what did i say thats so offensive to say send love and light⁉️ The entire planet needs love and light. How can u get upset bc i said spread love and light instead of hate⁉️#flabbergasted
Lynn thank you so much for another awesome read. We are going to have to sit back and see if the Donald runs with the Globalists. He ran on nationalism as they did in Europe. This could be the new trend. He wants to close borders and deport people again as they did in Europe. Right now the Greeks have a huge number of I migrants from Sirria eating up all their resourses and the other EU countries don't want that burden so borders remain closed. How do you ask nicely if maybe we overpopulated eveything and now bad things are happening.
Trump and JFK, sounds interedting. If he isn't in any secret societies he may not make the connection if their is one. The Donald is basically a land lord. I don't think he actually produces anything but usless golf courses and casinos. He has to know if he rocks the boat to much with the PTB. Ryan and the other Republicans are going to throw him overboard. Even if their was a world economic colaps tomorrow the PTB would still own what is worth owning. We would go to a new money system and hit the repeat button.
The ET thing is so complicated. We have what we have due to the ET's. Some of them took us from horse and buggies to the moon in about 70 years. Yes, their were agreements but they might have been nessesary. Others were mabe wealthy by this same group or a totally different group. Were their agreements their as well. Yes, but they were probably nesesary. Are their more groups, probably and they may offer nothing. I'm not going to fault anybody or any governments for going with whatever group they went with. They did what was nesesary for them at that time. This is such a hard subject... Stopping here to ponder more... That wealthy group is looking so good right now...lol
Mark Noeth - you posted "We have what we have due to the ET's. Some of them took us from horse and buggies to the moon in about 70 years..."
Just to give you a heads up, it's Lyn's understanding that while the Apollo missions may have made it into space, we were never actually permitted to land on the moon by the "locals".
Perhaps type "moon" into the homepage search bar to bring up the url?
My question, when will you people be happy? Is there no place on Earth where European Peoples, can have their own country? We don't owe anybody anything, and we are sick of the tent seeking from above, and from the hoards of nonwhites shoved into our countries, rent seeking from below. All while we are defamed, systematically demoralized, and are constantly told, we are the worlds problem. What I don't get, is if white people are so horrible, and so racist, then why do people declare it their right to live with us? BTW, I support Trump, but if I thought he really was the Hitler people are making him out to be, I would support him even more. While I am at it, if we take out the illegal votes, and voter fraud, Trump won the popular election too.
@Camryn Villarruel
@Cad Bane
For your information, "nigger" comes from latin "niger", which means black or dark. So, nigger is just another way of saying black in latin.
Also, nigger is widely used among blacks themselves and is not considered offensive when used within the black community.
I am very enlightened when it comes to spiritual matters. However, I do admit that
am not that enlightened in matters that pertains to political correctness. And frankly, I don't care because I consider it a waste of time. If someone takes offense because I use the Latin instead of the Germanic word for "black", then I think the conflict is with them, and they should get over it.
I thank you all for your comments, they were quite amusing and gave me a good laugh.
@Cad Bane
QUOTE "I am starting to loose faith in New Age religion"
New Age is not a religion, it is a force that affects people and leads to a different perspective on life.
QUOTE "Has anyone ever cared about how this would affect us starseed Mexicans, or do you care more about yourselves?"
Can you explain to me how keeping murderers and drug dealers out of the US would be bad for mexican starseeds?
@Bee E-lightened
Quote "its stolen land and full of hatred and bigotry - racistd included‼️ The caucasians can go back to the caucasus mountains."
If so, then the native Americans can go back to Asia where they came from several thousands of years ago. I personally think that native Americans should have greater freedoms and be able to practice their traditional lifestyle if they want to. However, at the same time it's quite a large continent, and I think there is plenty of room for whites as well, at least in North America. After all, the whites have emigrated to the continent in the same manner as the native Indians, only by sea instead of by land (when America was stuck together with Asia).
U own nothing....the caucasus mountains is still there if u cannot live in harmony with other races....cleary u r on the wrong website
U r a lower vibration being trying to justify the use of that repulsive, degenerate word. Go and listen Dr Dyer and the sort to expand your closed mind.
The earth was one land mass before it separated....u can go back and forth all day....its not your land or ur place to tell anyone go back wherever. If africans can go back....whites an every other race can go back too. Your bigotry is showing. U are far from enlightened. The earth is of God - his creations (us) can go where every we want just like our spirits roam the universe when we sleep. Take your bigotry and shove it‼️
I do appreciate the comments and am very humbled by all those that visit this blog, but let's keep this respectful. I may need to take a break from the politics for a bit as I don't want to divide us, but rather keep us unified. Much love to all-
Thanks Lynn for all your hard work. I appreciate it.
We're all human, with flaws and susceptible to the craziness of this last election, but it's really horrible that people come here to deliberately say hurtful things, which has nothing to do with political correctness, just common decency. No anger can justify abusiveness.
I live in the south, and am well aware most African Americans have been part of this country way longer than most people of european background, most of whom had ancestors that immigrated in the 1800's or later. A fourth of the United States WAS Mexico.
We have to learn not to fight one another. If Trump said inflammatory things it was a tiny part of his vision and speech, while the other side made it their job to amplify and distort those comments a thousand times over, to the point they were really the ones spreading hate and fear. The other thing is that US elections continue to be only a choice between the lesser evil. Let's just be thankful we avoided getting a proven war hawk in office and focus our intent on a better world instead of fighting each other.
@Bee E-lightened
Calm down my friend. It's not the end of the world if someone uses the n-word. The blacks use it among themselves all day long, and the world hasn't perished yet.
Talking about being close-minded... isn't it close-minded to think that you cannot be spiritually aware and at the same time be outspoken about the shortcomings of other races? I don't know what you think... just a thought.
I know, people tend to be so passionate and engaged in subjects like this. Some perhaps a bit too engaged. But personally I find it enjoyable. I would rather part-take in a discussion which is a bit overheated, than in one where people are indifferent to the subject discussed.
I don't think it's divisive. I think it's more like a soccer or boxing match or a political debate. In the heat of the moment people of opposing factions may say bad things about each-other, but once the game ends, everything goes back to normal everybody are friends again.
Agreed....i do not know why bigots will want to come to this site that promotes oneness instead of segregation
As a said previously you are a bigot. And look at you wanting to drag Lynn into your bigotry. Misery loves company. I will not back and forth with you. I send u love and light bc you are in dire need of it‼️
@the extremely unenlightened one,
The only thing funny about you is your name. You are clearly a troll bent on toxic disruption and I sincerely hope in the future Lynn blocks you from posting. Go back to the CIA, the Soros funded groups exposed on Wikileaks and Project Veritas, or whoever else is paying you. You don't fool anyone here.
Lynn, I appreciate the political posts. It helps me to understand what is going on the behind the scenes. If you watch TV carefully, you can see the whole thing play out with Truth Being Hidden in Plain Sight. It's all right there in front of us.
I don't see Trump being such a dangerous being that some have made him out to be. I see him as being Selected by the Council on High (in our Heavens) to do this very specific job, mainly because he has the strength and stamina to do so. He won't cowtow to anyone and as far as I know doesn't owe anyone favors. Can this be said about any past presidents? Yes, his personality does have its own glitches and with this experience, much of that is going to be worked out. So this tasks purpose is two fold, one to stand up to PTW and see through their BS, and two, to straighten out Trump himself. It will be a real eye opener for him.
Many thanks to you Lynn for all of your time and work, you are helping many immeasurably.
Peace and Light to all.
@Bee E-lightened
Isn't that what comments are for, exchanging opinions? If you are pro oneness, express that opinion, or if you are pro segregation, express that opinion instead. We can have different opinions and still respect each other, no big deal. And no need to be like a dogmatic sect where differing opinions are shun.
Frankly I think (contrary to you) Lynn isn't ideologically motivated at all. I think she only cares for the truth, without trying to make it fit a certain ideology.
@Robert Schoen
What kind of childish accusation is that? Please! Get real.
Let's not give up on figuring things out because of a few agitators. This site has often been the one place I see a huge range of opinions expressed and truly heard by others. We are the same group of searchers we were last week, just now we have a few trolls testing our resolve with inflammatory posts. Let's not let them win or dissuade us. I hope Lynn posts on whatever topic her instincts tell her she should. I hope too that when she does and some instigators come in trying to divide us and not add to the conversation we recognize what they are and continue with our discussion and search. All of the angry opinions I see here could have been worded in a way to invite conversation and not attack. That tells us what their goal is! This forum means too much to me to let it go during thus tumultuous time.
OMG....can someone block "enlightened one" from EVER posting here again. Are you kidding??? OMG!!! Lynn....help??? Jesus Christ.
My little bit of advice for these crazy times is to stay grounded to mother Earth. Thanks, Lynn, for all you do. "Political" posts are some of my favorite no matter where the comment section may head too.
My little bit of advice for these crazy times is to stay grounded to mother Earth. Thanks, Lynn, for all you do. "Political" posts are some of my favorite no matter where the comment section may head too.
Way to phone it in, Lynn. Perhaps, don't use racial slurs on my love and light blog might be more progressive or appropriate.... There are plenty of ways to promote white supremacy without them. Really disappointed in your response. You set the tone here. It's your space. Disgusted by some of your long term commentors on this post. I appreciate that you have reveled yourself in your response to the issues at play.
You are vile and being inflammatory excites you. What a miserable existence.And if you knew anything about enlightenment, you wouldn't concieve to call yourself such. If Lynn is dissassociated from repressing your corrupted spirit, then life will be your teacher. "The blacks", the use of the n word and the uninformed explanations you shared about its use are gross generalizations and just wrong.
Lynn has co- signed this behavior. If not, she'd have addressed it. Keep that in mind going forward.
Hi everyone. I haven't been on here since much earlier today, and I can see this is getting to be a little too much. I have never done this before, but I kindly ask for no more comments on this thread. Thank you!
@Corto: I'm sorry this was so out of control. I usually allow people to voice themselves and within 1 or 2 comments things are resolved. I haven't been on here in a while, and now I see that it has been going on for much of the day. It should be taken care of, and this is not my vision for the blog. :-)
My only comment for Lynn is to encourage you to stay true to what you get. Truth is often uncomfortable. Please do not censor the information that comes through for you because you fear it may cause some people upset. The upset people feel is their opportunity for introspection and growth. God Bless.
If there is one thing Donald Trump's election have done is brought out people's true colors. I am all for progressive, but not at the expense of someone else's free speech. We can do that by trying to each balance and cooperation. Donald Trump is already building the wall, he is instigating war between Mexicans and Americans, tell me, sweetie, how is that a good thing? Seriously, Lynn, block enlightened one and others like him. As much as I enjoy trying to pick a fight with him, I refuse to hold hands with someone who thinks it is okay to bully other races. It is no different then bullying other species of ETs, like the Reptilians.
I'm just sick and tired of extreme white wingers calling Hillary's supporters the devil, when Trump's supporters are equally as dogmatic as another politics. New Age is just as corrupted as Christianity. They reminded me of the Jedi Order from Star Wars, completely blinded by their naivete and ignorance of the dark side. They were so easy to manipulate. How do we know there isn't a Darth Sidious behind all of this, and we're so blinded by love and light that we can't even see it?
I stopped watching TV because it all makes me extremely ill. Then I read this page and I feel even more hopeless. We all desperately need so much healing but it's sad to say I don't see it anytime soon after reading this. I'll go back to concentrating on the part of the world that is within my reach and be positive there. Personally...I don't know what else can I do. Lets all try that and maybe it will spread.
@Morl W
QUOTE "Truth is often uncomfortable. Please do not censor the information that comes through for you because you fear it may cause some people upset. The upset people feel is their opportunity for introspection and growth."
Agreed Morl! You are absolutely right. Sometimes people need to hear things that goes contrary to their conviction.
@Cad Bane
Seriously, that's some twisted logic. Promoting free speech and calling for me being banned in the same comment.
Don't you realize that anti-mexican sentiments exist because of all the drug-dealers and criminals that pass the border? If only law-abiding mexicans were to pass the border, anti-mexican sentiments and mexican-american conflicts would decrease.
QUOTE "As much as I enjoy trying to pick a fight with him, I refuse to hold hands with someone who thinks it is okay to bully other races. "
Not true! Don't know where you got that from.
Lighten up guys...!
Here is what I think happened .
Must remember that CREATOR is in charge of everything past, present and future.
CREATOR used this election of TRUMP to separate the two timelines. The POSITIVE and the NEGATIVE . Did you notice that everything changed after the election. Like a ton of bricks were lifted off our chest..? Like,..wow... the threat of WW3 was gone...Even Putin was very much encouraged. we can now see that it is now possible for America to be great again. There is this playfulness and delight that was not there before the election. What a pleasant surprise...!
Does CREATOR favor TRUMP..? eeeellll,,...NO. TRUMP , like KILL-ary and all of us,...are tools of CREATOR..to experience the delights of this physical world.(delights to him, nightmares to us) Tools as in "puppets". Creator NEVER play favorites. think of
CREATOR as the director of a movie.He loves the good guys and the bad guys equally
.He's neutral. Think of an ongoing chess game. He is the intelligence and power of the Black Team, and unknown to the 2 opposing teams, he is also the power and intelligence of the White Team. We are ALL being played by CREATOR....!
Like I said........TRUMP was used by Creator to open a bright possibility for us all. Who knows if TRUMP will last. Only Creator knows. But the door is wide open, and that's what we need at the moment.
One thing that I keep noticing.... SPIRIT is being born (is waking up) inside MATTER.
I think we are in for more pleasant surprises along the way. You know, I forgot that there are 2 elections in the USA. One is the popular write-ins Nov 7,.. and the other is the election by the Electoral College Dec 19. Expect another very pleasant surprise until then. the Nov 7 election was given us so we can lighten up and by Dec 19, we should be laughing and dancing the polka...! (wink) I've been seeing this thing in another level.
I'm glad people are starting to realize that people who allow hate speech are just as bad, with all their claims of love and light. If you are so "love and light" why do you allow racist trolls on your site? because you agree with them.
Hello scorpio....long time no see
Hello Bee...I never left just chose to observe...
Fair enough....do not let few trolls deter you
@scorpio - Lynn is allowing all to voice their opinions in the spirit of love and free speech. There are so many different opinions here that she can't possibly agree with all of them! I think it's very cool she's allowing the dialogue.
I just read through 66 comments.
Venomous posts were written by anti-Trump voters. I would suggest that they look at a much larger picture than the mainstream media (all owned by the PTW) presented them. I would suggest that the MSM has manipulated their emotions, which now not only control their minds but also how their minds perceive situations.
The basic gist of the current situation is that Trump is, indeed, emotionally immature, has been an incredibly pampered and insulated individual because of his wealth, and can make extremely inflammatory remarks. However, he's not goading Russia into a nuclear attack nor trying to ramp up the rhetoric and ARTIFICALLY produce a situation in which our divided, broken, extremely powerful military would enter into a limited nuclear exchange with Russia.
Who has been speaking and goading Russia and Putin? President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State, Ms.Hillary Clinton. Their rhetoric has been incendiary and irresponsible. I suggest that you read news sites which can give you accurate information concerning the U.S.'s actions overseas and detail for you how we, the U.S., have consistently and repeatedly violated our agreements in the Middle East, particularly in regard to Syria; how we have repeatedly provided air support, logistical supplies, and CIA-training for ISIS and DAESH fighters; how we have consistently violated agreements with Russian concerning the use of Syrian air space; and how we have taken every action we can to incite a complete destabilization and retrogradation of that area for the gain of the corporatocracy and technocracy that truly runs this nation and decides the agenda.
The irony is that no one would even have the luxury of picking cotton on land which has become Eliot's virtual wasteland with radiation destroying that acreae for centuries to come.
Oh...thanks to Da-da and Robert for pointing out that we now have trolls on this web site deliberately trying to incite hatred and divisiveness.
Here's the kicker: they wouldn't send them unless the dialogue here hadn't been apt, on point, and truthful. Perhaps too truthful concerning the state of world affairs and the direction in which the PTW wanted to go?
So...what agency are you all from?
I do appreciate the comments, and Cheryl you are right. I am not on here every minute (I usually take a lot of time off for family during the evenings and weekends), so I have to catch up when I do log on. I don't agree with everything said, but I respect different points of view, ideas and concepts. I have also increased the settings on my spam filter to filter out direct attacks at individuals.
Much love-
Debate, disagreement, argument, opposing views, I'm fine with all of that....I just don't think the N word should be allowed on THIS kind of a site. I'm gonna need to know if THAT is going to be allowed to continue. Yes? No?
@Venice1111: I agree. We can share opposing views, argue our points, share information, but I can't and won't support the name calling.
Strongly agreed
Lynn,...I applaud your decision to cut-off the trolls. They are here to bait us, lower our guards, and drop to their levels. They're,... more than ever, looking for food.
The next best thing is to IGNORE their comments. They'll surely die of inattention.
But....I sometimes enjoy kicking their shins,blame the warrior in me. hehhh...!
Consider the trolls (those who come here to provoke ugly confrontations) that they are ARCHON (demon) INFESTED. WE are NOT really talking to the person, but to the entity that has possessed him/her. OK.
Do the these nasty beings think we can't see what they are doing? So yes, lets ignore them and starve them to death. They are not here to post an opinion but to incite hate. We can't let that happen here.
THAT's more like it, Diane Hamilton...!
About the word N. I have had a few chuckles about this word.It triggers a reaction on most of you. i suggest,..let go.
When I was in the USA, there were some rednecks and ...just one look at me .... would trigger a nasty look or "no nigger here" I am of the malayan race, and some ppl in the midwest and by the gulf... have never seen a brownie. I would just chuckle and say to myself... "Hmmm.....WHAT would you do, if you(redneck) found out this nigger (me) is actually an archangel." (of course, I'm not an archangel), but it just shows you how this thought changes the picture.It neutralizes the hateful word, everytime. Of course, they change their tunes when they hear me talk with heavy asiatic accent. I just win them over.
On the other side of the coin....What if the one calling you a "nigger" is a sleeping archangel............what then will you do..?
I think there is no way of knowing the intent behind posts. I think it is extremely rare that people write things only to stir up emotions and get reactions, without necessarily having that opinion in real life.
I think all posts has to be treated as serious expressions of opinion. To just assume that someone is trolling without evidence, I think is to belittle the opinion of others.
It is very narrow-minded of you to think that name-calling has to be something negative. Don't give in to these system-servers who come here to preach anti-free-speech! You will only help the system to enslave humanity if you do, thereby making yourself an enemy of mankind. I know you want to serve mankind and I think you should. There is only one way to serve mankind and that is to free it from all restrictions.
I saw this just last night and thought I'd leave it somewhere on here, it rang many bells! It's about the upsurge in reactive fear and hate since the election, which was the catalyst for the new wave of change. Matt Kahn reminds us that the objective of Ascension is to transcend polarised duality - some spiritual seekers are struggling with that now. He also points out that much of the surge of rage and hate is because a huge cohort of people (of both 'wings') have just had their initiation into waking up, and they just need to purge all the crap that's coming up for them, like the five stages of grief. He also mentions how this has affected comments on the internet on sites just like this one. Basically, anyone who holds the light becomes a target for those in the throes of initiation right now. It's long, but he's funny, and this is just what people need right now.
The End Of The Old Paradigm
@Venice111 You are completely wrong and misinformed, my friend. Let me tell how things are. (I have been working to serve mankind for all of my life and I know how things are.) On this type of site, more than on any other, free speech should be respected. This site is about serving mankind. The PTW have been pushing political correctness and decreases in free speech because they want to enslave mankind. To go along with that and try to silence people on a blog like this and at the same time imagine that you're gonna serve and help mankind... WONT WORK! It's like giving someone the poison and cure at the same time.
Let me remind you that each and everyone of us are MASTERS OF LIGHT. That our presence here on Earth does NOT require us to serve anyone.
The only service required is SERVICE TO SPIRIT. and since you are SPIRIT inside PHYSICAL MATTER. your only obligation is to find out what makes your heart sing...........and that is where SERVICE TO SPIRIT IS. It does not mean that you cannot love and serve others while you are serving spirit. the two go together,...but along the way,..it was twisted a little bit to make it an obligation to serve others as the prime directive of our coming here. ..as THE SERVICE TO MANKIND. NOT TRUE. whew.. THAT is one shackle off our ankle. Our unconscious unspoken dedication to Spirit is how we ushered the new age. we broke many paradigms...we broke-up stale relationships, we destroyed self-serving politics and governance, we broke all taboos in human sexuality,we changed our perception of money, etc.
i don't know to you,Enlightened One, but i do not come to this website to serve mankind.
Mankind does NOT want my service. Mankind has NO INTENTION to be served/saved. I come here to share with those of you who are of ..like me. I enjoy the camaraderie for FUN and RESPECT, and if your idea of free speech include nasty insults,hate and fear mongering ...we'll have to part. Actually, I can handle these hatefulness because at this point, I could easily command my physical, mental emotional bodies to vibrate way above these hateful frequencies......but,..this nonsense gets old. I have other fun things to do.
and let's be clear.....YES, NAME CALLING in my book, IS VERY NEGATIVE.and the so called FREE SPEECH, in my book,...has a RED LINE I DON'T ALLOW ANYONE TO CROSS.
and... funny,.... my motto has always been..."WHAT YOU THINK OF ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS"...I LIVE AND BREATH on the love and mercy of that One who created me.I answer to her, not to the world.
thank you, Lynn.
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