Strange Sounds / Noises
Q. Another question. ;) What is behind the worldwide phenomena of strange sounds? Even the animals seem to be scared of them. They can range from explosions, machinery, construction, horn sounds etc. seems the best site keeping up with the topic but even they have no explanation for them. Thank you.
A. My mind goes to an image I see often, and that is that the earth is actually a living thing as well, and the inner most sun (core) is like the heart of the earth. Then I see the outer crust bend and flex like watching someone's lungs rise up and down when they breathe. Then I hear the phrase that energy is not created or stored, so when the sun hits the earth, energy that is not used / absorbed by people, animals and plants must go somewhere, and that somewhere is transeferred to the centermost part of the earth in the form of energy. As the inner sun / core absorbs this energy it slowly grows, expanding earth along with it. As earth grows and expands (I only see it getting fatter and not taller as if the equator has an imaginary belt on it that gets tighter and tighter ??) I hear these "sounds" being emitted from the earth itself.. Then I am shown that these sounds are similar to the sounds a building or structure has when it expands and contracts during changing seasons, but in a much larger scale. Then I see that all things have a different frequency, even the ground in different areas has a different frequency associated to it depending on the rock, etc contained it it, which lends to a variety of different "sounds.". What we and animals are hearing is the earth actually growing.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. YouTube to be posted later.
Thank you for answering this for me I really appreciate how much science and rational thought you put into your readings. :)
Hi Lynn, I got into Reiki(2002) years ago and part of the process is to remove negative energies from people and intend to send them to Mother Earth for cleansing and to be re-released as positive energy into the universe. Since Mother earth is obviously stressed to the point of our own destruction to life as we know it, is this a wise act.
@Diane: Reiki is a beautiful thing- healing and help through energy work. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, so what I envision when I think of reiki is absorbing the positive energy and releasing the negative energy back to the universe where it can be served or used better. What you are doing and your intent is beautiful.
Yesterday, my son and I went for a hike and not very far from the trail head, we heard/felt a very strange noise, unlike anything I've ever experienced before. It was like a vibrating echo of pulsing energy. It came up along side us, moving through the woods about 20-30 feet away. My son and I froze and I tried to follow the sound with my eyes but there was nothing to see. No leaves or tree branches were rustled at all. Except for the trail we were on, the forest was thick in this area. The sound then just disappeared and my son said, "WHAT was that?" If he hadn't also witnessed it, I would have sworn I was hallucinating. The fact that whatever this was, was clearly traveling along side us but there was nothing to see, scared the daylights out of me. I grabbed my son and ran out of there as quickly as I could, asking my guides for protection the whole way back to the car. Any idea what this could have been? I was absolutely terrified and it took a while for me to stop trembling after it all happened. I keep replaying the whole thing in my head and I just can't make any sense of it. Other than strange earth noises, I can't find anything on the web that comes close to describing what we witnessed and even that doesn't really come close.
@Rainbow Warrior: As soon as I read this I got that something bad happened in that area- some trauma or death (even far back in time). I think there was something protecting that area of the woods that didn't want you there. It was good that you left because I sense you were not wanted in that specific area...
Wow! Thank you! I have had many paranormal/supernatural experiences over the years and only two have really scared me. That was one of them. My sense is that there is a native american spirit protecting that area?! I live in New England and like most of the land in this country, it was not acquired peacefully.
Hi Lynn, I always try to keep up with everything you post. I just saw the July 10 post to me about Reiki. I can't tell you what joy I felt to read that! I so much want to make a difference. Most of the people around me just think I'm nuts so I feel stifled to say the least. I have a feeling I work best with animals. I'm trying to get into pet sitting and walking. I've already met an abused dog that is I was told ahead of time was a biter. I had no problem. I hope this is my path at this time and I can make a living at it and help at the same time! Thank you. You have lifted up my soul greatly!!!
L&L to you and yours always!
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