Q. Hello. Can you do a reading on Black Eyed Kids (BEK's)? I've read some accounts (http://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2013/11/16-peoples-terrifying-encounters-with-the-black-eyed-kids/) and find them really scary. What/Who are they? Are they alien hybrids? Why are they in a young human form with black eyes? What is their purpose? What happens to the people who let them in their houses? Are they related to reptilians?

These BEKs are basically get to gain information and use telepathic control to serve their needs. If they cannot destroy earth from the outside because of the protective forces of the ETs here, they can use mind control on people and create havoc and fear that way. In a way it is the destructive ETs way of showing the protective ETs that they can't stop them (like how children try to show each other up??).
The sense of fear comes from this telepathic communication and mind manipulation of the BEKs. Once someone answers the door, the interchange works. The goal of the interchange/exchange of thoughts is for the BEKs to pull our the positive energy in exchange for their thoughts of ill will toward man. In the human the process is very traumatic and the experience (I see in most cases) can result in serious mental illness being manifested in some form (paranoia, schizophrenia, depression). I also get that it is hard to remember all the details of an encounter or even express in words what it was like since much of it is telepathic in nature. Things are occurring in the subconscious and conscious level all at the same time.
The think I am last left with is if a BEK was to approach you or your home, try to maintain some rational thought (as difficult as it may be because the mental attack starts almost immediately through this intimidation feeling) and decline them permission to enter. Declining them permission is equivalent to someone declining a spirit / psychic experience / etc from entering there energy or vibration... In some way these BEKs need a form of permission to complete their psychic / telepathic attack.
And that is all I have on this reading. Thank you. Narrated reading available on YouTube.
Note: I have also attached an old reading on this topic. I will say that with this reading I felt very open and information flowed easily- In my older reading I can see I was blocked from a lot, but something "allowed" in at this time. My understanding in this reading felt very complete.
As another note, I had someone email me and suggested putting a note on your door, saying negativity / negative energy, etc is better serviced elsewhere (even the intent with a post-it can be great). I thought this was good advice and worth putting on the front of the entry and not lost in the thread.
Very insightful reading. What immediately jumped out to me was another correlation between ETs and the bible. Your advice to decline them permission from entering sounds very similar to the spiritual warfare described in the bible where it teaches one to ward off demonic spirits and energy by stating, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus". It makes me wonder if these negative ETs had a heavy presence on Earth at the time the bible was written. I was raised as a Christian but as I've matured I question the traditional interpretation of the bible as worship to an omnipotent man and his son who live in the clouds and can grant wishes if they feel like it. A genie in the sky. I do believe in a Creator but that God potential lives in each of us. Great reading, thanks.
Sorry this isnt related to BEK's, but I would like to share that my spiritual guru says that we were in the "3rd dimension" of earth which was the dimension of electricity, and the date of Dec 2012 was when the earth began transitioning into the 4th dimension which will be the dimension of vibrations. He also mentioned that we will have to get very close with nature and use solar energy alot more in the 4th dimension. Can you focus on this and give us your insight on this? Also, he said that microwaves have a direct link with cancer, is this what you see also?Thank you.
The Before Its News has used your article about the Black Eyed kids and it will get a lot of needed attention.
One last thing, for your next reading can you focus on the Illuminati and if it is real or not? Thank you!
Lynn, How do these BEK's chose their targets?
I just realized that maybe I had an experience with one but it could have just been a guy who needed a ride (which I would never do). He asked me if I was going to the exact neighborhood were I lived. This took me aback but said yes that's were I'm going but I said I can't give you a ride. He just stared at then asked why? and I said because I'm chicken. He stared it me some more and then ok, ok then. I said was sorry and left when the light changed. I had a natural uncomfortable feeling that any women would have. It just seemed really off. He dark eyes but the whites of his eye's were normal I would have freaked if they were all dark. He was probably in his mid 20's which seems older than the accounts I've read.
@Diane: Thanks for sharing your story. I get they pick their target based on your energy. Everyone emits a certain frequency, and that frequency or vibe is what can repel or attract them (or at least make you more vulnerable). I also get that they look for people that are at a crossroads in life- maybe undergoing stress,change or a difficult part which is reflected in their energy.
Thank you for all the comments! If anyone has a request, please post it under the Focus/Blog request tab. I don't want any great questions to get lost in a thread.
Love and light-Lynn
Dear Psychic, do you see their number on earth? I mean, how many of them are here and which areas of the world.I have never heard of such children.
Oh GEEEZE, that's me. Oh you so picked that up! At the same time I know when to call in protection. I hope that will me steer my course ahead whatever it maybe.
Thank you Lynn, L&L!
Hello thanks so much for answering my question =) would like to follow up on what happens to those that gave their permission for the beks to come in their homes? I've read that the guy who did, felt like his soul is being sucked out, but fortunately his girlfriend came and the process is interrupted. what happens if you say yes to these beks? again thank you very much
@a2k: I don't have a number, but it feels relatively small in the big picture... Less than 200 - 300...
@mosmos: You are right. If you do give permission I see they mentally attack you, changing your perceptions, consuming your energy..It is almost like you are transformed into a zombie state of emotion and function like that of a person with a high level of depression. They take your zest for life.
Yikes! I had never heard of BEK's before this reading! I did a little research about them and the witness accounts do correspond to what you've said.
They aren't just kids! Although kids seem to be most prevalent. A black-eyed elderly woman came to me and when I saw her eyes I instantly felt petrified! For whatever reason I immediately sent her a thought of brilliant white light and love and she disappeared as fast as she came. I then started searching the internet for the black eyes and found others' accounts. It was an experience I don't EVER want to repeat, nor will I ever forget!
I read this on some site and I was wondering if there is truth to what this person says.
When I was in my late twenties, I had a beautiful six year old daughter named Amber McNeely. One day Amber’s mother Teresa, who had two other children vanished. No one, no relatives, friends or any of Teresa’s children’s fathers ever saw them again. Now we find out that in 1996 Teresa married BEK Author David Weatherly. David and Teresa Weatherly gave the children fake names. And constantly moved around the country so as not to be found. Even knowing this, no one can find any of our loved ones. Why is there no trace of any of them anywhere? If they are hiding, what are they hiding from?
JUN 27, 2014, 9:56 AM
@Diane: I do sense some truth.. They are intentionally hiding out of fear and not wanting to be found. The thing is I don't think you can hide- you can deny them access, but I don't see you being able to hide if you are "chosen" by them
Lynn, can this happen to a child? Can they get you if you're a kid? Thank you.
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