I see this started as far as I can see back. Life was physical with fighting over territory, defending themselves, building, hunting, etc.. Women helped with all these things, but in a different way- took care of the children, prepared the hunted food, the less labor intensive tasks that were still necessary. The sheer brute force of men overall dominated. Women needed the strength of men, and relinquished their power to them to gain protection.

I also see that because women bore children, not only were they viewed as something to be protected (especially during pregnancy), they were essential in keeping the "family unit" going which was critical in survival (the young took over the physical work and helped the elders). Because women were so valuable in this aspect, a man would lay claim to women like a person would to property now, and that is how and why women started to take the mans last name (as a way of saying who she "belonged" to).
I cannot see a time in which women and men are truly equal. It is coming to me that many people are judging to some extent, even when we work hard not to let it effect our actions and thoughts. Until we overcome that obstacle as a society (which is one of the biggest things holding us back), we won't truly be viewed as equal.
It is 7:16 AM. Thank you.
Thank you for reading this question! Do you mean that judgment of one another is the biggest obstacle to equality between men and women?
I have the same question as anonymous 8:31am. What do you mean by judging?
What I mean is that our judgments (one of the things that makes us human) is part of what has helped us to survive physically, but not necessarily spiritually (or created a sense of wholeness amongst people). Judgments come in the form of competion with the result to be or think you are better, seeing what other people have, judging it as ideal and wanting it, maybe emotionally or psychologically attacking someone to feel better about yourself. Those are just a very few examples.. These things or ideas serve their purpose to strengthen / motivate us, however, they also create an imaginary divide (there is always someone prettier, skinnier, richer, more athletic, luckier, etc..) Those divides don't spiritually unite us, and until we feel everyone is equal, people won't be treated and viewed as equal.
If this doesn't make sense, let me know and I will try to word it differently..
Thank you so much for answering the question. However I wanted to ask another: How do I improve my clairsentience and claircognizance? I know I am because the impressions I usually have about people and things are usually correct. I also know about some things even without having prior knowledge. How can I hone these gifts.I hope to be able to 'see' clearly with my 'third eye' one day :)
@ 2:14: The best way to do this is by really tuning into your own self- People will say to meditate, but for those that have never done it, it can be confusing. I recommend starting when you are in a shower, and focus on the sound of the water to tune out noise and thoughts, or lay in bed quietly and focus on your breathing- your goal is to allow your thoughts to come in without rationalizing them away (or drifting onto thoughts of your to-do list), and just go with what you are thinking. Put an intent out that you will get an answer, but realize that the answer may not "pop" into your mind until later- you have to give the universe time to work. Also pay attention to your body- breathing, feelings, pains, etc- really become in tune. Also don't get discouraged, this takes practice. There are websites that can give you a lot of info, and if you google metaphysical groups in your area, that can be a huge network of people willing to help. I hope this was a little helpful.
It was, thank you :)
It was, thank you :) I guess all I have to do now is just be patient, and practice.
It's true that most probable happen when those who divides those who doesn't judge at all will die out unnaturally. Possible those people who died have the real gifts could have further the societies.
Your Focus explanation is very similar
to a vision I once had following a heated discussion I was having with my husband. I saw us as part of a group of people seated around a big fire out in the open. It felt like it was in the distant past,after a disaster or something of that nature.Our clothing was primitive but not our intelligence,way of being or physical form.The thought that came to me was,'so this is what women have to do to gain protection','sell our Souls'.
What do you see on the curse written in scripture that man will be dominant over woman because she convinced to eat from the tree of knowledge? What is your interpretation?
Thank you!
@ 9:11 PM: I see that when people don't really know (and I am going on what I "see") we look for answers and explain them to ourselves so our rational minds can understand. This part of the bible (which could very well be real) is an explanation to something we don't understand. I really see inequality is based on strength. Women and men needed a balance. Men are physically strong and it was necessary for survival. Women needed the emotional and nurturing element for survival. If men and women were both strong, who would nurture the family unit and bear the children. If men and women were emotional who would fight wars, protect and hunt.. We need both, but those differences also are what keeps us unequal. Physical strength seems to persevere. There are many things now that try to make us equal, but I don't see us ever wholly being viewed and treated equally..
Is there a reason why women in most cultures wear skirts/dresses? How did that come about?
I get it has to do with an ancient thought of energy. A woman's womb should be directly grounded with the earth, and pants block that flow of energy. A skirt encourages that flow, by allowing a direct connection..
LMAO Men and women will never, and can never, be "equal." Those are the delusions of a fool. In fact, men will never be equal to one another, and same for women. Some people are pretty, some ugly, some strong, some weak, some blind, some perfect vision, some deaf, some perfect pitch, etc.... People are different. There is no such thing as 'equal.' Especially when comparing men and women. It's like comparing apples to oranges and wondering why you can't make them congruent? Because they're totally fucking different. Men and women are wired completely different. The way their mind, body, and emotions affect them are on completely different levels. The levels of testosterone and estrogen hormones in each sex are totally different resulting in physical "strength" and "weakness," among other things. "Equality" is a joke and a bad one.
Now, all that being said, if we're talking about equal rights, that is something different. Of course we ought to be striving for equal rights, equal opportunities, but that is the only 'equality' that can ever be achieved. When is it going to happen? How does right NOW sound? For the past 50 years the rights of men and women have been drawing closer and closer to each other (mostly in the U.S. and parts of Europe) and today they continue to close the gap. Women have never had more equality than they have today, and this trend will no doubt continue.
I'm serious about this, equal rights is all that possible anything beyond that will not happen. You only need to look as far as the bedroom to discover women want to be dominated by men. (unless they're gay)
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