5:59 PM
I like to do a series of random questions to address some of the many (great) questions
out there. Let me get started…
Q Putin (of
Russia) seems like a very smart man (unlike western politricksters) and may
even have a Heart. Could you take a look at him?
immediately see him as a strong, but easily intimated man (to the right
people). I see that China really has
control over him (kind of like a puppet).
He deep down looks to care about his people, and the success of his
country, but his loyalty to those things also blocks him from compassion to
people that are not in his country and are not “his people.” I really see that he doesn't want a lot of
conflict over this Ukraine situation, but in a way he feels powerless about
it. As if the wheels are in motion and
he just has to “stick to the plan.”
Q Does Iran have a nuclear weapon? Does it plan to attack Israel? What do you see happening in this region?
I see that this conflict will never end.
I visualize these countries as cartoon characters, and they constantly “pick”
at each other. The US is more loyal to Israel,
so we tend to stand up for them and the media is slanted to only portray Israel
as the victim, but Israel picks back too (they look like the inferior kid that
says if you don’t do what I want I will have my big brother [meaning the US]
get you. They definitely use their
strength of the US to their advantage.
I see
that Iran does have a nuclear weapon, but something about it feels off. It was like it was made with some junk parts
or very outdated. I looks as if they use
the idea of having a weapon as security, but in a way they don’t trust it would
work the way they want it.. It may work, and it may do something
The idea of having a weapon causes a threat, but I don’t see them using it.
They have other weapons (not nuclear) that can cause damage, and I do
see at some point when the US is incredibly distracted in other world events they
will attack Israel because it will be more difficult for the US to come in and
save them.
Q Hello,
I've heard many stories about Mars, and am wondering what things are being
hidden from us. Have any people already made it to Mars? If so, what are they
doing there? Also, how are they traveling to get there? I have read rumors of
potential teleportation devices and such, and am curious about that. Last of
all, was Mars ever an inhabited planet?
I do see that life existed on Mars, and it looks as if it still does. I also see what looks like greenhouses with
plant life. We do travel there, and it does look like some kind of a
teleporting system (I can’t sort out how it works) and it only opens at certain
times and weather conditions and it powered by a machine using magnetism.
I did an
extensive reading on this a while ago, and I am attaching the link (I think you
will find it interesting.)
Q.There have been
skeletons unearthed of giants, 8 feet tall or more. The bible speaks that there
were giants, what do you see on that? What happened to them?
A. I also see that we had giants. What it looks like is they lived during a
time when the earth was much different.
It had something to do with the gravity being less, which allowed animals,
plants and even people to be larger. As
the gravity was altered, things couldn’t grow as large because their hearts
couldn’t pump blood, etc..
I then get an image of the earth being smaller, and then the
next image looks like the earth is breathing (much like how your chest goes up
and down when you take a breath), and then the earth grew with each breath as if it
was a living thing as a whole. When the
earth changed in that respect which took many, many years, the gravity altered,
and these large beings died.
I even see an image of a giant helping to build Stonehenge,
and at one point they were treated as slaves.
I get intellectually they were not as superior to the smaller man, but
they had so much strength it didn’t matter for their survival. The smaller man
knew how to entice them (because of their intellect) and get them to do work.
Q. What is the
relationship of aliens to the Universe?
A. I do see aliens and
UFOs in our universe. Then I hear a
message that in the big scheme of the universe, it would be limiting to think
that our planet is the only planet that can sustain life or has the technology
to go into space. Then I hear that
aliens have been in space and lived on other planets long before humans
Q. Do you see a cure for
cancer or aids coming into the world anytime soon?

Then I see a manger scene from Christmas, and I hear Gold, Frankincense
and Myrrh. I get that those three
elements in various tinctures can significantly heal the body (you may be
drinking, eating or breathing this based on your illness.)
Then I see something about everyone has everything they need
to heal themselves in their environment, they just have to look. Then my mind goes to a previous reading I did
on cancer, and someone is eating the yellow tops off of a dandelion. It looked to boost the immune system, while
helping the body purge toxins.
Attached is a link I did to a reading on cancer: http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2013/01/i-was-wondering-if-you-could-focus-on.html
Q Where
did dogs originate from? How did they get to be domesticated by humans?
A. I see dogs came from wolves, (which then I see originally
came from hyenas). To focus on how they were domesticated by humans… I see that
they started to inbreed, as if there were wolves that became separated
geographically, and the continuous act of inbreeding left them more tame (and
less aggressive). It took several
generations for this to happen, but the result became a species of dog that was
capable of being domesticated. I also
hear that feral dogs are more true to their roots because their instincts are
much like that of their wolf ancestors.
Q. The Book of Enoch in
chapter 8 explains how the angels came to earth and fornicated with the women
and taught humans how to make swords and breastplates and metallurgy. When I
watch the TV shows Vikings and Game of Thrones it seems like these angels in
the Book of Enoch are actually the Norse Gods. The book says God was so
dismayed that the angels shared these secrets with humans that he caused the
hybrid children of the angels and human women to fight and kill each other, as
in the perpetual and bloody wars between the various Royal Houses in Europe and
Asia. Is the Book of Enoch explaining these events in history?
A. I see that the word angels meant different things to different people during this time. In my mind I am getting "tripped up" on the language of the question, and it appears to come from the conflicting views people had back then. Some people thought that beings that came to earth were angels, some thought they were gods and other thought they were aliens. There was an element of magnificence regardless of who they were or what "name" to put on them. People of that time didn't know or understand who there were, they just knew that they appeared to fly in (some on machines) from up in the heavens.
I see that there is a lot of truth in the book of Enoch, and it explained how many hybrid people came into existence (then I get an image of someone called a god that had a human body with a very elongated head). These part angel/god/alien people still had the humanistic quality of wanting more (land, money, power) and also felt that because they were different, and viewed different by the people that they led, they deserved the land, money, power. Then I hear a message about "Imagine if we had someone in our current society that was so unique that they were half angel/god/alien and exhibited those physical characteristics, They would be treated as the angel/god/alien themselves and seen as unique or special."
Q. Will a matrix like technology be conceived in the future, such as connecting the brain directly to created stimulus rather than it perceiving the stimuli from the environment.
A I see
this being experimented with now. I get
the first phase will be to implement this into video games, and the technology is
there (it is still early) but evolving greatly.
And that is all I have for now. It is 6:55 PM. Audio to be uploaded later.
Wow! I am amazed! Thank you
You had me curious about the cancer cures info, I found this link to research that was being done in the UK in 2007. http://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2007/12/21/gold-frankincense-and-myrrh/
I do believe we have all we need to in nature to cure whatever comes up, it's just a matter of knowing what compounds work for what illness.
Thank you for the feedback. :-)
There was a consipracy theory that there is planned war between USA and russia+china, the war was supposed to kill as many people as possible, just as they believe there is simply too many on the planet right now.
Do you see any "real one world government" plotting behind everybodys back and using putin/obama and politics as puppets?, or maybe they have some voice in all of this?
I do see one world power in the end. I see a lot of political figures under the illusion they have power, but really they are puppets for the people with money. :-)
Thank you so much for responding to the Book of Enoch posting. Very interesting that you confirmed a connection between "angels" and "Gods" and "E.T.s". This corresponds to your reading in 2012 that the Nordic gods look like humans. This makes sense because, remember, the bible says God spoke, "Let us make man in our image.". In HIS image, means we look like them. And they look like us. They are probably living among us and we have no idea because we look just like THEM. Interesting how the ancient texts have told us the truth all along; we just didn't know what we were reading.
Nice Info! With the technology exist in this age, they can now include voice-operated doors and air conditioning in their old car models.
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