8:47 PM Today I wanted to do a short response to some questions I recevied on the Zimmerman case. So here they are....
Q. With regards to the Trayvon Martin case. Did it really happened the way Zimmerman said it did. Did Trayvon threw the first punch?
A. I definitely see that Trayvon was uncomfortable... I also get a suspicious vibe. Like Martin didn't do anything yet, but it was because he felt he was being watched. I'm getting an image of someone working security (undercover security at a department store and watching someone (being Martin) to make sure they don't steal something. The person watched, doesn't realize it at first, but they are "lurking around" and not just going from point A to point B. I just see this lingering....
Then there comes a point where Martin realizes that he is being watched... At that point he gets angry. More that his "lingering" got interrupted more than the straight up fact that he was being watched. I see that he (referring to Martin) felt like Zimmerman was a rude interruption to something... exactly like he was rudely interrupted.
Martin got really defensive, and I see him as the first to yell. It was in an irate way. Zimmerman didn't back down and stood there confidently I see Martin had the chance to leave then, very early on, and he didn't take it because he was so angry. At this point I start to hear a lot of foul language.. The F word is being used both ways and i hear the phrase "pissed" and "pissed off" with that focusing more on Martin.
Now I see Martin doing some kind of a boxers tip-toe dance and bouncing around. It was like Martin knew there was going to be a fight, and he wanted a chance to have the first punch. Martin wasn't scared, he was so full of adrenaline My heart is beating hard. Martin was focused.. It does appear that Martin did throw the first punch.
Q. Was the screaming Trayvon's?
A. As I focus on that I hear Martin's side yelling, but not making words. Just sounds as they are fighting. More like a growl. It was as if when he exhaled it was a "sound" rather than a breath.
I do see Zimmerman yelling... which leads to the next question that was asked...
Q. Zimmerman's account does not add up. If he had a gun, why would he be screaming for help?
A. I see he had a gun, but didn't want to use it. He was screaming trying to get people to help so Martin could be restrained and taken in. I don't see that he sought out to shoot him. He wanted Martin to realize that he was being watched so if he didn't intend to do some kind of crime (or tell he friends about a possible crime) that his appearance had been known. I keep flashing back to Wisteria Lane on Desperate Housewives and feel the neighborhood had a closeness about it as Wisteria Lane did, so to yell for help feels right and normal.. I see that Zimmerman carried a gun like an insurance policy, never really thinking he would ever need to use it. Even as he grabbed he was kind of awkward. Like he didn't make a fluid motion for it.
And those are the questions I have received so far. It is 9:11 PM Link to Audio (The audio from this reading and the next were accidently combined into one audio recording.. This recording ends at 13:50. I apologize for the inconvenience)
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Thank you. This cleared up a lot
This open & shut case of self-defence has been hijacked by the psycho social engineers trying to ignite a race war for their perverted ideas. Sickening.. I wish people would not follow the hype but actually look at the facts objectively. Thanks for the reading.
Facts is that No one knows the truth but the three that were present that night ... Zimmerman, Martin and god.
True anonymous @ 9:55
Thanks for the reading.
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