Wednesday, March 5, 2025

America’s Divide: Demons or Derangement?

Is it just me, or have the last eight years deepened the divide between liberals and conservatives? It used to be that both parties wanted what was best for the country. At the end of the day, our goals aligned, we just disagreed on the path to get there. Now, we seem to have entirely different visions and radically different paths. One is rooted in destructive ideology, the other in the traditional values that made this country strong to begin with. On the surface it often feels like liberals thrive on hate.

No matter what happens or how much success this nation achieves, Democrats seem to find a reason to be angry and upset and work to spread that anger like a virus. As Trump said in his address last night, he could discover the cure for the most devastating disease, and Democrats still wouldn’t support it. They are incapable of celebrating anything he does. They’re perpetually angry and hateful when we should be rejoicing in positive change. This is what Americans voted for!

Even when Republicans disagreed with Obama, you didn’t see this level of disrespect or vitriol hate we see today. Can you imagine Republicans holding up paddles during a presidential address with slogans like “False,” “Save Medicaid,” “Protect Veterans,” or “Musk Steals”? Not only would that be rude and hateful, but it’s also baseless. Is this Trump Derangement Syndrome, or is it something deeper? I believe it’s demonic in nature and demons don’t leave without a fight.

Here is their REAL reason for the hate:
  • The money laundering has stopped.
  • Their plan for a new voter base has been deported.
  • America will thrive again making us a force to reckon with.
  • Creating victims and fostering a victim mentality has become modern-day slavery, chaining people to the system and the chains are being broken with forced accountability.
  • Once America purges this lunacy, other nations will follow, dismantling even more money laundering schemes.
  • He’s unleashing “liquid gold” with “drill, baby, drill” to make us energy independent.
  • The kickbacks are being uncovered.
  • And the biggest fear still looms: the release of the Epstein files, which will implicate many prominent figures and dismantle the massive human sex trade.
These are good things! Anyone who fights or speaks out is doing it for selfish reasons and not the will of the people. But remember, if you’re a demon bent on destroying life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, you’d want to destroy everything in your wake.

Let’s make free thinking great again! God, please deliver this country from evil.

Much love,
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Robert Schoen said...

That photo makes all those DEI women fraudulently elected into Congress by Cheating look like they're playing Bingo while Trump rights the Country. Great speech. Al Green, the deranged old guy with a cane who looks like either a Neanderthal, Mexican horror movie Wolfman or Mr Hyde, Devil worshipping Wife beater or fake Reverend preacher like Raphael Warlock, best reflects the Dem party values today and should be the next Democrat Presidential nominee after he canes to death Tim Walz.

RealCousinIT said...

If moderate democrats didn’t believe in Trump to right this ship, last nights spectacle should have convinced them that their party is dead.
I truely believe that the democrats will never get back the presidency.
They sat on their butts during the Obama years and again during Biden tenure, did nothing for the American people. America was shown that it takes businessmen to run the country not politicians.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I thought it was a great speech too. I am amazed at the hate the left have. Your description of the chaos maker is on point.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I agree. I think they know this and that is why they are so hateful. This is their last chance.