Since my main areas of expertise as an Intuitive Life Coach are health, wealth, relationships, and happiness, I thought I’d share some general insights on these topics as they relate to the year ahead. I want to include things to watch for, and things to explore. Let’s see how this unfolds:
Health: I sense "they" will always keep things in their back pocket with regard to the release of manufactured "illness." It may be covert and become harder to implement, but always there. The main concern now is getting through January, and then the threat or fear will start to ease up. That doesn't mean that there aren't some evil Big Pharma wanting to throw a hail Mary during the next year, but after the shift of power on January 20th things will be handled much differently.
You can be certain unalive numbers will continue to climb as a result of the first fiasco, and people will wake up more and more each day. The "shot" was more sealing of fate regarding long-term chronic issues or death rather than the beer bug itself. This is why Biden extended the immunity for Big Pharma through 2029 because the lawsuits will be pouring in and lobbyists worked overtime because they need time to regroup with another money making scheme- watch for it and DON'T fall for it!
Aside from the beer bug and the resulting shot injuries, I sense things will change for the better. Information on health and how we have been lied to about what IS healthy is out there. People are seeing the harmful effects of sugars and all the fake ingredients in food. The shift to being more healthy is slow, but steady. With RFK Jr. at the helm, it will just get better and better. Protests such as the one against Kellogg's to remove dye from their cereals will just get more and more prevalent until these companies that have made people sick and diabetic for years are forced to listen. This is a good thing and we are going to see a lot of this during 2025!
Wealth: I sense we are in for a HUGE shift in wealth and how investment portfolios look. It used to be money was in the stock market with buying stocks, then people started to diversify with tangible precious metals. Now the push is two fold - real property and virtual cryptos. If you talked to me ten years ago I would have said cryptos were fake currency with no value, but I was wrong and they are here to stay (at least for a while). I have very mixed feelings as people jump on the crypto bandwagon for fear of being left behind (the very first bitcoins were traded for a pizza, and look at them now). I also have a skeptical vibe because this common electronic currency may be what ushers in the Mark of the Beast. We will know for sure if they entice a chip in your hand to allow you to access your electronic "wallet" with greater security (the "mark" will be YOUR idea and voluntary at first to test). To further support this, if you see a currency or payment system with an X in the name, X will most likely "mark" the spot. If/ When this happens you will know and you will have some REAL choices to make.
Revelation 13:17 "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
They want to push everyone all over the world into a more electronic type of currency. There is going to be a push to eliminate cash and create a cashless society. They need to get people used to it and buy/sell/trade with electronic currency. A society that is cashless is much easier to control. You can manipulate the money, manipulate inflation and control who has access to it. There is a reason they say cash is king. Regardless of what you dabble in, always make sure you have some backup cash you can access. I do not fully trust this "new" push.
Having said all the above, while money still has fluidity between different types (dollars to crypto to stocks etc), do some research and if you are comfortable invest while you can and get your piece of the pie. Watch the trends and consider getting out while the getting is good. This is a tactic I'm taking advantage of. If you would like to do some no risk crypto acquisition, please consider joining my Pi team. It costs NOTHING and all you do is mine it by hitting a button on your phone once a day in exchange for FREE Pi (why not, you have nothing to lose and wealth to gain).
Another quick thing to share: you can get a free $20 in Bitcoin for signing up for Coinbase. While everyone is testing these waters, free is nice to see what it is all about. Coinbase is a crypto wallet that’s super easy to use. If it isn't for you take the $20 BTC and cash it out if you like. They are just trying to get people to test and use their platform. I didn't want anyone to miss out on this. Please use my link to redeem your $20 in BTC.
Relationships: I work with people sorting through all kinds of dynamics in marriages, work scenarios, families, friends and neighbors, but I want to take a moment to focus on some broad issues facing our country and world.
Relationships that were fractured during the 2020-2024 time seem to still be difficult for most people. In thinking on this, in my heart (and you think on this too), the beer bug changed people. For those that had family, significant others or friendship divisions, the root seems to go to the beer bug and the ideology behind it. It was as if those that were pro (no matter what evidence was in their face) shot to where it an internal obsession became different people. Oddly, most in that category align with the alt left side which is all-inclusive, however, they were the most overcome with a hateful and irrational mindset.
Even though harsh, it is my theory that those obsessed with the shot not only took the shot, but they opened a gateway for demonic possession that was expressed in anger or unbalanced mental activity. If you observe some of these folks, the pure irrational behavior is not one of a sane or balanced person. Not to be preachy, but without God or an acceptance of Jesus in their lives to bind and rebuke these evil attachments, it will be hard to repair these fractured people and mend relationships. This also extends into the other parts of society such as the gynder confusion, victimhood mindset, etc. These root in demonic activity, and the shot opened a gateway for demons to roam...
Joy/Happiness: As we shift power in January I sense people will be more at ease which promotes joy (regardless if it is an illusion or reality). Improving many areas of our country are on the horizon, and other countries are watching and will consider following suit at well. Food will be analyzed for TRUE health benefits, chemtrails will hopefully be a thing of the past, fluoride will get out of the water while companies find another way to deal with this toxic waste and the earth will start to heal. As all of these systems start to work in harmony, the body will also start to heal as a system reset starts. If we eliminate what has been burdened upon us, we can TRULY see if or what health ailments we have and treat and HEAL accordingly without outside interference. A healthy body will promote a healthy mind.
And that is all I have for now as we close the chapter on 2024. If anyone would like an Intuitive Coaching session with me, please reach out.
Much love,
Supporting/Informational Links:
The key to "Joy" is following your purpose in life and not watching the news. I only look online for what's going on and even that I've cut back on because it all seems engineered to depress people. I prefer to have optimism for our future until proved wrong.
Absolutely! Well said!
Absolutely! Well said!
Hi Lynn & thanks for this reading: Just found this (old) "news" on MH370. It gets pretty close to what you saw then: 1) the plane had landed on an island 2) there was military personell around, 3) passengers where alive but in panic mode.
("It sure seems like the videos we saw a while ago, showing Flight 370 being "transported" by three mysterious orbs, are getting accepted as legitimate by more and more people. As the calls increase in the alt-media for officials to find out what the truth is about that incident expect the deep state to protect the secrets about whatever technology was used with their entire being. People like Trump and Musk likely already know the truth about what's going on but don't expect that information to be released to the public any time soon, the technology involved is too disruptive to the status quo and provides too much of an advantage to those who wield it . . . SC
More information linking missing Flight 370 to Diego Garcia. We now know of 3 separate sources claiming the plane was transported to US Navy base Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. @JustXAshton
— Journey To Truth Podcast
Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I do think a lot more is coming to light with this. It was obvious that someone knows what really happened. They've kept it hidden, and maybe (just maybe) some truth will come to light.
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