Monday, December 30, 2024

Commuted: The Price of Life and the Power of Connections

With each passing day I’m more convinced that the current administration is controlled by the devil. When Biden announced that he had commuted the death sentences of 37 out of 40 federal inmates, sparing them from execution, many jaws hit the ground including mine!

Among those spared was Darren Cole, a ruthless drug dealer who had ordered the firebombing of a federal witness’s home, killing 12 people, including 4 innocent children. For many, this felt like a slap in the face. The families of those victims desperately needed closure. How could Biden let this murderer live while offering no justice to the families who had lost so much? It is like he is sending a message that some lives don't matter as much as others.

The question everyone is starting to ask is: Why? Why did Biden let these men live, especially when their crimes were horrific and destroyed so many lives? My “hunch” is that a few of the 37 had dirt on old Joe, and the rest were a smokescreen, but I could be wrong. Maybe there were “get out of jail free” cards for sale, and some people had enough in the bank.  Only the evil pulling Joe's puppet strings know the real truth. 

Another curious question while we are asking questions, Why keep the three on death row? Are they an example or a message? While handing out freebies he overlooked an anti-Semite, white supremist and a guy that is more likely a patsy than mastermind. Hmm.   Perhaps they didn’t have the right "connections" or affiliated themselves with groups not favorable to the evil at the top. They may have lacked the kind of money, influence, or blackmail material that could get you a free pass.  One may never know..

The good news is on January 20th the lunacy will pass the torch to [fingers crossed but still skeptical] a more sane group of leadership.

Lord, please give the families and victims grace and guidance during this trying time.  Please tuck the following in your heart when things feel overwhelming:  Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Much Love, 


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Robert Schoen said...

After Jan 20 the actor Struen Rodger can continue his acting career and probably play the Creepy Preacher in the Poltergeist reboot. Glad that innocent Dzoctovar (SP?) they framed for the fake Boston Bombing then tried to kill got a pardon, maybe the only good thing to come out of this 4 year sewer dis-administraton.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

The Boston Bomber guy is one of the people that didn't get the commutation on his sentence. He is still on death row... that is the crazy thing as I'm certain he was a patsy... They need him gone..