- Luigi comes from a very wealthy family.
- He attended an all boys prep school and graduated valedictorian.
- He continued on to attend the University of Pennsylvania in an Ivy League.
- He received both a Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science.

Let's look a little deeper into this mystery.... Have you heard of the 286 Theory? It is my opinion this sheds a lot of light into his mind. Let's look at this number as it pertains to the case.
- On Luigi's X (formerly Twitter) banner he has a Pokémon character named Breloom. This Pokedex is #286 (I know nothing about Pokémon, but understand this to be an indexing number).
- Luigi has EXACTLY 286 posts on his X account.
- He was found in the city of Altoona which is precisely 286 miles from the murder scene.
- There is a bible verse in Proverbs 28:6 "“Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.” KJV
- Did you know that 286 is a denial code used in healthcare when appeal time limits for a claim aren't met, meaning an appeal wasn't filed in time after a claim was denied, resulting in rejection due to missed deadline.
- His Goodreads profile featured quotes from various books including Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax" stating "Unless someone like me cares a whole awful lot, nothings ever going to get better. It's not."
- He commented on the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski's manifesto "Industrial Society and It's Future" saying "It's easy to quickly and thoughtlessly write this off as the manifesto of a lunatic, in order to avoid facing some of the uncomfortable problems it identifies. But it's simply impossible to ignore how prescient many of his predictions about modern society turned out."
Now that we have understood his upbringing, looked at this "286" Theory and gotten a glimpse of his personality, WHAT HAPPENED? Why did he snap? Here is what I sense:
I see this man as an over achiever. He came from a wealthy family, and he grew up with a pressure to perform. He graduated at the top of his class and went on to graduate from an Ivy League school. He was intelligent, philosophical, free-thinking and handsome. Many doors were open for him, but what he did not have was his health due to his debilitating back condition.
You can work to earn a good job, house, cars, etc. You can use your mind to achieve great things. What you cannot buy is a new back or spine. Based on his photographs he was clearly someone who cared about his physical appearance and was active. For someone who has it all, this health condition had to be beyond frustrating.
I suspect he had had high hopes of back relief and wanted a doctor to help him. I sense there was something they could have done or something that WAS done negligently and insurance denied correcting it [or something of that nature] and the rat race of appeals began. After reading comments he made of "not wanting to sit behind a desk all day everyday" his mobility and independence was incredibly important. It made me think that his mind could easily slip into thoughts that life wasn't worth living if he was always in pain, and was hyper-focused on taking take out the source of who he felt was responsible.
This guy is intelligent, and the 286 Theory feels like a game he concocted because he KNEW people would look at him under a microscope. I think the 286 denial from insurance came first, and then this plot started brewing. He used that number to plan his moves. He posted the Pokémon character, plotted out his X posts and picked a location to hide out. I think a religious person looking for breadcrumbs that well versed in the Bible found that verse- which fit his theme perfectly.
In the end this is sad all around. I may be right or I may be wrong, but the above is what my hunch strongly tells me. What do you think?
God Bless, Lynn
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Hey Lynn, this remind me of the movie V for vendetta.
After I read this story, the news came on tv and they were reporting on a fire over nite. The fireman they showed had 286 on the back of his jacket, I got the chills.
It was like something out of a movie...
No way... You can't make this up..
I find it hard to believe that this guy was at McDonald's and nobody recorded or took a picture of him, since everyone there thought he was the guy. There's no police bodycam footage of the arrest being shown to the public either.
There is a lot of things that don't add up... These is still the possibility he was a patsy, and all the weird anomalies are a set up... Our corrupt govt is evil..
We all saw the shooter use a veterinary pistol --bolt action , w/ a suppressor. Now they are telling us Luigi had a ghost Glock (clone) w/o muffler or a bolt !!!??? If they can't even get the murder weapon right , how can any of us trust these fabricators ???
We can't trust them... I don't believe anything they say. He maybe did it, but there is a big chance he didn't do it... There is a theory that the CEO was going down for insider trading and taking Pelosi with him- that right there say A LOT.
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