Thursday, December 5, 2024

Back by Popular Demand: What is in Store for 2025?

Hi everyone!  It is that time of year and back by popular demand I have some things I want to sense out as we approach 2025.  See what you think and let's compare notes! 

There are tons of predictive programming out there, and the Economist never ceases to put their "truths in plain sight" out there for everyone to explore.  Grab something to drink, and let's hash this one out! It's a LONG one! 

Please join me on SubscribeStar, Substack or Buy Me a Coffee as I dive into A LOT of different events going on in 2025.  

Let's Make America [Free] Think Again!

God Bless and Here is to a wonderful 2025!

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Cryptos are on FIRE right now.  Join my Free Pi Crypto team and get your piece of the pie! 

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