Thursday, October 10, 2024

It's Time for the Untouchable to Get Touched!

I stumbled upon a video and had an "ah-ha" moment.  We all know we have major issues in this country and November will be a huge moment.  Elon said it best in his interview with Tucker.  It is more than repeating talking points, or saying falsehoods so much they seem like facts.  It is more than human rights and borders... It is the elites that think they are untouchable on the brink of being touched if the right person holds the high office. 

This elek-tion is the most important.  We are either headed for total destruction or we can get some patriots back in charge.  It really is that black and white.  Trump outlined that all human trade workers would be punished and set for the death penalty when he is eleckted (spelled incorrectly on purpose).  When elekted the Epstein list will be released. We also had the P Diddy scandal come to light.  The elites and Holly-weird associates that frequented Epstein or Diddy parties are FREAKING OUT and will do ANYTHING to keep those files sealed (including TWO assassination attempts).  We KNOW these demented people have been doing heinous things for a long time, but power, influence, money and blackmail have kept them safe until NOW.  As I said, this eleck-tion is the most important.  

Please God bring these people to justice and give strength to the victims they have left in their wake.  In the name of Jesus Christ protect those working in the greater good and help us to help each other.  Amen.


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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I really wonder why wait for the Epstein/Diddy files to be released. I mean, come on already. Do it NOW!

Also, will we ever know the REAL planetary eviction after the geo-engineered hurricanes stop? Probably millions. A lot of retired folks in the hardest hit areas. No more social security payments to those is icing on the cake.

Almost makes you wonder what's gonna happen first, these days. Revolution, or do we get nuked to Kingdom Come? Though being of a strong Cathar slant in addition to being a psychopomp slut, I must say. . .meh.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I completely agree. Enough already! So obvious what they are doing!!

Robert Schoen said...

Woke people have a great talent at turning a blind eye to things they don't want to deal with. Conversely, it's no picnic for MAGA to see all the evil that's been running things for so long, but this evil has to be cleared out and those who've been financially rewarded for trafficking and abusing children, which has been like a currency for them, have to face military trial and be punished, because so many civil prosecutors and judges are corrupt and many are guilty of this behavior, which how they got their jobs in the first place.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Time is up and it is time to clean house!