Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What is Happening in the Schools?

What is up with ALL the threats being made in the schools?  This is not only scary but extremely concerning. If you think this isn't an issue, go to any search engine and type it up.  There are dozens daily.  Is this a new tool that kids/people are using for attention or is there something more going on?  One can't be sure, but we can't be dismissive.  

It used to be that parents could send kids to school and feel sure that your children were safe.  Now one has to wonder if there is a mentally unstable event right around the corner.  Between hormonal instability with mental meds, kids spending lots of time alone and the influence of screen time, many people don't know who or what is lurking around and making an impression on your kids.

Pray for these kids and pray for the schools.  This has created a new hotbed of emotion for administrators, educators, staff and children.  This is not fair to anyone and is at the expense of a few kids wreaking havoc.  Hopefully consequences are dealt to discourage this behavior.  As a Gen Xer, we would have never thought to do this and disrupt school - this generation, not so much..

"Lord, please watch over our children and our schools.  Keep our children and people surrounding them safe.  Our world is crazy, but with your grace all things will be well.  Thank you for your guidance and protection and we navigate these trying times.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."



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Robert Schoen said...

It's disgusting that Ohio that supported Trump in two elections is being abused by the Deep State and Dems in power, including their crappy RINO governor, and that these school threats were part of the political theatre aimed at drawing attention away from the Haitians eating pets and wildlife that Harris and Co realize is an issue that can cost them the election. People are even more responsive to animal abuse than they are to people abuse, which is why fake news has gone out of their was to say the animal killings by illegals in Ohio never happened. The mayor of Springfield own a lot of rental properties which I'm sure are all filled with Haitians and he's getting tons of money for housing them. I wish Trump and Vance would fight back more and where the hell is PETA? Probably they're Woke sleeping on this one.

Anon said...

Interesting, there are many factors. I can tell one of them which is to allow all kids to go to school. At my kids newspaper one kid has mental illness (OCD) and the HS newspaper was interviewing kids with mental illness - I felt for the kid, but the kid said that "he has a horrible obsession that if someone bumps into him, he will obsess over the idea of murdering him" literally said that!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Great point! Where is PETA? I cannot believe the animal rights people aren't coming forward!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

We have to get this mental health stuff under control and get to the root of what is causing it..

Kyle said...
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Kyle said...

Hi, Lynn. Speaking of kids, I've been noticing an influx of words among Gen Zs like Skibidi toilet, Sigma, Rizz, Gyatt etc. Why are they so drawn to these phrases? Apparently they can spend hours, watching block shaped animations without educational merit in them. I wonder who is behind this and how will this impact kids in the future? Hope to hear your perspective on this.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Intentional dumbing down of society... I've noticed it too.

RealCousinIT said...

We are truly living the movie, Idiocracy. Just go to the Reddit forum for teachers, it will just about make you cry. Kids still wearing diapers and pull up’s in elementary school. There are almost as many neurodivergent as student who aren’t on the autism spectrum. I can tell you for certain that the three things we all have in common are food, water, vaccines. Our children are being bombarded by substances in all three that are destroying our genome. God help us!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...
