Thursday, September 12, 2024

Take Springfield Back! Get Them Out Already!

What on earth is wrong with this country's leaders? The devil's handiwork is evident and morals, ethics and common sense are virtually nonexistent.  As many of you watched the debate we witnessed Kamala's rehearsed questions (note her earrings were an ear piece - here is a link if you'd like to get you a pair), the moderators were quick with their jabs and commentary, and Trump was just Trump. 

One thing that really left an impact was the comment regarding Springfield.  Many of you know I'm from Ohio, so this is a little close to home.  Herds of Haitians numbering about 20,000 have be flown or driven to Ohio and settled to the town of Springfield, Ohio.  Considering the population was barely 60,000, adding 20,000 more was quite devastating to this town.  How they chose Springfield is a great question that many irate citizens of that town would like to know.  I sense there is a money trail if you do enough digging.

I'm all for helping people and understand people wanting a better life, but if you come to America then you need to assimilate. There are certain behaviors [LAWS and social norms] that you need to abide by. Many immigrants have created a wonderful, prosperous life for themselves and their families, but this new flavor is something else.

Before I continue there is something I want you to note:  

Revelation 3:15 - 3:16 "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."  

The time for being lukewarm and tolerant to any and everything is over!  People need to stick together for what is right and wrong and stand by that thought.

  • In this city you have these migrants driving and running into things.  They don't know how to drive according to American law, but are still getting behind the wheel.  This is absurd and dangerous.  A young boy was recently killed by a migrant crash.  
  • Residents have migrants congregating on their lawns, acting hostile and creating chaos on their private property. These people have no where to go and find themselves on people's yards.
  • Migrants are going to parks and poaching ducks and geese to eat.  This is completely horrific.  
The government has relocated people that clearly do not have a sense of American custom and forced them into this town and the people that live there are livid.  

So how is this for not being lukewarm?  Shut down the border already!  If the people that are coming here want to behave like heathens, round them out and ship them back to where they came from.  Use the National Guard or whatever means necessary.  They aren't here for a better life, they are here to terrorize and take from America because they can.  We have enough issues with inflation, drugs, education system, etc that we have NO ROOM to host people that behave like wild animals. Our leaders could stop this if they wanted, but it appears they hate the country as much as the people trying to take it over because they allow this type of behavior to happen.  

And yes, before you start commenting, the statement Trump made about the cat being eaten by a woman was actually from a bodycam in Canton and not Springfield.  True event, different location, but still incredibly disturbing. [I admit the memes are fantastic so enjoy.  Also, if they are eating ducks and geese, I cannot say that there isn't truth somewhere in his statement,  They sure want to fact check his remark to death which makes me think he could be right??]. 

Pray for this country and pray we get some leadership that actually leads rather than destroys.  


Link to get your own Kamala audio earrings:

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RealCousinIT said...

I think I liked the world better when we stayed on our own continent. They are purposely causing kaos to get the American people to fight back so we look like the bad guys. Where is all this money coming from to take care of the
undocumented ? How are they able to buy a car and pass the test to drive?
I’m convinced that our government wants us seniors to die so the immigrants can take our place and toe the line.

Robert Schoen said...

Your governor needs to bus those Haitians to NYC or Kamalas front yard. She most probably eats cats too so she can join the hunt

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I agree with everything you said. It is getting ridiculous and we need a reset to get some control of this situation.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Great idea. We should all write to DeWine.