Thursday, September 5, 2024

Nicotine Is Good For You - What??

Smoking i.e. Nicotine is bad for you, right? Or is it?

Here is a study that may shock you, but in this clown world, are we really shocked by much anymore? 

Here goes.  Decades ago when cigarettes came out, the nicotine wasn't necessarily bad for you, it was all the other stuff put in the cigarette that made it bad.  Additives, namely pyrazines, made the nicotine more palatable and addictive.  Before the nicotine became adulterated with all kinds of other chemicals, it wasn't viewed as bad for the body.  It promoted focus, reduced anxiety, suppressed hunger and gave you energy.  Recent studies even show how nicotine can assist in healing wounds and help with disease (shocking, right?).  

It is also interesting to know that nicotine is associated with higher testosterone and sperm counts.  However, once you take that nicotine and put it in an e-cigarette cocktail is highly reduces testosterone and sperm count.  No wonder there is a recent push to convert people to e-cigs.  We can't have men be men with all that toxic testosterone running around... (that is sarcastic in case you aren't sure).  This (in addition to the attack on red meat, chemicals in foods and soy in EVERYTHING) is why we are shifting to a more passive society and testosterone levels now are much lower than decades past.  It's sad to think a grandpa may actually have more testosterone than his grandson.

I'm in no way promoting smoking or encouraging people to light up, I've never been a smoker and never will be. I may investigate wearing a patch though... I'm just sharing another way things have been changed and we've been misled.  Please feel free to do your own research.


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Jermain said...

Hi Lynn, thanks for sharing this. I recently tried a new type of cigarette technology that heats nicotine without smoke, I like it. I wonder what ypu think of it. The brand I’m trying is called IQOS. Here is a brief description: IQOS is an alternative to cigarettes that delivers nicotine through heated tobacco without smoke.
IQOS uses revolutionary HeatControl™ Technology that heats tobacco up to 350°C, without burning it. The result? The true taste of tobacco - no fire, no smoke, no ash, and no lingering smoke smell.

Robert Schoen said...

Both of these videos were really interesting. I knew of Nicotine applied topically to wounds helps heal, and you see how smokers drive on it, but Nicorette as the new Aderall is fascinating and you could see how it may be tempting to try Nicorette in small doses as this guy describes to get brain focus, which maybe even help depression or those lacking motivation. Think I'll pass.

There's definitely an emasculating agenda going on and funny how soy is so popular in the Northeast states when you see what's going on there politically.

RealCousinIT said...

I’m a smoker, the byproducts of nicotine is acytlcolyne. It builds your frontal lobe. I breezed thru Covid, my best friend doesn’t smoke and she had a very rough time and her symptoms lasted much longer. My oxygen content is 98% and I’m 64, what ever the FDA tells you is good for you is usually bad and what they tell you is bad is usually good for you. Case in point all the awful food products and soda. As well as pharmaceuticals.

Truth & light said...

World has gone mad!

RealCousinIT said...

Soy is causing our big farm boys to be small frail soy boys. I grew up with guys that were 6’ 200 pounds, now all I see are guys who are 5’6” 135 pounds. They couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

If it is nicotine in a pure form with no chemicals, you might be ok...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I found this interesting too. I think there are a lot of agendas going on and they want real men out of the way.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I agree. I don't believe anything anymore... Do your research. If they make money on anything, they will say it is good.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...


Guedes de Miranda said...

These Foods Actually Have Nicotine In Them!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thank you for sharing!

Guedes de Miranda said...

May I ask if Nicotine chewing gum can be used on a dayly basis by elderly ppl who have problems getting their thoughts together? Thanks!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Based on everything I've read or come across on the topic, I'd say yes. If I was in decline and not many things were working, I'd attempt that versus taking a ton of meds.