Monday, September 9, 2024

Moo-Slim Takeover Destroying Culture

Q. Lynn, I know it's a heavy topic, but maybe you'd consider a post on the Islamification of the world. As middle eastern Christians, we saw in the 90s the amounts of Moo-slims and we knew it was a matter of a few generations before they'd be able to overtake the UK...not much longer. So sad. Was born there and have family there. Even here in our part of Canada (and other parts) we are being flooded with migrants who are destroying little cultural / social norms: my aunt's beautiful neighborhood is going down as no one takes pride in keeping their lawn clean or neat, people rush into the elevator before the customary and common sense of letting people offload the elevator first, the washrooms ALL have signs now about what is permissible to flush down the toilet etc. All seem small, but that is how it starts.

I don't know...all seems overwhelming. God is in charge and I pray to God for better for us all!

A.  Christianity is under attack.   The devil is at our doorstep and whispering in the ears of the elite.  The devil knows that God is the one being that can defeat him so he is doing what he can to destroy our culture.  They want to dilute the faith in God and deflect from his work by introducing a rival faith.  

These migrations of all countries are ALL intentional to help destabilize any country of strength and faith.  They ruin culture, economy, safety and even infrastructure by sending in herds of mainly men of ALL countries.  I've seen horrific videos of these men behaving in the same way I'd describe a wild animal with robbing and raping innocent people creating terror in their wake. People that seek asylum assimilate and have gratitude- this is something quite different. It could be stopped and it isn't because it is planned.  They most definitely have an agenda and know EXACTLY what they are doing.

I can't speak as to the moo-slim culture specifically with regard to families, but when I lived in the city I agree that many seem to own property but take care of it as if they have no ownership or sense of care.  Why? I don't know.  I'd like to think that just as in any group you will find a few bad apples and this behavior is the exception and not the rule, but I cannot say for sure.  I think in America we view things in a much different light and the lack of assimilation stands out.  Rather than embrace the country they are coming to, they are recreating where they came from.  Again, I cannot be sure..

Pray, pray, pray for this country.  

John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.


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Patrick said...


Robert Schoen said...

Lynn, you should copyright 'Moo-Slim' as it would be a great name for low fat milk. I think it's been a very gradual development, starting in the late fifties, of American children separating from their parents faith that peaked in the 1960's so that now the parents in many families today are agnostic or non-practicing in their given faith. The Irony is that Mooslims are more devout in practicing their religion bowing to Mecca five times daily while causing serious problems in not assimilating to the "American way." Some harrass women they regard as immoral in their revealing dress. Newbees, illegal or not, can't impose their ways or traditions that violate our way of life in America. In Ohio, groups of Haitians are cutting off the heads of ducks in Parks and grabbing family pets and eating them. The worse criminals are the US politicians and their foreign Overlords who planned this military invasion of 20 million into the US disguised as "Immigration."

Ilhan Omar got her mugshot taken after being arrested at a protest in which they took off her Hajib to show she had serous male pattern baldness. I'm thinking that if Kamala steals the 2024 election, she'll name Ilhan her Secretary of Turban Development, building Mooslim communities in your neighborhood.

Robert Schoen said...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I agree. We need to pray on this!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I can't take credit for the play on words - that was how it was worded to me and I liked it! :-) Secretary of Turban Dev - hilarious! It is sad and they are like wild animals. They won't get away with it in the country though, I can tell you that!