Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another Banned Video! Adren* - Chrome!

Hi everyone! This morning I got an email from YouTube advising that a video I did nearly 5 years ago is being removed for dangerous content. That video addressed adreno-chrome, which we ALL know is a real thing that the sick people ruling this world use and it is manufactured largely in part by the human trade ring ran by the evil elites. I dug through my archives and wanted to republish the post tied to this video. There is obviously truth in it that they want to suppress, most likely tied to the upcoming elek-tion and the fear of more bad press or truth being revealed (researched). Enjoy and spread. This is a serious issue the nation has been facing for a long time!



Q.  Lynn, Can you do a quick read on *dreno-Chrome?  I've read some rather disturbing things regarding this, and wonder if there is any truth to it.  I also can't help but notice that the word "chrome" seems all too coincidental with an operating system that is in most of our faces every day.  You always mention the truth is in plain sight, and I see this as just another example.  
Evolution of Chrome to incorporate "666" 
(Note the last symbol and the Triple 6's)

A.   When I tune into this, everything about it, the feelings and the energy surrounding it feels very dark and negative.  

I see different applications being done with this depending on the desired result, but they all are a form of manipulation and control.  Some are to control the individual using it, and some is to control others.  

I then flash to a discussion I heard about mind control and how it works.  As I remember it (this may not be fact, but it how I am hearing it in my  mind) a person has to be completely broken down mentally and basically rebuilt.  At first a person may resist, but with persistence and an element of torture, they will break, and it can take up to 90 days for this process to work.  In this specific "mind control" situation, they are being "scared almost to death."  

To get a better understanding of the process, I then see a scene from the movie, Divergent, in which a person has thoughts put in their head and then the person has to react to those thoughts.  These images many evoke emotion, fear and a need for a quick response.  My impression is that *dreno-Chrome is the chemical induced in this mental "break down" that is creating the false images used to "scare" them into submission.    This drug looks like a key component to some of the primitive mind control techniques before remote manipulations occurred.  Even though this was a more primitive approach (having the subject in from of them), it is still effective and used in captive situations.  This is also how "Manchurian candidates" are developed before released back into the world. 

I also see an application of this drug in which people voluntarily ingest it to get a "youthful high."  It is a cocktail of "adrenaline" from minors mixed with other compounds and it looks like it can be taken both orally and directly like an IV.  The result is a surge of energy.  I hear it hits in quick bursts like a shot of epinephrine and then slowly fades.  This looks to be a common practice during rituals and "dark magic" type of ceremonies.  The thought is to consume the energy in the purest form (adrenaline) from youthful sources, and in doing so you take on their essence and vitality.  

As Google created their Chrome platform, the "mind control" part of this wasn't as utilized, but the "dark magic" rituals were in full force.  I get that part of the name and even the symbology of the "666" (look at the pic I attached to this post) was to reveal truth in plain sight, and also signal to the "darker beings" of the world that this momentum has started.  It was as if to say, "please join us, we are waiting."  In some strange way it comes across that they feel if their group grows in size, they will grow in power, and they are looking to expand.

And that is all I have for this very dark and disturbing reading.  Thank you.  Love and light- Lynn    

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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

There's a movie. 'Death Becomes Her'. It seems to hit on this topic. It starts slow, but later on it's hilarious. The ending is epic.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I will have to check it out!

Robert Schoen said...

Sorry for the Youtube censors. I knew a doctor who used a microscope to examine Live blood and he saw images within the blood cells that reflect something about what the person is going through or a health issue that needs addressing. If blood is taking from a tortured child, it will carry or reflect that trauma which may be the darkness you felt looking into this.