Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9 - 1 - 1 Never Forget

It was this day, 23 years ago I woke up to the fact that our world is a lie.  Congrats on the government for one of the biggest dupes ever.  

As I watched building one go down I remember thinking "Wow, that looks like the controlled demolition I learned about in physics class."  Next, I saw number two come down and thought "That is so strange how they are imploding and falling so specifically."  Then, when number seven fell and wasn't even touched I thought the jig was up and they would announced it was bombed.  No- they stuck with the plane theory. 

Still to this day that is their story and they are sticking to it.  Research and evidence proves otherwise and many conspiracy theorists were born that day including myself.  The reality is that Afghanistan had fields and fields of poppy plants (ie opium) and when a deal for the use of the fields wasn't made (the CIA is the biggest drug dealer of all time), this horrendous event was created so we had an excuse to invade and steal.  Joke was on us though as Afghanistan burnt the fields before they could be seized.  

There is a whole lot more to this (extreme insurance payouts, eye witness testimony verified pentagon was hit with a missile, point of contact at pentagon was where financials were located and were destroyed, use of thermite, no plane engines ever found, etc), and they used this horrendous event to "clean up" LOTS of loose ends, but that's for a different time.  I've done several other posts on the blog that go into much more detail.  

They are right, it is a day we will never forget and it opened the way to the Patriot Act to take even more of our rights away.  Well played.

If I've said it once I will say it again, please pray for this country and pray for those innocent and brave souls that lost their life or were impacted forever.  It was tragic on many levels.

1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


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RealCousinIT said...

I live near the impact site in PA, every time someone wants to go to the memorial that is visiting us I just cringe. Also 2.3 trillion was missing according to Donald Rumsfeld. Where did it go? The whole thing stinks and I believe this is when the world turned upside down.

The enlightened one said...

Lynn, what did you think about the presidential debate last night? I think Harris performance was rhetorically stronger, but it was weak on policy and points of issue where I think Trump delivered a better performance. He didn't seem too well prepared though.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

We did have a huge shift for sure. I think MANY woke up to the true evil of this world on that day.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I think she was stronger, but it was obvious she knew the questions ahead of time and the hosts did too and already had research on some on talking points that they blurted out. I suspect she also had someone talking in her ear. I think Trump did well. I just wish he didn't repeat the same things as much. Overall I think he did great though for not cheating and knowing everything ahead of time versus her.

Robert Schoen said...

I instantly knew that day the BOMBINGS and CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS of the Twin Towers and Building 7 were a government job with the absurd FBI eplanation Mohammed Atta's ID was found on top of the pulverized Twin Towers wreckage brought down by Thermate and mini Nukes that disintergated much of the building and melted the steel girders you could see in the video. The planes were old timey CGI that don't hold up today which is why they never show the videos on TV anymore. A niece of mine was dating a Congressional staffer who told her that the jet in PA was shot down by an Air Force F35, not the heroic "Let's Roll" passengers that took it over to crash it. We live in a world of lies which is why Trump is such a threat to the two party system of lies. By the way, during last night debate, Kamala got staff help with her answers with wifi audio earrings that conduct sound to the lower earlobe. Nova H1 earrings have this technology, cost around $700 and look much like the custom ones Harris was wearing as she got answers while smirking at Trump during his turn to speak.

The enlightened one said...

@Lynn & Robert
That sounds like a very plausible explanation! Good point Lynn that he did well considering he didn't know the questions in advance which she probably did. Trump will likely want to have another go at it to compensate for yesterday, so I wonder if there will be another debate. Lets hope JD Vance has better luck against Tim Waltz on Okt 3. That debate will be interesting since both have a military background, and as an opportunity to get to know JD Vance. A fellow Ohioan of yours Lynn!

Anon said...

But can someone point me out to how we saw the airplanes hitting the buildings? What happened to the flights?

Robert Schoen said...

@anon, what you saw was CHI aluminum passenger jiets passing through solid steel girder facade, a phyiscal impossibility which is why these voideos were never rebroadcast in years after when people could look at them more objectively. The United and American airline flights were diverted to Boston and possibly another airport as researchers later discovered. The flight over PA was shot down saying it was destined to crash into the Capitol.

Robert Schoen said...

@Lynn, you said Trump also may have had an earpiece, could it have been a hearing aid to hear Harris and the moderators as opposed to a wifi ear bud to get prompts from?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Yeah, I do like JD. Did you see his movie about his life? I like him even more knowing where he came from and who became because of it.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I agree with Robert. I also suspect that it could have been missiles painted to look like a plan due to the maneuverability that showed.

Truth & light said...

911 was a pivotal time for me. I landed in this country 2 weeks prior; and at hindsight, boy do I question “why I came here”. 9/11 work something up in me; activated my third eye, since them its been a journey down the rabbit hole.

Am sure Covid pandemic did the same for those who were lagging behind.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I completely agree.. it seems like there are this big moments all the time... 9/11, beer bug, the election, and now this political craziness. It is obvious something doesn't add up.