Hi All!
Many folks are frustrated with the state of our world, and I'm asked all the time "What are things I can do to combat the evil of the world? I'm just one person against this government."
It can be tough because the forces at play are so large that people don't know how to really make a difference. Here is what I say:
1. You can chose not to participate as much as possible. Most everyone still needs to buy items at the local market, so evaluate what you are buying. Don't buy processed foods or give your money to the companies that don't support your ideals (I have a list of WOKE companies at the end of this post).
- Do you really need the big jug of soda or the cans of Coke? The bliss point in your brain may say yes, but you waist line and insulin surges say NO.
- Can you start to drink more water or tea (you'd be doing your body a favor - soda and sugary drinks are some of the worst culprits of inflammation)?
- Skip the frozen food isles unless you are buying veggies. Don't wander around here. Temptation is everywhere and you don't need the pizza pockets or toaster pastries.
- Challenge yourself to shop the perimeter of the store and RARELY dip into the isles.
- I realize "junk" food is most times cheaper and easier than wholesome food (there is a reason for this). If you are on a budget or time poor, try meal prepping or seek out budget friendly meals (I offer coaching and can help with this).
2. Eliminate all things Disney - you don't need it and won't miss it. As a mom of four, trust me, you will be ok.
3. If you love football like most Americans, you don't have to buy all their "stuff." Watch the game that streams for free (don't buy their special games or tickets), even tailgate and make an afternoon of it. You can watch if your heart can't resist, but you don't have to support buying insanely high priced tickets and $12 hot dogs. Anything you do not buy is revenue they do not gain.
4. If there are things you enjoy eating, drinking, doing etc, but they are created by a "woke" corporations, find a substitute. There is always an alternative, and worst case if you don't like the alternative in the food, drink or activity, then maybe the item is no longer serving you and shouldn't be in your life. I offer Life, Wellness, Spiritual and Religious Coaching and am good at helping people sort this out - just ask me or if you are in a tough spot, schedule a session.
Below is an article a good friend shared on the blog. I want to share it with you so you can be informed when spending your hard earned dollars.
WOKE Corporations: Full Article and Source: https://aflegal.org/woke-corporations/

Click the tab above for more on Life, Wellness, Spiritual or Religious Coaching OR Distance Reiki.
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We need to starve the beast, and the only way to do it is don’t spend money on companies who don’t align with our beliefs.
It’s hard d when you’re unawoke friends contantly want to go to Disney, eat out and spend outrageous amounts on sporting events.
Since the pandemic, some realize what’s important and it’s always family and close friends. A lot has changed in 4 years, my hope is that more will not succumb to globalist ideals.
We had a chance to go abroad for the whole month of June and it was great. No flags, two genders only bathrooms, and many families (with family oriented values). I noticed the kids were better and just happier. As I live in CA it is tough, but we try to get away as much as possible, a week at ranch or nature places.
We stopped going to Dis ney parks, too expensive, crowded and woke. We still have dis ney plus, but we watch the old shows (including the muppets from the 70-80s)
At the end of the day, the kids "get it" and that's what matters
Basically, any company that runs ads on tv. Support “mom and pop” businesses
Give everything over to SOURCE and let all this stuff go.
Yes, I agree!
That's great!
Yes, very true!
Exactly... we have to let go of a lot of the worldly things..
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