Thursday, August 29, 2024

Unrequested Absentee Ballot Info - It's Starting! Spoiler Alert!

SPOILER ALERT:  Hi Folks... Coming to a mailbox near you... unrequested absentee ballot information.  It's finally becoming clear what pathway is being laid out.  

My daughter and her boyfriend received unrequested absentee ballot information, and in today's mail, so did my husband and I.  Looks like we will have a sea of "unrequested information" out there that could easily [and intentionally] get compromised to commit fraud.  

Make sure you grab ahold of yours, and either use it as you intended or do as I plan and take it to the ballot box as I vote IN PERSON [with an ID] to ensure my "unrequested information" wasn't filled out and submitted by someone other than myself.  I wonder how many will do the same thing to find they already "turned theirs in courtesy of someone that recently migrated here."  Hmmmm.

Thoughts?  I know I have plenty of thoughts... First all the "data breeches" and now "unrequested information."  It doesn't take Sherlock to solve the mystery of how this cycle is going to go.

Lord, please help us and our country during this time of deceit and lies. 


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RealCousinIT said...

My husband and I have already received un requested mail in ballots, we always vote in person at my husbands Fire department. We received 6 mail in ballots for the 2020 election.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Candidates are selected, not elected. I don't bother to vote anymore. Larry Elder should be our governor, and DST changes should have stopped. Our votes are thrown in the rubbish in calipornia.

Anon said...

The fix is in, they saw how it worked in ca and since no one complained they are just doing it.

God Wins said...

Praying for America. These DEMONcrats are literally HELL BENT on making sure Trump does not win. I really believe, after some back and forth, that God is using Trump for a time such as this, as he used David against the Goliath. God's hands protected Trump from bullets. I believe what God has planned, no man can stop. πŸ™πŸ»πŸŒŽ❤πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

The enlightened one said...

Have you heard the news that Robert F Kennedy cancels his campaign and supports Trump instead? This is great news!

The enlightened one said...

You must watch this! RFK Jr and Trump appearing on the same stage, while Trump says at 5:00 he will launch a committee to investigate assassination attempts!

He also says he wants to set up a panel of experts, including RFK Jr to investigate the increase in chronic diseases.

Robert Schoen said...

Of course the Dems will cheat especially in swing states like Ohio, Arizona and Michigan. There are a lot of Dems that call themselves Republicans and are always involved in the election count, rules, ect, but the cheating is always for the Dems. President John F Kennedy won in 1963 for the Dems because of switichog votes in Chicago that went to Nxon, so it's nothing new. I do hope they crack down and arrest the crooks this year.

Truth & light said...

Why they fearTrump

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Exactly... that is how they are going to do it.. I saw the plan unfold when all that showed up in the mail.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I agree with you on that. I kept saying I was done voting, but part of me still is compelled to cast a vote. I ask myself why all the time.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I know. I cannot believe we don't stand up against it..

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

In my heart I feel the same way. Not sure how it will pan out, but agree.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I have not heard that, but that is great news!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

That is fantastic!!!!!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for sharing!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Some arrests would be wonderful. We need a good cleansing..