Thursday, August 8, 2024

Joe Biden 2.0 - Kamala

Hi All!  The next few weeks is busy while the kids get ready to go back to school and the garden is in full harvest time.  I will still be posting, but the posts may not be as long.  Here is something [scarily] funny as this is our actual VP and nominee for the P.  Unreal we have gotten to this point as a country.  Enjoy and share.


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Anon said...

an0ther day another puppet for the deep state

Guedes de Miranda said...

thanks Lynn. What do you say about Biden's recent words regarding no peacefull transition after Nov. election? Even France PM Macron says Trump will not be next president. Thanks

Robert Schoen said...

Word Salad Kamala = Turd Salad America

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Very true!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I think it is bc they intend to cheat again and the people aren't going to take it a second time in a peaceful way.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

That's hilarious!