Friday, August 9, 2024

Happy Friday - Rooster Needs a Name

Hi Everyone! Hope you have a great Friday!  I thought I would do something fun and have you help me name our newest rooster.  Please leave a comment below.  

(As a side note this is our second coop and intended for biddies.  It was very easy to put together and can be found HERE if anyone is interested. )


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

If he's nice, call him Alex. If he's not, name him after James Dean's car.

Kalamota Kook said...

What beautiful birds! I have the perfect name, but only if you have Scottish roots. If not you probably wouldn't get it. Irn Bro! After "Irn Bru" which is a legendary soft drink allegedly "made from girders" and invented for the hard men of Glasgow. It's also bright orange.

Otherwise, Rufus as he's a red haired fella. I hope he's taking good care of you all.

In other news, England has gone full-on psychotic under Keir Stalin. It's been breathtaking and shocking and rapid, and millions of people have been forced to wake up literally overnight. The government and police have directly shown that they are the enemies of the native Brits. The Storm has come to my neighbourhood which was in one of the viral videos of the chaos. I'm OK btw, for now. I'm resigned to what may be coming, I've done alI I can to prepare and just have to see what fate has in store.

PS If I posted a link to any of the video clips that were spread online, I would now risk being sent to prison. Yes things are that bad, and the government's only a month old. Pray for us!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Oh my!! I'm so sorry to hear that! I will pray for you. That is crazy!