Hi Everyone,
Happy Friday Everyone!
I have had some blog supporters from Europe share some recent events with their government. Things are getting really tough with regards to free speech. Apparently the government is cracking down, and you can no longer share your opinion without it being scrutinized. If that scrutiny deems that your opinion is not the government's opinion, they can arrest you. Looks like they have taken the writings of George Orwell and combined it with a dash of J-Six to create a new way of living [in fear] for the European people. To keep it interesting, they don't even say what is an arrestable offense and what isn't - they leave it to you to keep you too scared to say anything.
Still questioning if the devil is on our doorstep?
Matthew 16:26 “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”
I think we know what some of these leaders gave in exchange or their soul, and they will have to reap what they sow.
Please pray for the innocent people of Europe and pray for this world. We are in dire need for a great reset.
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Was hoping you'd touch on this. There are several things at play, with one of the main issues, is the flooding of massive illegal migrants, while the citizens of the land are treated like second class and have to watch in horror and their culture, language and way of living are being destroyed and engulfed, as new migrant-style crimes become a thing of the norm (east-Asian grooming gangs that rape women or machete attacks). If anyone saw the scenes of young Moo - slim men in groups all over the uk, with some openly carrying knives, blades, machetes etc, while police do nothing. Meanwhile, if you express pride at being British, you risk being arrested.
Lynn, I know it's a heavy topic, but maybe you'd consider a post on the Islamification of the world. As middle eastern Christians, we saw in the 90s the amounts of Moo - slims and we knew it was a matter of a few generations before they'd be able to overtake the UK...not much longer. So sad. Was born there and have family there. Even here in our part of Canada (and other parts) we are being flooded with migrants who are destroying little cultural/social norms: my aunt's beautiful neighborhood is going down as no one takes pride in keeping their lawn clean or neat, people rush into the elevator before the customary and common sense of letting people offload the elevator first, the washrooms ALL have signs now about what is permissible to flush down the toilet etc etc. All seem small, but that is how it starts.
I don't know...all seems overwhelming. God is in charge and I pray to Godfor better for us all!🙏🏻🇨🇦❤🌎
I'm sorry this is long.
Thanks for posting about this Lynn. The events in recent weeks are among the most devastating blows in our entire history. The mass importation of an openly violent enemy culture has been far worse than the threat from Nazi invasion was, and now it is ripening. Major cities have long been dominated by them, and now the shocking realisation for native Brits is that, in truth, we are now a de facto Communist / Is-lamb-muck state.
Keir Stalin's televised response to recent attacks and protests directly categorised ALL ordinary native Brits as "far right thugs". That is now a label that is being pinned to everyone and anyone who dissents, who has an opinion, who doesn't like what's happening. We're all heretics, infidels, dissidents, sub-humans now. History shows what happens to people thus labelled.
The woke crazies believe they are in a war with a faction that doesn't actually exist (it's all projection), and they are being whipped up into a supremacist frenzy which is developing an openly genocidal momentum. All working class people are now deemed part of the unspeakable "far right" which must be destroyed. No-one is on our side. There is now an established two tier system of justice. The most heinous crimes of the imported cultures are no big deal, and the native Brits are being hammered. The old givens underlying life in England have totally gone. People are in deep grief.
There are massive mega-prisons being built, and each one has its own crematorium. Who will be going in there, when the government is letting out dangerous prisoners because "there's no room?" The globalist plan makes it clear who is going to be sent there (remember there are going to be forced jab campaigns too). We've known about the plans for years, but now they are becoming concrete and developing in real time.
People are wondering what to do - about their personal circumstances, but also how to stop the political psychopathic bandwagon. Parliament is on holiday at the moment, we will see if things are challenged in early September when they get back together. But of course they all despise the "far right" and are taking the same globalist instructions. We are becoming an international pariah, a brain drain, and it has happened so fast!
The truth is, these plans are happening everywhere at different stages. There's nowhere to run. Everybody's internet history has been collected for years. I'm not ashamed of anything I have written. I've always lived with integrity and I don't want to live in the hell they are creating anyway. My world has been destroyed and the only thing left is to live a dedicated spiritual existence. They can't get me there (unless they forcibly inject me, which is a kind of spiritual murder).
I'm sorry this is so long. One more point. People don't realise the importance of The Fabian Society, to which many Labour MPs belong. It's one of those think tanks like the Club of Rome WEF Trilateral Commission etc. It's symbol was a wolf in sheep's clothing. George Orwell was a member, as was Aldous Huxley.
Everyone's been mentioning 1984, but Brave New World was an equally accurate warning of the future we're now in. BNW softened people up so that the 1984 model could be imposed. Orwell and Huxley were not prophets, they knew exactly what was being planned.
Also (sorry, nearly finished!) I recommend Archaix's youtube channel for the opening of the seals videos. He predicted that the Paris opening ceremony was the "go" for the second seal (the fakedemic / injections were the first). I thought the horror was going to happen in Paris, but it turned out to be us.
Everyone spiritually inclined has been awaiting the end, and we're in it. I wish the best brightest outcome for you all. A new dawn will come, even if it's in another dimension. We've earned it.
This was floating around on social media again. If you haven't seen it, it is well worth ten minutes of your day. It's 12 years old but it's message is eternal.
Anyone that only knows Rowan Atkinson from Mr Bean might get a bit of a shock - he's a very private man, but when he speaks, we listen.
Intelligent, eloquent, talented, funny, fair, principled, self-deprecating, courageous, speaking up for the underdog.
^^^^ That's the country I grew up in. He's a national treasure.
This is pure insanity and demonic. Let me see what I can write up. The world is crazy.
Thank you for taking time to share this. Prayers...
Thank you for sharing..
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