I must disclose I have a healthily perspective going into this. I'm very familiar with the tactic of telling people what they want to hear versus doing the things you were speaking on. (I'm still waiting him to put you-know-who in jail, among a few other things. I realize this list may never come to fruition, but a girl can dream, right? Hopeium is like a virus that clouds our minds and politics has learned the power of hopeium all too well.)
Anyways, some items outlined in the agenda include;
- Creating "Freedom Cities" on federal land. I'm not completely sure what this will entail, but any growth does stimulate the economy. Any researchers out there are welcome to shed some light in the comment area.
- Introducing "baby bonuses" to help spark American population. This tactic has been used in other countries with great success. Not sure the rules, but I'm hoping a stable family with a mother AND father are required for the incentive. We don't need a baby boom of welfare moms.
- Revamping trade policies and preventing future Chinese purchases on US soil.
- Stop US companies from outsourcing to China.
- Regain energy independence by developing American oil, natural gas, nuclear power, clean coal, hydro and any other form of fuel.
- Stop the electric vehicle mandate. We all know this green agenda push is only in reference to the green money extracted from people.
- Death penalty to drug dealers and human trade associates. Amen! The epidemic that has been created from this could and should have been stopped a long time ago, but the evil of the world would rather destroy life than do the right thing. The love of money is the root of all evil, and these people are pure evil.
- Put Mexican cartels on the Foreign Terrorist List
- Place the National Guard in the inner cities with high crime. (AKA democratic woke or victim induced areas).
- Repeal tax hikes to reduce inflation. I know this sounds like an oxymoron, but folks, this works!
- Reform the education system by stopping any funding for schools teaching Critical Race Theory and "gender ideology." Stop the race-based discrimination. This is LONG overdo! Let's put the accountability where is belongs. Focus on the merit of a person and not their appearance. Why did we ever think it should be any other way? Bring God back in the schools and drive out the devil!
- Get men out of women's sports. How insane is it that we even have to make that statement?
- No more DEI. Some think it stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. We now realize it really means didn't earn it. - Giving people things they don't deserve because of how they look creates entitlement and puts people in positions they are not equipped to handle. It's about time we stop it America!
- Have real college standards. I can speak from personal experience. I have two in college courses. Between the DEI (mentioned above) and the liberal teachers that are biased, college isn't about learning, it's about forcing liberal views. Let's get back to useful skills and knowledge that prepare kids to be functional and valuable adults in society. We have enough liberal and women's studies majors out there already! We need engineers, plumbers, electricians, mechanics, businessmen, etc.
- Support home schooling, and give parents a tax credit to do so.
- Create a post secondary school called "American Academy" which is available to all Americans and equal to a Bachelor's Degree. Yes! Is post-secondary school about creating a solid foundation to learn skills or about indoctrination and money extraction? Let's get a real school available to everyone!
- Stop the senseless U-Crane war and make Europe reimburse the US for all the money sent that way. We shouldn't even be in that war. We all know it is about supporting the pit stop for the nefarious activity being done there, and Russia is cleaning it up. The death penalty to the human trade and drug trade associates mentioned above will also help in this effort.
- If the world wants the US protection, they need to pay for it. We are not an endless bank account with endless resources. The American tax money is paying for all this. We need financial or some type of support to offset some of these costs. It's not an unreasonable request. We are in debt and need to budget our costs.
- Protect the Medicare and Social Security by cutting federal expenses, stop sending money to foreign countries for EVERYTHING, eliminate the mass release of migrants and stop the gender programs in the military.
- Stop giving money and welfare to the migrants and stop the automatic US citizenship to these illegals. End birth tourism and chain migration.
- Massively deport people who should not be here. A country without borders is not a country. This was an obvious destabilization effort.
The above is just a very brief summary. There is a lot more to it. Again, do your own research.
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I lost most of my "friends' over my support of Trump back in 2016 and so any fervor or hope for a better world and USA has been accompanied by an exhaustion waiting for change to happen. That doesn't stop me from still thinking what Trump stands for is real, as a non-politician citizen leader with the money and public platform to lead the way to needed change away from the evil subculture that's been driving everything up to now.It's not a sure thing he will prevail in 2024, just look what happened in France, where Le Penn's conservative party drew the most votes in two elections then ended up in third place thanks to collusion between the Rothschild lawyer Macron and the extreme Left that's currently rioting in the streets over there. One commentator said the French didn't really understand their own political system, which also applies to the USA and how our system is stacked against someone like Trump even if he wins in a landslide.
Even if Trump wins, how are we going to eliminate all the brainwashed educators hellbent on indoctrinating our children? Or bring an end to the great bureaucracy and corrupt CIA and FBI that seem to be working for other Countries against our own people? This really is a spiritual war for souls,decency and avoiding Idiocracy due to perpetual brainwash propaganda? For the first time in many years I watched CNN for the debate and their commentary afterwards and it's like they are creating an alternative universe built on lies and distortion, dumping Biden because he's no longer a credible Liar or makes them look bad by association.
Let's hope for a Great Awakening where many hearts are changed and become open to the truth instead of remaining filled with lies.
I completely agree Robert!
Praying, hoping and without cessation, uttering my mantra of GOD WINS! For it truly is a spiritual battle as you say.
While I know it's all theatre, I still hold to the idea that Trump is good. For all he did to help eradicate human trafficking and the child sex trade, I will forever love him, no matter what the truth of him is.
@Robert and God Wins: I completely agree. I can't really subscribe to the hopeium anymore, but I can pray that some of the evil gets stopped sooner rather than later. I cannot even believe this world we are living in.
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