This is a reminder to try to buy local foods and grow what you can. Not only are things imported with loose regulation, even many international items are coated in Apeel and who knows what else. [Unfortunately I can't grow my own organic avocados where I live, and have experienced the nasty result of something being put on their skin where they take forever to ripen while the insides are rotten. Who else has seen this in fruit or veggies?].
When it comes to goods and supplies, you never know what other falsehoods are being delivered. And good luck returning something to chyna [and one of the main reasons I never jumped on the Temu bandwagon].
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That video was mocking problems the Chinese have in their own country with products that look like they were made 40 years ago. Even if you want to buy USA, at least half the dry goods items will come from China or India because of cost. I'd avoid fresh foodstuffs and frozen seafood/crayfish from China but windshield wipers and such should be safe or well made.
I bought avocados a month ago, I ripened them in a paper bag like I always do.
They never ripened in a two weeks, I cut one open and it was rubbbery. Couldn’t cut it with a knife.
It felt like plastic almost looked fake, also check your white rice, some of the cheap stuff is plastic.
I was shocked to find out that Bragg apple cider vinegar is now own by Katy Perry, who also has shares in apeel...
@Robert: True... I would debate the "well made" though- lol. Most everything is disposable..
@RealCousinIT: YES! Very similar experiences here.
@ela-mar: That is disappointing... I've learned to make my own. Not difficult just takes time to let it ferment.
It's not anything / everything in China. Multiple countries have gmo n fake food. Do your own research
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