Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Keep Perspective in the Political Reality Show

Now that Trump is convicted and the next phase is taking place, many are coming forward to show their support. It's fine to pick a side, but also keep things in perspective.  

As I said before, we are in a political reality show.  The puppet masters have learned human psychology so well that they know if you put something out there, and plant an adversary/villain, people will get mentally wrapped up in the chaos and gossip while choosing a side.  This creates a distraction for what is really happening in our world.

Whether it is sports, gameshows or reality TV such as Big Brother, Survivor or the Bachelor (there are a bazillion others), people pick who they want to win.  With the craft of TV sensationalism, we create rivals and root for who we want to come out on top.  Politics has dove face first into the reality genre as well.  

This started subtle (decades ago), and Trump really ramped it up.  Nicknames like Lying Ted, Sleepy  Joe and Pocahontas started to be used daily in the media.  It was during a speech Trump gave that it all made sense to me.  The saying "life is a stage" is more accurate than ever, and Trump was using the charisma he once used in the WWF to help shape the political characters in front of us.  This world has become a reality show and the more you engage in it, the more you give yourself up to this nonsense as well.

He could have done things when he was in office, and didn't.  He said his first order of business was to put his opponent in jail, and didn't.  He attempted to take down the deep state hardcore, and some did happen, but it moved at a snails pace.  I sense throughout his-story we have been lied to over and over, so I question everything at this point.  Maybe he was legitimately blocked at every angle, or maybe people in politics are just two different sides of the same coin.  One can really never know.  

Another huge part of my frustration stems from hearing over and over "trust the plan," hanging onto the pQrs movement and then being told after the 2020 inauguration that Trump was really still in control, just wait and see what happens.  The truth is we were fed hopeium over and over while the country was taken over by the alt left insanity.

At the end of the day, pick a side, team or winner.  Collect the swag and send your support to whomever you root for.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Trump is my current day Hulk Hogan and I have a couple red hats tucked away myself.  Just remember to keep perspective.  I refuse to waste energy engaging in frivolous debates that are nothing more than timewasters.  At the end of the day, none of this really matters.  The only thing that matters is that you have your heart in the right place and align it with the big guy in the sky.


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Truth & light said...

I feel the same way - all this trump is in control, he runs the military (they haven't done squat), blah blah blah is all false hope. I am honestly contemplating leaving this country! It is a shit show!

A Man Called Da-da said...

Well... one is free to choose a SOURCE path, which is not just both sides, but all sides! (There are many paths to SOURCE, btw.)

Robert Schoen said...

I'm against nihilism, which is being served on a regular basis in todays political arena. Maybe Trump is telegraphing he's part of the hopium act with his frequent visits to fake Wrestling events that everyone knows is staged theatre. I vote get on with your life and doing what you're supposed to do, and if Trump turns out to be the destroyer of the pedophile reptilian deep state, Hurray!!! I'd rather be wrong hoping he's authentic than not having any hope at all. The brainwashing of otherwise pretty decent and smart people is horrific and much worse a crime than all the rigged ballots and dead people voting.

SB said...

Well said!

SB said...

Side note I read your post and this scene popped into my head…

margaret m martin said...

Healthy skepticism is not a bad thing in these times of false prophets..Trump needs to post all of his goals to tackle these perverts and not just sell us on the obvious fixes like the economy and the border

Anon said...

Not sure about this one. Whne you deal with public officials everything is different. I was on a committee with the publich school teachers/principals. They know the law and the rules. they don't send infromation, or send very late (when you barely have time to react or review). It takes time to learn who you can trust and their M0 , when you go a second time you know more of the game or rules

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Truth and Light: I think every country is a shit show now... I had similar thoughts, but not sure where to go to get away from it all.. so I headed to rural america... lol

@Dada: Great suggestion! I agree with you!

@Robert: I agree. This is a healthy way to look at it. You can root, and hope, but focus on yourself and don't pour everything into the "hoping or wishing.'

@SB: Thanks for sharing!!

@margaret: Agreed!

@Anon: I can see your point on this. I do think things are manipulated a lot, and people with a good heart are at a disadvantage until you learn how to play the game.